American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 160 The aliens were terrified: What kind of monster is he!


Rorschach slowly landed in front of the Bloodthirsty Devourer. He glanced at the Bloodthirsty Devourer and frowned slightly.

Isn't this guy's defense too strong?

He was hit so many times by me, but he was not killed.

If it were any other creature of the same size, it would have been hammered into a pile of mud.

As a result, the monster in front of him was only hammered to lose its combat effectiveness, that's all.

It was really too weak to beat.

This monster was not that strong for Rorschach, but its defense was a bit troublesome.

Although it was always ravaged by Rorschach, it could not be killed no matter how hard it was beaten.

This was a bit disgusting.


But suddenly, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed through Rorschach's mind.

The skin and muscles of this monster were so hard, so its internal organs should be more fragile, right?

Rorschach remembered that when he was watching "Eternals" in his previous life, Ikaris, the Homelander in the Eternals, seemed to have used this trick when fighting against the mutants.

Pull open the mutant's mouth and shoot heat rays into the mutant's body.

This trick seems to be worth learning from!

Thinking of this, Rorschach's eyes suddenly lit up.

He stopped talking nonsense, and appeared in front of the bloodthirsty demon with a flick of his body, grabbing the upper and lower jaws of the bloodthirsty demon's mouth with both hands.

With a slight force, the bloodthirsty demon's mouth was stretched open in an instant.


Although the bloodthirsty demon didn't know what Rorschach was going to do, he also had an extremely bad feeling in his heart, and began to scream and struggle frantically in Rorschach's hands.

But what can he do.

Rorschach's strength is much stronger than that of the bloodthirsty demon, and the bloodthirsty demon can't break free from Rorschach's clutches even if he uses all his strength.

He can only let Rorschach stretch his mouth open.


Then, Rorschach shot two heat rays directly into the mouth of the bloodthirsty demon.


The bloodthirsty demon struggled more and more violently.

This struggle was different from the previous struggle. This struggle was a real dying struggle!

Rorschach's strategy was correct. Even if the bloodthirsty demon had strong defense on the outside, its internal organs were still very fragile.

It was easily destroyed by Rorschach's heat rays.

"Oh no!"

"It's over!"

Seeing this scene, Hei Luo's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

That terrible earthling actually came up with such a trick to deal with the bloodthirsty demon. It was really abominable.

Even the bloodthirsty demon could not withstand such an attack.

Sure enough.

With the attack of Rorschach's heat rays, the bloodthirsty demon's struggle became weaker and weaker, and then it was completely motionless.

Rorschach just let go.


The huge body of the bloodthirsty Devourer fell to the ground like a dead dog.


"The bloodthirsty Devourer... was killed by him!"

Hei Luo's body shook violently, and his mental defenses collapsed at this moment.

He just stared at Luo Xia with his eyes wide open in disbelief, and a huge wave of emotions rose in his heart.

He could even kill the bloodthirsty Devourer, what kind of monster is this guy?

The other Mauga people around Hei Luo were the same, and they couldn't help but tremble, and sweat even flowed on their foreheads.

That's right.

Aliens actually sweated too.

Before seeing the Mauga people, Luo Xia never knew that aliens could sweat.

"Hiss... Even the bloodthirsty Devourer was easily killed, it's terrible!"

Smith couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and couldn't believe his eyes at all.

This beast that brought them endless nightmares was killed so easily.

And it was killed by someone with bare hands.

This is simply too magical.

Then Smith couldn't help showing a bitter look on his face.

How can he get the holy stone back from such a powerful and abnormal person?

This guy also clearly showed interest in the other half of the holy stone. Can the rest of their tribesmen really stop this guy?


A sonic boom sounded, interrupting Smith's thoughts.

After Luo Xia killed the bloodthirsty swallower, his body shook again and disappeared.

Except for Hei Luo, the other surviving Mauga people flew backwards again.

But this time, those Mauga people couldn't stand up again. They all fell to the ground and turned into a corpse.

At the scene, only Hei Luo, the only Mauga person, was left.


Hei Luo couldn't help swallowing hard.

Seeing Luo Xia walking towards him step by step, his body trembled involuntarily and retreated backwards.

Although he still held the exaggerated energy gun in his hand, he had completely lost the courage to pull the trigger on Rorschach.

After all, before this, other Mauga people had proved to Hei Luo with bloody facts that the killing weapon of their Mauga people was just a toy in front of this earthling.



The next moment.

Hei Luo only felt his eyes blurred.

Accompanied by the familiar sound of sonic boom, Rorschach's body disappeared again.

"Not good!"

This thought flashed through Hei Luo's mind.

Then he flew out directly, and the scene in front of him turned completely black.

But Hei Luo was lucky that Rorschach did not kill him, but saved his life.

After all, Hei Luo was still valuable to Rorschach.

On the one hand, no matter what the reason was, Rorschach had now officially confronted the Mauga people, so he naturally had to learn more about the relevant information of the Mauga people.


Some of the weapons and equipment of the Mauga people far exceeded the weapons and equipment of this era, and Rorschach was still very interested.

If they could be successfully copied at that time...

There is no need to elaborate on the meaning of this, everyone can understand it.


Selena walked in front of Rorschach at this time, waiting respectfully.

"Others, deal with them all, take this one who is not dead back and give it to Emma." Rorschach casually ordered Selena.

Selina took note and immediately began to arrange it, carrying out a series of orderly finishing work.

At this time, Rorschach once again turned his attention to Smith.

Smith and No. 6 were both very nervous.

God bless them, the scenes of Rorschach's great power just now really shocked these two people thoroughly.

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