American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 153 He is the most powerful man in the world!

"Liz, you want to leave?"

Mutant base.

Raven looked at Liz in surprise, rushed over and took Liz's hand, "Why? I thought you liked this place and everyone!"

After several days of training, Liz's body has almost recovered. At least now, Liz can move like a normal person.

There will be no impact.

Of course, Liz's injury was still very serious after all, and it was impossible to recover.

If it weren't for the mutant's powerful physique, he wouldn't even be able to get out of bed.

Although she is recovering well now, she is only limited to some daily life, nothing more.

During the past few days when Liz was recuperating, Raven often visited Liz very enthusiastically and laughed and chatted with Liz. She still got along very happily with Liz.

But Raven could never have imagined that the first thing Liz did after getting out of bed was to say goodbye.

This is something Ruiwen cannot accept in any case.

"Yeah Liz, are you having any difficulties? You can tell everyone." Hank also said on the side.

Liz's personality is actually quite similar to Hank's, relatively quiet and reserved, and Hank's impression of Liz is also very good.

"No, Raven, I do like this place, and I'm happy to get along with everyone, but... I have a reason to leave."

Liz shook her head very firmly.

"So...what's the reason?"

The imitating cat sat leisurely aside, crossing his legs and looking at Liz like an idiot, "Do you know the people around you? Do you know what the people around you can do? No matter what, Whatever difficulties you have, this is a great opportunity for you to overcome them. It’s really stupid.”

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!"

Liz didn't say much, she just apologized deeply to everyone.

Liz knew that everyone had good intentions, which made her feel warmer in her heart. However, it also made Liz more determined to leave.

She didn't want to hurt everyone.

"Oh, so it turns out it's because you can't control your own abilities and you're afraid of hurting us?"

The white queen's long voice sounded, and she and the copycat sang in harmony, "Vanessa is right, you are so stupid! Girl, do you think you are very capable?"

"You, how do you know?" Liz looked at the White Queen with a surprised look.

"Like I said, you think too highly of your abilities."

The White Queen said proudly.

She had just read Liz's memory, so she knew Liz's worries and also knew Liz's situation.

Because of the shadow of childhood, Liz cannot control her emotions, and when she gets angry, the flames on her body will burst out crazily, burning everything around her.

Frankly speaking, according to the memory read by the White Queen, the other party's flames were indeed astonishing. At least several buildings were destroyed by her in this way.

But this is not a threat to the White Queen at all.

Her diamond body is no joke!

Not to mention, the White Queen's psychic abilities can also help Liz control her emotions perfectly.

No matter what happens, you can also let Liz fall asleep directly when she is about to lose control.

"The man who rescued you is the most powerful man in the world. Who do you really think you can hurt here?"

The White Queen pointed at Rorschach again with a nonchalant expression and said to Liz.

"Emma is exaggerating. But Liz, Emma is our senior mutant. She has very rich experience in developing and training mutant abilities. She also has psychic abilities. Believe me Liz, she can help you control it." Stay within your capabilities.”

Rorschach spoke at the right time on the side.

"Liz, escaping is not an option. Complete control of your abilities is the most fundamental thing!" Hank also said to Liz on the side.

Liz was obviously moved, she looked at the White Queen: "Can you really help me?"

"Girl, who are you looking down on!" The White Queen couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"If you are worried about losing control of your abilities, you are really worrying too much."

Hank also pushed up his glasses and added, "I can design a room specifically for you, one that cannot be shaken even if you lose control."

With Hank's ability, is it difficult to design a "fire-proof and explosion-proof" room?

It’s just overkill, okay?

"I forgot to introduce it before. Hank is the most genius scientist in the world. The kind of room he mentioned is just child's play for him."

Rorschach spread his hands aside and added.

Liz looked at Rorschach, Hank, the White Queen, and everyone, and finally changed her mind.

Since everyone has solutions to her biggest worries, what reason does Liz have to leave?

Seeing that Liz finally changed her mind, both Raven and Hank couldn't help but smile with relief on their faces.

"Come on Liz, let's see which room you like better. I think you can live next door to me, or across the door, so I can go and chat with you often."

"But now, let me take you on a good tour of our base!"

Raven happily pulled Liz away.

"Rorschach, I have a small question."

The White Queen walked up to Rorschach at this time and said, "Liz was once an agent of the Supernatural Defense Investigation Agency."

From Liz's memory, the White Queen has read everything.


Rorschach keenly captured this key word.

"Yes, once, that's why I said it was a minor problem."

The White Queen nodded aside, "Liz's ability is unstable. The senior management was worried about this and kicked her out of the Defense Investigation Bureau, more than once."

"However, because of the insistence of Hellboy and Dr. Bloom, who leads the investigation bureau, she once went back, but for the same reason, she left on her own and was kicked out again."

"This is the thirteenth time she has left the investigation bureau."

Rorschach suddenly felt speechless and repeated the task thirteen times. This was just playing house.

But if this is the relationship between Liz and the Supernatural Defense Investigation Agency, then it is indeed not a big trouble for Rorschach.

"Supreme, the time is almost up."

Serena walked up to Rorschach at this time and spoke respectfully to Rorschach.

Rorschach didn't say anything nonsense. He stood up directly and said hello to the mutants around him: "Everyone, I'll excuse you for a moment."

With that said, she followed Serena and walked out.

This time, Rorschach was invited by several elders of Marcus to attend the Supreme's succession ceremony.

Now that he had promised Marcus and the others, Rorschach naturally kept his word.

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