American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 155 My guardian can't even block his punch?

After receiving the order, the two vampires immediately walked towards Smith, reaching out to grab Smith without any explanation, intending to finish him off.



Two soft sounds came, but two vampires put their hands on Smith's shoulders.

However, when they tried their best to capture Smith, they found that they could not shake Smith's body at all!

The other party was like a hill, motionless!

Even with their vampire power, they couldn't shake it in the slightest.


The two vampires were shocked.

"Sorry, the situation is quite urgent. Please forgive me for being rude."

Smith then grinned at the two vampires and waved lightly at them.

The two vampires immediately flew out as if they were caught and thrown out by invisible hands.


Serena and the other vampires at the scene were all shocked.

This guy they didn't even care about was so powerful?

What kind of superpowers are there?

Who is this person? Is he from another ethnic group?

Sent by Nicklaus?

In one moment, Serena had no idea how many thoughts flashed through her mind.


But now was not the time to think about these problems. Serena immediately left and used her speed far beyond that of ordinary people, and quickly rushed towards Smith.

But Smith just waved to Serena, and an invisible force acted on Serena.

Serena, including the other vampires who rushed over, all rose into the air.

These vampires were completely vulnerable to Smith.

"When will I be as powerful as Smith?"

In the passenger seat of the pickup truck, No. 6 was lying on the window, looking at Smith's show as if watching the fun, and couldn't help but sigh.

When the Mauga destroyed their hometown, only nine of their key figures escaped, and each of the nine had a guardian.

But because of the hasty escape, the strengths of the nine guardians are actually different.

Smith is the most powerful among those guardians!

According to Smith, No. 6 has huge potential, and when he truly grows up, he will be even more powerful than Smith.

It can be said that No. 6 is looking forward to that day every day.

But it is undeniable that there is still a big gap between her and Smith now.


But at this moment, No. 6 suddenly heard a loud explosion, like thunder.

At the same time, No. 6 felt a huge force coming towards her face, causing her breathing to stagnate slightly.

Before he could realize what was going on, No. 6 felt his eyes blurred, like a blur passing by.


The next moment, Smith's body flew backwards like a cannonball.

It flew more than ten meters away and hit the wall so hard that it cracked.

And where Smith was standing, a young man with an oriental face appeared at some point.


It was the young man who took action just now and knocked Smith away.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Smith can't even block his punch?" No. 6 was dumbfounded.

That was Smith, and he was beaten like this?



The moment Smith was knocked away, Serena and the others who were controlled by Smith also fell from the air, and they all moved to the shade at the first moment.


Serena spoke to Rorschach apologetically, trying to explain something.

"No need to say more, just leave it to me. See if everyone is okay." Rorschach waved to Serena and interrupted her.

Then he strode towards Smith's direction.


There was a cough, and Smith staggered up from the ground. It can be said that his face was confused, and he even couldn't believe it.

He was actually beaten away just now?

And that’s without even reacting!

How is this possible? Humans are all weaklings.

How could someone be so stupid?

Smith looked at Rorschach, who was walking slowly towards him, and he was still a little confused about the situation.


Immediately afterwards, Smith dusted himself off, and then stretched his hands forward toward Rorschach. An extremely violent force acted on Rorschach's body.



Click, click, click!

The force was so huge that the cars behind Rorschach all overturned one by one.

Even the ground beneath Rorschach's feet showed cracks at the first moment.

However, looking back at Rorschach...

Still as stable as an old dog, not affected at all.

"how so!"

Smith's face changed drastically and he couldn't accept it.

He tried his best, but he couldn't move the opponent at all?

What a joke.


Rorschach stopped talking nonsense with Smith and ignored Smith's telekinesis. He thrust his eyes forward and fired a blazing heat ray at the opponent.


Smith let out a low cry, and suddenly withdrew all his telekinesis, forming an invisible barrier in front of himself, thus temporarily blocking Rorschach's heat ray.

But even so, Smith was trembling all over, grinning, and cold sweat was pouring down his forehead.

Just blocking the heat ray made him use up all his strength.

"What kind of monster is this guy!"

Feeling the terrifying energy coming from the opponent's heat ray, Smith's expression changed drastically, with shock all over his face.

"Is it temporarily blocked?"

Rorschach's mouth curved slightly, "But how long can you block it? Five seconds, or ten seconds?"

This sounds pretentious, but it really isn't. Smith feels like he won't be able to hold on any longer now, and he really can't guarantee a few seconds.


Smith let out a loud roar and used all his strength to activate his abilities, risking his life.

Finally, I persisted for a while.

But at the eighth second, Smith finally couldn't hold on anymore.



Smith let out a muffled sound and flew backwards again.

And this time, Smith could no longer get up, and just collapsed on the ground covered in blood.

how so?

No. 6 couldn't believe that Smith was seriously injured in just a few seconds and couldn't get up?

How can it be!


She couldn't hold it in any longer, roared loudly, and rushed towards Smith quickly.

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