American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 152 How could there be such a powerful human being!

"Supreme, the person has woken up."

While discussing some issues with everyone, Selina suddenly came over and reported to Rorschach.

"Well, has our new compatriot finally woken up? I can't wait to see him." Raven couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and said excitedly.

Others also showed great interest in this.

"Let's go and take a look."

Seeing this, Rorschach clapped his hands and stood up.

The group didn't say anything nonsense and followed Selina to a nursing room in the base.


After the door was opened, everyone saw that Liz was sitting on the bed leaning on the pillow, quietly looking at the scenery outside the window.

After hearing the movement, Liz turned her head.

Her originally pale complexion has improved a lot, and the whole person looks very energetic and spirited.

It has to be said that the physical fitness of mutants is indeed much better than that of ordinary people. You know, Liz just had an operation.

He was able to sit up like nothing happened so soon.

"How do you feel?"

Rorschach came to Liz.

"Much better." Liz nodded, then looked at Rorschach with a serious face, "My name is Liz, Liz Sherman."


Rorschach naturally reported his name, and then briefly introduced his companions to Liz.

"This is Raven, Hank, Emma and Vanessa. In addition to us, there are some other mutants here."

"This is a big family of mutants, so you don't have to worry, just rest here."

"A mutant family?"

Liz murmured and repeated, but her expression was a little lonely and trance.

Once upon a time, she also had such a big family.

Although she was the only mutant in that big family, there were also several companions who were not human.

It's just a pity that Liz couldn't control her own abilities at all. Even if the companions around her were not ordinary people, they would also suffer great harm.

So Liz could only choose to escape.

Even though Rorschach told her that this was a mutant base, Liz's concerns did not decrease at all.

She still made a decision to leave here after she recovered.

So as not to bring disaster to the people here again.

"Liz, take a good rest, we will come to see you again."

Seeing that Liz was not very interested, Rorschach and others did not disturb Liz too much.

After saying hello to the other party, he left the nursing room.

"Liz Sherman?"

Rorschach savored the name carefully, and combined with Liz's appearance, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed, and he finally remembered who Liz was.

This is the heroine of the "Hellboy" series of movies.

In my impression, Liz's strength is actually very strong, but like most of the early mutants, she can't control her abilities well.

Often face a situation of losing control.

And mutants with strong strength like Liz, once out of control, the harm caused is very huge.

In the movie, it seems that Liz lost control and destroyed an entire building.

This seems to be the reason why Liz chose to leave alone.

Of course, this is not the main factor that Rorschach is worried about. In terms of developing their own abilities, the White Queen and Copycat both have extremely rich experience.

Especially the White Queen, she has psychic abilities and can better guide and help Liz.

Rorschach believes that with everyone's help, it is not difficult for Liz to learn to control her abilities.

After all, in the original story development, the White Queen also served as a teacher in the Mutant Academy in the end, which is not a problem for the White Queen.

Now Rorschach is mainly considering the background behind Liz.

Since there is Hellboy in this world, there will naturally be an organization like the Paranormal Investigation and Defense Agency.

This is an organization with a military background, similar to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Even the identity of Hellboy has been recognized by the United Nations.

Liz and this organization are inextricably linked, especially Hellboy, who is obviously interested in Liz.

If Liz stayed here, she might be targeted by the Supernatural Investigation and Defense Bureau.

However, after Rorschach pondered this question for a while, he threw it out of his mind and didn't take it too seriously.

After Liz recovered, he would ask Liz about everything.

"By the way, Supreme!"

While thinking about these messy things, Selena came to Rorschach again, and seemed to be hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong, Selena, is there something?"

Rorschach looked at her and said sincerely, "If you have something, just say it."

"That's right, Supreme." Selena organized her words and asked carefully, "Regarding the succession ceremony, several elders seem to be waiting anxiously. What do you mean..."

Marcus had told Rorschach about the Supreme succession ceremony before, and later asked Selena to ask Rorschach's opinion many times.

Rorschach actually didn't care about it, and he didn't even bother to deal with these nonsense.

But since Marcus and the others had invited him again and again, Rorschach couldn't just ignore it.

After all, this tribe had been serving him, so he should show some appreciation.

"Just do as the elders say." Rorschach nodded.

Then he immediately saw a flash of joy in Selena's eyes.

Things like the succession ceremony were irrelevant to Rorschach, but they were very important to their tribe.

After all, a tribe with a supreme leader and a tribe without a supreme leader were completely different.


Fountain Square.

The corpses on the ground had disappeared, and the wreckage of fighter jets, tactical assault vehicles, etc. had been cleaned up.

But the dense bullet holes and some traces of artillery fire in the center of the square were still there, and it was still shocking to look at.

The military had already withdrawn, but the fountain square was still deserted and empty.

This place is still blocked.

But it is in this state.

A garbage truck actually drove in slowly.

When the back of the garbage truck opened, two "monsters" jumped out of the car.

One of them had a fiery red skin, looked extremely ugly, and had two broken horns on his head. It was Hellboy himself.

The other one was a "fishman" monster with blue skin and gills on his face.

This one was Hellboy's colleague, also a "non-human agent" from the Supernatural Investigation and Defense Bureau, a fishman from the sea, Abel Sepien.

"What happened here? Why are there so many bullet holes and such a strong smell of blood!"

Abel looked around and was shocked.

"Shit, has there just been a war here!"

Another voice sounded, but it was an ordinary human jumping out of the driver's seat.

John Miles.

Just transferred from the Bureau of Investigation to serve as Hellboy's assistant.

After all, Hellboy is a demon from hell. He looks like a monster and cannot show his face in front of people.

There are many jobs that require a normal person to handle, such as the most basic one: driving.

Freaks like Hellboy and Abel can only hide in the compartment disguised as a garbage truck and cannot see the light.


Hellboy's face suddenly showed great worry, and he immediately urged Abel, "Abel, hurry up, let me see what happened!"

Abel knew the seriousness of the matter, and he took off the gloves on both hands without any nonsense.

Just one hand grabbed Hellboy's arm, and the other hand was placed on the dense bullet holes and the charred land.

Suddenly, the scenes that happened in the fountain square emerged in the minds of the two.

This is the ability of the fishman Abel.

As long as you touch it with your hand, you can know what happened.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

A group of people used assault rifles to shoot Liz crazily, but Liz blocked them with her own abilities.

Hellboy couldn't help but clench his fists in anger, and the fishman Abel was also worried.

"Use rockets to shoot her!"


A rocket directly blew Liz away.

"Damn it!"

Hellboy shouted angrily, his face full of murderous intent.

Fishman Abel was also terrified.

Keep looking.


Along with this sound, a majestic young man from the East fell from the sky like a god.

But the other party's body resisted the bullets, crushed the rocket with his bare hands, and shot lasers from his eyes, easily destroying three armed helicopters.

Hellboy and fishman Abel were both dumbfounded.


This is a bit exaggerated, right?

How could there be such a powerful human?

Judging from the performance of the young man just now, even Hellboy was left behind by eighteen streets, okay?

Both of them were deeply shocked.

However, seeing that Liz was finally rescued by such a pervert, Hellboy and Abel finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, there is no need to worry about Liz's safety for the time being.

Since the mysterious young man rescued Liz, it is impossible for him to hurt Liz.

"Since it has been confirmed that Liz is safe, should we still look for her?" Abel began to seek Hellboy's opinion.

You know, Liz is no longer a member of their Supernatural Defense Investigation Bureau, and even their coming out to look for people this time is Hellboy's private action.

"Of course!" Hellboy said firmly.

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