American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 157 When did the people on Earth become so perverted?

"No. 6, forget it!"

Seeing that No. 6 and Serena were in a stalemate, Smith couldn't help but shake his head, sighed, and shouted to No. 6.

In this current wave, they have no choice and no chance of winning.

Not to mention that the possibility of No. 6 defeating Serena in this battle is only 50-50. Even if No. 6 finally defeats Serena, what's the point?

That was just defeating one of the opponent's subordinates, nothing more.

Nothing changes anything.

There is no benefit other than putting yourself in danger.

"I can go with you, but can I let No. 6 go?"

Smith then said sternly to Rorschach, "Believe me, she is still a child, she doesn't know anything! She is of no use to you!"

Rorschach ignored this.

Whether it is useful or not is not up to Smith.

But suddenly.

Rorschach's expression moved slightly, and he had keenly noticed something.

"Selena, stop it first."

Rorschach immediately said to Serena.

When Serena heard this, although she didn't know why the Supreme suddenly asked her to stop, she still stopped as she was told.

And soon.

Serena knew why.

Because at the intersection ahead, a large number of men in black suddenly appeared. In the hands of each man in black, there was a weapon that looked very cool and far beyond this era!

He hurriedly turned his head and looked back, only to see the same situation behind him. There were also a large number of men in black approaching, blocking the road ahead and behind.

"No, it's from Maojia!"

Smith's expression also changed drastically at this moment, and he waved to No. 6, "No. 6, come back quickly, the Maojia people are coming!"

Maojia people!

No. 6’s expression also changed drastically.

There was no time left to deal with Serena, so she quickly returned to Smith's side and helped Smith up.

But Serena and the others were not just freeloaders. When they saw Smith and No. 6 looking like they were about to retreat, they immediately moved together and blocked their way.

"Quickly, let us leave, or you will be in big trouble too!"

No. 6 said to Rorschach anxiously.

"It's late, it's too late." Smith said with an ugly expression on the side.

Where is the possibility of running away at this time?

Then, Smith thought of something and said quickly to Rorschach, "Remember, don't reveal that the Holy Stone is in your hands later!"

Rorschach glanced at Smith and didn't say much, but he paid some attention.

It seems that this "Maojia man" in the other party's mouth is probably also very interested in the holy stone.

But Rorschach didn't pay much attention to this kind of thing. Whether it was Smith or these Mauga people, Rorschach didn't give up the possibility of giving up the holy stone.

——Not to mention, even if you want to, you can't give in, the holy stone has been "absorbed" by Rorschach!

Soon, these Mauga people surrounded Smith, Luo Xia and others, standing side by side, each one of them extremely cold and armed with golden swords.

Coupled with the extremely cool and exaggerated weapons in their hands, as well as their "alien" looks that were obviously different from ordinary people, it can be said that they put a lot of pressure on everyone present.

Serena and the vampires present were all tense, nervous, and did not dare to take a breath, staring at these uninvited guests as if they were in danger.

Even though they are vampires and much more powerful than ordinary people, they are now facing a group of aliens.

Even Rorschach couldn't help but look surprised, a good guy almost blurted out.

Yes, these are actually a group of aliens!

Isn't that a bit exaggerated?

Of course Rorschach knew that this world was a world with aliens, but in his impression, aliens coming to the earth would only happen in the future.

Even the nearest Cybertronians are still in the "brewing" stage.

Why is it so cold now that such a group of aliens suddenly appeared?

And looking at the faces of a group of people, they seemed to look very familiar.

"Found you, Smith!"

A sinister voice sounded.

But they saw that the leader of the Maojia people directly ignored Luo Xia and the others, and looked at Smith condescendingly, with endless coldness and sneer on his face.

"Heiro, I didn't expect that I would be found by you in the end."

On the contrary, Smith was much calmer. He just protected No. 6 tightly behind him and looked at the Mauga people calmly.

"You should have known that this day would come sooner or later. You can escape for a while, but you can't escape forever!" Heiro curled his lips.

Then he just casually raised his gun. The threat was self-evident.

"However, it's not like I can't let you live, as long as you tell me the news about other people."

Heiro patted his cool big gun in his hand and glanced at Smith sideways, "Or hand over the holy stone."

Smith couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Heiro actually tried to deceive him like this. Who are he looking down on?

"This is a matter between our two races and has nothing to do with other people! Let other people leave first!"

Smith ignored Heero and just said to Heero with a serious face.


However, Hei Luo grinned and sneered, "You are already too busy taking care of yourself. Do you still have the time to worry about the lives of others?"

Then he suddenly waved his hand to the Maojia people around him, "Kill them all..."


Before Heiro could finish his words, an extremely dull sonic boom sounded, directly interrupting Heiro's words.

Immediately afterwards.

Luo Xia, who had been standing aside and was completely ignored by Hei Luo, suddenly disappeared.

It just turned into a blurry shadow.

The next moment, Heiro felt a strong force hit him, and then his body flew out uncontrollably and hit the wall on the side hard.

It’s not just Kuro.

The same was true for the other Mauga people. Like fallen leaves swept up by a tornado, they all flew out in all directions and fell to the side.

Bang bang bang bang!

Then, like dumplings being dropped, they all fell to the ground in a mess.

That makes a person miserable, and that makes a person fall on his back.


The sonic boom ended, and Rorschach's body reappeared where it had disappeared.

He lightly dusted himself off, as if he had done a trivial thing.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Smith and No. 6 just stared at Rorschach with their eyes wide open, murmuring, unable to believe what they just saw.

That Earthling actually defeated an entire Mauga army in the blink of an eye?

When did the people on earth become so perverted?

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