American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 154: A surprise attack on Rorschach

Because it was a matter of the vampire community and had nothing to do with mutants, Rorschach did not bring anyone with him this time.

Just one person, following Selina out of the mutant base.


Outside the base, there was a convoy waiting for a long time. Serena personally walked to a Cadillac in the third seat of the convoy and helped Rorschach leave the car door.

Let Luo Xia truly enjoy the benefits of traveling as a big boss.

"Supreme, this is the list of other ethnic groups we have invited to this ceremony. Please take a look."

After the car set off, Serena took out a list she had prepared and handed it to Rorschach.

Rorschach was actually very curious about what other vampires existed in the world, so he took the list and flipped through it casually.

Rorschach did not recognize most of them, but he did not expect that there would be some faces and names that looked familiar to him.

"Elijah Mikaelson?"

Rorschach looked at Serena questioningly.

"The Mikaelson family is very famous in our circles and is known as the original family. Elijah is the elder of this family. He is a strong and courteous gentleman."

"I personally met him once in Northern Europe. He is a supreme being worthy of respect."

Serena introduced Rorschach and did not hesitate to praise Elijah.

"Does he have a younger brother named Niklaus?"

At this time, Rorschach also vaguely recalled who Elijah was, so he asked casually.

"It seems that the Supreme also knows about him."

Serena nodded, "But Niklaus is completely different from his brother Elijah. He is a brutal and bloodthirsty madman. By the way, Supreme, since you mentioned him, there is one thing I think needs to be paid attention to."

"Niklaus is known as the most powerful Supreme, but he is generally not accepted in our circle. Elder Marcus did not invite him this time, but only invited Elijah and his sister Rebbe Card."

"Why not invite Niklaus?" Rorschach interrupted Serena a little strangely.

He remembered that Elijah, Niklaus and Rebekah were three brothers and sisters. However, you only invited the other two and left out Niklaus. This seemed to be causing trouble.

"Don't the Supreme know that Niklaus is a hybrid? It's true that he is a vampire, but he is also a werewolf."

Serena explains to Rorschach.

Ah this!

Rorschach was suddenly speechless.

Also, vampires and werewolves are two groups that are naturally opposed to each other. How can people recognize you when you have the blood of your enemy flowing in your body?

Especially in such an occasion where supreme beings gather.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. We have already communicated this with Elijah, and the other party has made corresponding arrangements. However, Niklaus has always acted without scruples. This may be a potential risk, so I think it is still necessary to remind him. Supreme."

Serena said sternly to Rorschach.

Luo Xia nodded, indicating that he knew what was going on.

At the same time, he didn't take Nicklaus to heart at all.

As long as the other party is honest, if he really jumps out to cause trouble, Luo Xia doesn't mind letting him feel the brightness of the sun.

"Besides the Mikaelson family, are there any other groups that need attention?" Rorschach asked Serena again.

"The Volturi."

Serena said without hesitation, she immediately turned to the corresponding name and pointed it out to Rorschach, "This ethnic group is a very scary ethnic group. The current undead laws are basically made by them."

Not to mention anything else, this alone shows how powerful this ethnic group is.

"They have nine permanent guards. The entire group has more than a thousand people. Not only is it huge in strength, but each of the nine guard members has special powers."

"Besides that, there's the Cullen family."

"This family is very low-key, so many ethnic groups often ignore this ethnic group, but in fact their strength is not weak, but their ethnic groups are scattered all over the world and are not concentrated."

"Their leader, Carlisle Cullen, is very humble, but he is definitely one of the most powerful Primes."

"In addition, the Cullen family is also one of the few families that does not drink human blood. Their family is called vegetarian."

"The Carlisle group won't be a problem, but I think Your Majesty should pay attention to this person from this group, Alice Cullen. She has the power to predict the future."

The Volturi?

The Cullen family?

A vampire with supernatural powers?

Yes, these are two groups that look very familiar.

The corner of Luo Xia's mouth couldn't help but evoke a hint of expectation.

Originally, he thought this was a boring and boring ceremony, but now it seems that this ceremony is quite interesting.



While communicating with Serena, there was suddenly a sudden sound of braking from the front, and the entire convoy became chaotic.

The same was true for Rorschach's car. The driver slammed on the brakes and turned the steering wheel, almost hitting a tree on the side of the road.

Although based on Rorschach and Serena's capabilities, this situation was trivial to them and it was impossible to hurt them, but Serena's face still became extremely ugly.

"Supreme, I'm going to see what's going on."

Selena said hello to Rorschach, then quickly pushed the door and got out of the car.

It was not until this time that Selena realized that a pickup truck suddenly drove out on the road ahead.

It just parked the car sideways on the side of the road, blocking their way.


The car door opened, and a cowboy who looked very thin got out of the driver's seat.

On the cowboy's neck, a wolf-tooth-shaped pendant was flashing a faint blue light.

That's right, this cowboy is Smith who is looking for the holy stone!

Smith looked down at the flashing light on the pendant, and his eyes showed great excitement. He murmured, "Found it!"

"Drive your car away!"

Selena's voice sounded, and she quickly came to Smith with an umbrella, snorting at Smith, "Or I drive it away!"

But Smith did not reply, just looked at Selena leisurely and shook his head: "It's not you."

Then he ignored Selena and continued to walk forward, looking for it: "It's not you, it's not you..."

Although Selena was puzzled by Smith's behavior, how could she let him do this? She immediately made a gesture to her two subordinates.

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