American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 156 What gave you the illusion that I was a good person?


Smith coughed with great effort and tried to get up from the ground.

Unfortunately, due to the serious injury, he never got up.

But he still struggled to grab the corner of No. 6's clothes and tried to pull him away, "Who asked you to come out? Leave quickly! Hurry!"

No. 6 was willing to leave. She suddenly blocked Smith in front of him and opened her arms as if to protect Smith.


This girl?

It seems that it also looks familiar.

He should also be a plot character.

However, Rorschach did not realize for a moment which plot character this was.

But at this moment, Rorschach was too lazy to think about these issues.

He just ignored No. 6, stared directly at Smith, and said expressionlessly: "You only have one chance to tell your purpose."

"Someone among you has taken something that belongs to me. I just want to take back what belongs to me!" Smith gasped and stared at Rorschach with fear.

Something that belongs to this guy?

Rorschach's brows frowned slightly. His first reaction was, is this person coming for Serena and the others?

After all, Rorschach didn't take anything from anyone.

Oh, no, Rorschach did search for a lot of Adamantium alloy on Stryker's island some time ago, but the person in front of him didn't look like Stryker's accomplice in any way.

"It's you!"

"That's you!"

Just as he was about to say something, Smith suddenly saw the blue light on the wolf fang pendant hanging on his chest reaching its most intense level, and its frequency of flickering was also getting faster and faster.

Smith couldn't help but widen his eyes and pointed at Rorschach. His voice trembled slightly, showing his excitement, "The holy stone is on you!"

Holy stone?

Rorschach was just stunned for a moment, then from the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of the pendant hanging on Smith's chest, with the familiar blue light flashing on it, and he immediately reacted.

Yes, it's that weird stone that transformed Rorschach's spiritual power!

So that stone turned out to be a sacred stone?

But thinking about the magic of that stone, it seems worthy of the powerful name of Holy Stone.

"Are you talking about the stone that was cut in half by something and still glows?"

Luo Xia raised his eyebrows, looked at the other party seriously and asked.

Obviously, the shining pendant around the other person's neck was used to find the so-called holy stone.

So the facts are out there and there is no use in denying them.

Moreover, Rorschach also planned to learn more about the secret of the Holy Stone from Smith, so he did not hide it any more.

He admitted it directly.

After all, the blue stone was obviously only half, and now that he had the opportunity to get the other half, Rorschach would not miss it.

"Smith, the holy stone is really with him!"

When No. 6 heard Rorschach's description, he couldn't help but feel excited. He stared at Rorschach and shouted to Smith.

It was difficult for Smith to stay calm. His eyes suddenly lit up: "The Holy Stone is indeed with you!"

But thinking about Rorschach's power just now, Smith couldn't help but have a look of despair on his face.

It is obviously impossible to snatch the Holy Stone back from this person.

"Can you return the holy stone to me? What conditions can you make?" Smith looked at Rorschach and said in a deep voice.

"Any conditions are acceptable?" Luo Xia raised his eyebrows.

"As long as you are willing to return the Holy Stone to me, I will agree to any conditions, even if it means taking my life!" Smith said decisively and without hesitation.

There was a look of determination on his face.

Luo Xia believed that the other party's words were not just words. The other party obviously had the consciousness of death.

"How about you tell me the whereabouts of the other half of the holy stone?" Luo Xia raised his eyebrows again.

Smith's mouth twitched slightly, and then he glared angrily: "You actually want to get your hands on the other half of the holy stone?"

Smith was really angry.


Rorschach nodded, without any hesitation, and just nodded and admitted.

There is no point in denying something so obvious.

Smith: "..."

Whoop whoosh!

Then Smith began to breathe heavily, which was forced by Rorschach.

He has never seen such a shameless person!

Not only did he not have any intention of returning what was his own, he actually wanted to continue to get his hands on the other half of the sacred stone, and he shamelessly admitted it.

The thief is too thick-skinned!

"how could you do this!"

No. 6 was also anxious. He stared at Luo Xia and shouted, "You are obviously a robber!"

"Little girl." Luo Xia looked at this girl who was about the same age as himself but looked a little immature with great interest. "What gave you the illusion that I am a good person?"

No. 6: "..."

She was immediately choked by Luo Xia and could not speak. She was so angry that her delicate body even started to tremble.

You can't beat me again and again, but they still don't explain the truth to you. How angry!

But there is nothing we can do!

"Except for our tribe, the Holy Stone is useless to others. It is just an ordinary stone. What exactly do you want the Holy Stone to do?"

Smith's voice sounded, and he had regained his composure at this time, staring at Rorschach and asked.

"I naturally have my use."

Rorschach said expressionlessly, and then he was too lazy to say anything more to Smith, because Smith did not look like someone who would easily surrender.

So he waved to Selena: "Take the person back and give him to Emma."

"Yes, Supreme!"

Selena responded immediately, and immediately took two subordinates and rushed towards Smith quickly.

"Get out of here!"

At this time, No. 6 shouted fiercely, and at the same time she also waved her hands violently, hitting Selena and others fiercely.

An invisible telekinesis was also hit out by No. 6.

But it must be said that No. 6's telekinesis is far, far worse than Smith's.

Smith's telekinesis can easily overturn several blood-sucking stocks including Selena in an instant, but No. 6 can only slow down Selena's actions, that's all.

Selina was like going against the wind, and under the influence of No. 6's telekinesis, she approached No. 6 step by step.

Of course.

It was just Selina.

The other vampires were obviously much weaker than Selina, but they were defeated by No. 6's long-range attack.

Seeing that Selina was fully capable of handling it, Rorschach did not rush to take action, but left the matter entirely to Selina.

As a supreme being, he naturally had to have the appearance he deserved, and he couldn't do everything himself.

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