American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 148 Help, what kind of monster are we dealing with!

Two heat rays flashed in the air with a dangerous and strange beauty, flashing dazzling light, and came to Polka Dot in the blink of an eye.

But Polka Dot did not dodge or evade, but only raised a very playful and cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

That's all.

It seemed that he was not afraid of Rorschach's heat rays at all.


At this critical moment, a shadow flashed by.

It was Jazz on the side who rushed over and blocked Polka Dot directly.

Rorschach's heat rays instantly shot at Jazz.

But what surprised Rorschach a little was that the imagined heat rays directly shot through Jazz and flew away did not happen. Jazz still stood well under the attack of the heat rays.

Not only that, Jazz's body surface and eyes even faintly glowed with the same red light as the heat rays!

Jazz can absorb the energy of heat rays!

Rorschach was still a little surprised by this.

He has awakened the heat ray for so long, and has used the heat ray to fight for so long, but this is the first time that the heat ray has been perfectly restrained.

"Haha, are you surprised? Unexpected? That's right, Jazz can absorb all forms of energy attacks!"

Seeing Rorschach's surprise, Dot couldn't help but sneer, "What you rely on is useless in front of us!"

"Comfortable! Really comfortable!"

"Come on, continue, don't stop!"

Jazz also looked intoxicated, waving at Rorschach, his face full of sarcasm and provocation.

"This is just the beginning, Jazz can also return the absorbed energy twice!" Dot's arrogant voice continued to sound.

"Jazz, let him taste what his laser eyes are like!"

Following Dot's voice, Jazz grinned and glared at Rorschach fiercely.


The same heat ray actually shot at Rorschach.

Moreover, Rorschach felt the energy contained in it carefully and was speechless. It was actually twice the energy he had emitted!

It must be said that Jazz's ability is also very, very strong. It can even be said to be the nemesis of most energy attack mutants.

It's just a pity that although Rorschach is used to attacking with heat rays, he is actually an all-round mutant!

Even if he doesn't use heat rays, he is still a super master at the top of the mutant pyramid!


The moment the heat ray shot in front of Rorschach, the familiar sonic boom sounded, and Rorschach's body disappeared directly on the spot.


The ground where Rorschach was before was suddenly blasted into a big pit by the heat ray shot by Jazz.

Spider-web-like cracks spread out in all directions.

The power is indeed very powerful, but it's a pity that it's useless if it can't hit anyone.

"Not good!"

Jazz's face suddenly changed, and he had a very bad premonition in his heart.

But there was no time to react, Jazz flew out directly.

Like a cannonball, it smashed out fiercely.


The wall in front was smashed into a big hole by Jazz.

And Jazz himself.

Just lying in the ruins, motionless.

If Polka Dot walked to Jazz to check, he would see that Jazz's whole body was almost smashed into a puddle of mud by Rorschach's punch!

His entire chest was smashed into a paste by Rorschach, causing the man to almost split in half.

With such a degree of injury, how could he survive?

"What a pity, it turns out that you can only absorb energy attacks."

Rorschach glanced at Jazz's body from a distance and uttered such a cold and ruthless sentence from his mouth.


The chrysanthemum smile on Polka Dot's face suddenly froze, as if he was hit by a spell, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

Jazz, is he dead?

Just beaten to death by this kid with one punch?

Damn it!

Dot couldn't accept it!

Jazz was a secret weapon specially sent by adults to restrain the boy's laser eyes!

In everyone's opinion, the ability to absorb lasers and double the lasers was simply the natural nemesis of the boy.

He could restrain the boy to death!

Even without Dot, Jazz could easily deal with the boy alone.

Even if the boy's body could withstand the attack of bullets and rockets, the attack of lasers was different!

Letting Dot come was just to be safe and ensure that there was no room for error.

But who would have thought that the development of things was completely different from what he imagined.

Jazz, who thought he was sure to win, was actually hammered to death by the boy in a face-to-face encounter.

It only took one punch!

How could this be possible!

When did Jazz's body become so fragile?

Dot remembered clearly that Jazz's body was also very abnormal. If he walked on the road and got into a car accident, it would not be Jazz who needed to worry, but the driver.

Because it wasn’t Jazz that was damaged, but the car that hit Jazz!

But with such a perverted body, he was beaten to death with just one punch?

One punch!

What kind of monster is this!

Laser eyes, speed that makes people react in time, abnormal body, and abnormal power...


Dot couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. How can he deal with such a person?

It's over!

So finished?

"No way? Jazz died just like that?"

Not only Dot, but even Hawkeye, who was monitoring the whole scene, was stimulated and exclaimed.

Jazz is so powerful, and he died in one encounter?

You must be kidding!

"What? Jazz is dead?"

Beside Hawkeye, Ghost Face was also stimulated, and his voice went up an octave.

"Yes, he was beaten to death by that kid with one punch."

Hawkeye swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his voice was a little trembling.

"One punch... hammered to death?"

Ghost Face on the side also couldn't help but shudder.

Beat Jazz to death with one punch?

What kind of monster are they dealing with!

"Hawkeye, let Dot retreat quickly. Jazz is dead. He can't be the opponent of that man!"

Then Ghostface realized something and said to Hawkeye in a hurry.

"Dot, retreat! Retreat now!"

Hawkeye naturally didn't say anything nonsense. He immediately shouted to Dot in the communication channel.

Dot smiled bitterly.

Now it's not a question of whether he wants to retreat, but whether others want him to retreat.

"Didn't you ask me who Hawkeye is before? If I tell you, can you let me go?"

Dot said with a bitter face, looking at Rorschach in front of him.

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