Liz's operation lasted for four hours, and no one bothered Rorschach for such a long time.

The "adult" seemed to have really given up on Liz as he said.

However, Rorschach would not trust the other party so easily. He used his super hearing to pay attention to everything around him from beginning to end.

In order to prevent the "adults" from secretly tricking Rorschach.

In the end, Luo Xia was still worried and asked the White Queen to rush over urgently.

"Rorschach, why are you so anxious?"

The White Queen came to Luo Xia with a solemn expression.

On her head, she still wears the portable brainwave enhancer that Hank made for her.

Although the White Queen still thinks this thing is extremely ugly, the situation is urgent and the White Queen will naturally not be pretentious at this time.

Wearing this thing, we came quickly.

"Emma, ​​I need you to use your ability to confirm whether I am being targeted."

Rorschach did not talk nonsense to the White Queen, and spoke directly to the other party.

The situation was urgent, and even though she still had doubts in her mind, the White Queen didn't waste any time and immediately began to use her abilities, activating her psychic abilities on everyone in the surrounding streets.

Everyone's memories were read by the White Queen.

After a moment, the White Queen opened her eyes and shook her head at Luo Xia: "I have checked everyone within a radius of five kilometers and found no suspicious people."

"Have you sensed other people with psychic abilities?" Luo Xia asked the White Queen again.

The White Queen also shook her head.

Luo Xia was slightly relieved.

The current White Queen is the White Queen after her abilities have been enhanced, but she still hasn't found any clues. Luo Xia feels that this situation can be considered safe.

"Rorschach, what's going on?"

After finishing the business, the White Queen asked the question in her heart, and couldn't help teasing Luo Xia, "It's really rare that you are nervous sometimes."

"I met a tough guy." Rorschach shook his head.

"Troublesome guy? Tell me!"

The White Queen raised her eyebrows, becoming more and more curious.

Even with Rorschach's abilities, he could be called a troublemaker. No matter who the opponent was, he must be an extremely powerful person. The White Queen was really curious about who it was.

The White Queen has already used her ability to modify the memories of the people around her, so no one will hear what the two of them say.

Rorschach didn't waste any time and briefly described the general process of the matter to the White Queen.

After hearing this, the White Queen's face also became serious.

As Rorschach said, the mysterious psychic's ability is unknown, but the other party's psychic ability alone is dangerous enough.

Not to mention, the opponent also has another very large mutant organization in their hands.


While talking to the White Queen, Serena rushed over to report that Liz's surgery had been completed.

Naturally, Rorschach didn't waste any time. He immediately greeted everyone and took Liz back to the mutant base.

"How could it happen like this? Is she okay?"

Raven couldn't help but look worried as she looked at Liz being carried in on a stretcher.

"The operation went very well. All we need to do next is to practice well." Luo Xia nodded and said to Raven.

"I will give her a comprehensive examination later and prepare some recovery medicine so that she can recover faster."

Hank said from the side.

"Do you even understand this?"

The White Queen looked at Hank with surprised eyes.

She knew that Hank was a genius scientist who could even make magical things like brainwave enhancers, but preparing medicines and so on, this was biomedical, right?

Your span is a bit big, old man.

"Know a little bit." Hank said very humbly.

"Rorschach, what happened? You asked Emma to come over urgently for support." Copycat asked seriously from the side.

With Rorschach's ability, he still needs the White Queen's support, which is enough to show the seriousness of the matter.

"Go in and talk."

Rorschach waved his hand, and the group entered the meeting hall.

After everyone sat down, Rorschach narrated this series of events to everyone again without any nonsense.

Everyone's faces showed surprise.

"Another psychic? Why are there so many psychics?" Hank was very surprised.

Counting Charles and the White Queen, this is already the third one!

"He can use his ability to kill people remotely. His ability is even more powerful than Charles'!" Raven spoke loudly, her expression serious.

Even Charles can't kill people directly from the air now.

"That person has also infiltrated his power into the military, and can even use the military's power unscrupulously, using rocket launchers and armed helicopters in places like Fountain Square!"

"He also has such terrifying psychic abilities!"

"Rorschach, we seem to have offended a great guy this time." The imitation cat's voice was also very deep.

Everyone at the scene felt a kind of pressure.

"Why make the atmosphere so tense?"

The White Queen smiled, "That guy didn't dare to reveal his identity in front of Luo Xia, which means he is not as powerful as we imagined."

"A truly powerful person will never hide his head and show his tail!"

What the White Queen said was not unreasonable, but even so, no one dared to underestimate that "adult".

Especially Hank, he felt more and more that the courage on his shoulders was a little heavy.

It seems that the construction of the brainwave enhancer must be completed as soon as possible!

"Besides, there's nothing to worry about when Rorschach is here."

The White Queen then crossed her legs again and said to everyone.

Everyone glanced at Luo Xia subconsciously.

Rorschach's many abnormal features flashed through his mind involuntarily, and he felt an inexplicable peace of mind.

Emma is right, what are you afraid of when you have Rorschach?

Isn't it just psychic ability? It's completely ineffective against Rorschach!

"Emma is right." Rorschach also nodded, "A person who hides his head and shows his tail, even if he is powerful, must be limited. We don't have to mess up our situation."

"What I'm more interested in now is what he calls the real enemy of mutants."

The real enemy of mutants is not ordinary humans!

Everyone present was quite interested in this topic, and everyone wanted to know who the enemy of the mutants was.

But what can I do?

Due to the lack of relevant intelligence basis, everyone discussed and discussed, but could never come up with a reason.

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