American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 158 Aliens? Sorry, I was fighting against aliens!

"Cough cough!"

A painful cough sounded, and Hei Luo got up from the ground in a miserable state.

Purple blood flowed out from the corners of his mouth, which looked so weird.

In addition to Hei Luo, there were also several other Mauga people struggling to get up at the scene.

These Mauga people are aliens after all, and their physical fitness is much stronger than that of earthlings.

Although Rorschach's wave-speed attack killed some of them, nearly half of them did not die immediately.

Of course.

Even those who did not die were seriously injured, and none of them were unscathed.

No matter how strong their physical fitness is, it is not enough in front of Rorschach.

"You are not an earthling? What kind of alien are you?"

Hei Luo's extremely shocked voice sounded, his eyes widened, looking at Rorschach in disbelief, and exclaimed.

How could an earthling be so perverted?

In the blink of an eye, he killed half of his men, almost more than 30 people!

This is simply impossible.

This person must be like them, from another star!

But what race in the star can be so powerful?



None of them!

Rorschach was too lazy to say any more nonsense to Hero. He snorted coldly, and then his eyes suddenly turned red.

"Not good!"

Hero felt a tingling sensation on his scalp at that moment, and a sense of extremely dangerous death came over him.

He kicked his legs hard on the ground, and he was ejected like a cannonball.

Rorschach's heat ray immediately shot on the ground, making a big hole in the ground.

Chi chi chi!

Chi chi chi!

The unique sound of breaking through the air emitted by this energy attack sounded, and at the same time, dazzling rays of light began to flash.

It was the surviving Mauga people who began to hold the energy guns in their hands and fired energy bombs at Rorschach one after another.

But Luo Xia seemed to have not seen it, and did not dodge or evade!

Countless energy bombs hit Luo Xia in an instant.

"Is he dead now?"

Although he did not know why Luo Xia did not dodge at this moment when he was so fast before, Hei Luo could not help but curl up a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

Being hit by so much firepower, even a piece of iron would be shot to pieces, and this kid would definitely be shot into a puddle of mud.

But the next moment.

The chrysanthemum smile on Hei Luo's face froze directly, and his eyes widened all of a sudden, almost popping out his eyeballs.

But seeing that such dense firepower hit the kid, the kid was not affected at all!

Not to mention being beaten into a puddle of mud, he didn't even blink his eyebrows.

This kind of thing, is it fake?



However, Rorschach ignored the energy attacks on him, and just shot out blazing heat rays from his eyes, shooting at the remaining Mauga people around him.



In this way, one after another Mauga people fell under Rorschach's heat rays, and they had no power to resist at all.

This is a one-sided war!

It's not the group of Mauga people who are besieging Rorschach, but Rorschach who is besieging the group of Mauga people!

No matter what kind of attack the Mauga people use on Rorschach, they can't shake Rorschach at all, as if tickling Rorschach.

But when Rorschach's attack hits those Mauga people, it directly harvests their lives like cutting leeks.

They die as soon as they are touched, without exception!

The two can be said to form a very sharp contrast.


Hei Luo couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and the panic on his face became even more, and even the hand holding the gun had no strength.

There was no motivation to shoot at Rorschach.

So many energy bullets have been fired, and what's the point of this one?


Do you think I have no way?

A cruel sneer appeared on Hei Luo's face.

He suddenly raised his head and let out a strange roar.

"Not good!"

"This is bad!"

Seeing Hei Luo's action, Smith's face changed.

Number 6 on the side couldn't help but show an extremely frightened look.


Smith stretched out his hand and shouted at Hei Luo, and wanted to rush over to stop Hei Luo.

Chi Chi!

But the surviving Mauga people on the side suddenly shot several energy bullets at him.

"Smith, be careful!"

Number 6 screamed, and immediately jumped out and blocked Smith.

He also fired an invisible telekinesis to block the attack of the Mauga people.

Chi Chi! Chi Chi! Chi Chi!

Ah! Ah! Ah!

Soon, the Mauga people who attacked Smith also fell to the ground with screams, and were ruthlessly killed by Rorschach using heat rays.

Just as he was about to continue using heat rays to completely wipe out the last few Mauga people, Rorschach's movements suddenly stopped.

As if he had noticed something, he suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky.

Selena and the others were confused and looked up, then their faces changed.

"What kind of monster is that!"

"Oh my god, what is that!"

Some people couldn't help but screamed.

But they saw a huge monster with bared fangs and claws flying in the sky.

Sharp claws, ferocious face, sharp fangs, and a tail with barbs.

It was like a flying dinosaur!


A roar came from the mouth of the dinosaur monster, which made the eardrums of the people at the scene numb and their brains buzzed.

Especially when they felt the huge momentum of the monster rushing towards them, many people felt a little nervous and their legs were a little weak.

Even if they were vampires, they were not good enough in front of such a terrible monster!

That was completely food.

Most vampires couldn't even deal with the existence of werewolves, so the huge shock caused by the dinosaur monster in front of them could be imagined.


Rorschach didn't say anything and just raised his head.

Two heat rays burst out from his eyes and shot directly at the monster.

A ball of purple liquid suddenly exploded from the monster's body, and the skin was instantly cut by the heat rays.


That's all!

The monster was indeed injured by Rorschach's heat rays, but the heat rays did not cause any substantial damage to it.

It must be said that this monster is indeed too thick-skinned.

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