But Rorschach was disappointed.

The "adult" he expected to reply to Hawkeye did not happen.

On the contrary, the next moment Hawkeye asked for help, Hawkeye suddenly seemed to have changed into a different person, his eyes became dull, like a walking zombie.

He suddenly spoke to Rorschach: "I never thought that there would be someone like you among my fellow mutants."

"Your strength even surprises me."

Is this... a psychic ability?

When Rorschach saw Hawkeye's look, he still didn't understand what was going on.

The other party was completely controlled by a psychic like Charles.

There is no doubt that the person who controls Hawkeye is the "adult" in the opponent's mouth.

"Both and each other, you are also beyond my expectations."

Rorschach told the truth, and then cast a sharp gaze on Hawkeye's face, "I didn't expect that those who captured mutants were not ordinary people."

"It seems that you have some misunderstandings about me."

Hawkeye continued to face Rorschach expressionlessly, "The way my men do things is indeed a bit rough, but it is not my intention to harm mutants."

"Even if it was a misunderstanding at first, since I have snatched him away, there is no possibility of returning him to you."

Rorschach interrupted the other party with the same expressionless expression and said categorically.

Strictly speaking, this incident was indeed Rorschach's attempt to sabotage the mysterious man's actions, and the feud between the two parties was settled.

Rorschach didn't think that he could easily resolve the matter by returning the female fireman to the other party.

Now that the relationship has been established, there is no need to return the person to the other party.


Hawkeye smiled.

However, in this state, Hawkeye's muscles move very stiffly, not to mention how ugly he looks when he smiles.

"Liz was indeed my goal before, but it was just one of my many goals and not essential. Since you value her so much, it's not a bad idea for me to give up."

"When we meet for the first time, just treat it as a small gift from me to express my feelings."

"Then do I want to thank you?" Luo Xia raised his eyebrows.

"It seems that your misunderstanding of me will not be eliminated for a while. However, I can understand it, but I can tell you that you have misunderstood me."

"You are willing to go to war with the military to protect your compatriots, but I am actually doing the same thing as you. Everything I do is also for the future of our mutants."

"Do you think the enemies of mutants are really humans? No, you have no idea who the real enemies of us mutants are!"

Originally, Rorschach was completely uninterested in what the other party said about the mutants.

But the other party's last words still aroused Rorschach's curiosity.

The real enemy of mutants?

From what the other party means, is he not an ordinary human being?

Although Rorschach has never regarded ordinary humans as the enemies of mutants, mutants actually have a "non-human" enemy?

And isn’t the current makeup of human society composed of ordinary people and mutants?

Are non-human beings just mutants?

So what the other party means is that the real enemies of mutants are actually mutants?

Or...are they aliens?

Could it be that the other party has some crucial information in his hands, and does he know that the earth will be invaded by aliens one day?

Several corresponding guesses flashed through Rorschach's mind in an instant.

But it's just pure speculation, nothing more, without any basis.

"So...please tell me, who is our real enemy?" Rorschach asked, staring at Hawkeye very curiously.

"One day, you will see it. No, I hope you don't see it." Hawkeye said meaningfully.

Rorschach: "..."

What is the difference between this and not saying anything?

Die for the Riddler and all!

"I think we will meet again in the future, and I'm looking forward to that day."

Just as he was about to say something else, Hawkeye suddenly uttered such a sentence to Rorschach.

Immediately afterwards, his expression fell into a trance and returned to normal.

That "adult" just went offline.

"What just happened...ah!"

Hawkeye looked confused, but suddenly, he held his head and screamed in pain, and then he fell to the ground.

The same goes for the grimace on one side.

The two of them covered their heads and huddled and rolled on the ground for a moment. They soon stopped moving and turned into two corpses.


In order not to reveal his identity or leave any clues, the "adult" behind the scenes directly killed Ghostface and Hawkeye through his own psychic abilities.

Looking at the bodies of the two people on the ground, Luo Xia fell into silence.

Because of the existence of the system, Rorschach's spiritual consciousness is protected. Whether it is Charles or the White Queen, the psychic abilities of these people are of no use to Rorschach.

So Rorschach didn't know if the "adult" at this moment also used psychic abilities on him.

But Rorschach guessed that the other party used it 90% of the time.

Otherwise it would be a bit unjustifiable.

If it were him, he would 100% use his psychic abilities to check.

Even without psychic abilities, Rorschach still used his super hearing to try to find some clues to see if he could find anything.

It was just that the other party was more cautious, so Rorschach didn't hear anything unusual.

In other words, Rorschach had gone to great lengths to kill Jazz and Dot, and then crossed more than ten kilometers to kill his way to the other party's base camp, but in the end, he got nothing!

This made Rorschach feel a little frustrated.

No matter who that "adult" was, he was a very dangerous person to Rorschach, and Rorschach silently remembered the other party in his heart.

There were not many people in this timeline that Rorschach could really look at, but this "adult" was undoubtedly one of them.

"Go back first!"

After calming down the distracting thoughts in his heart, Rorschach made a decision quickly.

He walked out of the command center as if nothing had happened, and flew into the sky in a flash, disappearing.


After returning to the hospital and waiting for more than 40 minutes, Selena appeared in front of Rorschach, "The car has been arranged, waiting outside."

Rorschach nodded, indicating that he knew.

After a brief pause, Rorschach remembered something and told Selina, "There are two bodies in the back alley. Take care of them and check their identities."

Although Rorschach didn't have much hope for this, it was still a direction for investigation.

"Understood, Supreme!" Selina nodded and immediately turned around and walked out in a hurry.

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