"We'll go back with you!"

Before saying anything more to the two Smiths, Smith took the first step to express his attitude to Rorschach.


No. 6 suddenly looked anxious on the side.

"No. 6, we have no choice now."

Smith shook his head and gave a long sigh to No. 6.

No. 6 was immediately speechless.


Now, what choice do they have?

Even the group of Mauga people were slaughtered like weak chickens in front of this earthling. Even the ultimate killing weapon of the Mauga people, the bloodthirsty demon-swallowing demons, were beaten to death by this man!

What could the two of them do in front of such a great devil?

However, Rorschach did not believe Smith so easily. He just glanced at Smith with a playful look and said leisurely: "You don't look like someone who is afraid of death."

Rorschach didn't believe that Smith would succumb to his "power" so easily.

But Rorschach didn't care either.

The absolute strength is here, no matter what tricks Smith plans to play, Rorschach will not be afraid.

"You are right. The reason why I chose to go back with you is not because I am afraid of you, but because I plan to cooperate with you."

Smith told the truth, faced Rorschach's gaze, and revealed his purpose.

"Cooperation?" Luo Xia raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, cooperation!" Smith nodded heavily, "Now that we have a common enemy, I think we should join forces to fight against the Mauga people, right?"

Was this what Smith had in mind?

Want to kill someone with a borrowed knife?

Use yourself to help them get rid of the Mauga people?

The smile on Rorschach's lips became more and more playful: "I'm sorry, I can't see your bargaining chip for cooperating with me now."


Smith said without hesitation, "I admit that we may be weak in strength, but we can provide intelligence about the Mauga people. In addition, No. 6 and I will also participate in the battle. We will not use your strength in vain." !”

Luo Xia pondered for a moment and said calmly: "This is not enough, I need the other half of the holy stone."

Smith's expression changed slightly, but in the end he said seriously: "If that's the case, then I need you to help me find other tribesmen!"

For Smith, the holy stone is a key tool used to find other tribesmen, and is not indispensable.

If Rorschach could have the same effect, Smith wouldn't mind using the Holy Stone in exchange.

Looking for someone?

This kind of thing is not difficult for Rorschach.

First, after Hank built the brainwave enhancer, it was just a matter of asking the White Queen to scan the surface, nothing more.

Secondly, even without relying on the White Queen, Rorschach's own super hearing can still play a big role.

"make a deal!"

Rorschach agreed without much hesitation.

Smith breathed a long sigh of relief and couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement.

With such a powerful ally, they have hope of defeating the Mauga people and completely changing the fate of their people!

And it is not the kind of hope that is invisible and intangible, but the kind of hope that is very bright.

The corner of Smith's mouth couldn't help but curl up into a smile, and he stretched out his hand to Rorschach.

The two sides just shook hands.

The cooperation is officially concluded.

"So we are... friends now?"

Number Six looked at Smith and then at Rorschach, a little surprised.

Just ten minutes ago, the two sides were still bloody enemies.

In the blink of an eye, the two sides became allies shaking hands and smiling together again?

All I can say is that things are so unpredictable.

"Yes, No. 6, we are friends now." Smith smiled at No. 6.


Rorschach had no nonsense and greeted Serena on the side.

Serena understood and immediately made corresponding arrangements for the two Smiths.

After arranging a series of things, Serena handed over all the matters at the scene to her confidants, and she personally acted as Rorschach's driver.

"Supreme, time is a bit tight, so next, my speed will be a bit faster."

Serena reminded Rorschach seriously.

"It doesn't matter."

Rorschach just waved his hand, not caring.

Such things are trivial matters to him.


Before he finished speaking, there was a huge push on the back, and the Cadillac had sped away, leaving behind billowing smoke all over the ground, and quickly disappeared.


At Serena's almost racing speed, the journey that usually takes an hour actually only took twenty minutes this time.

The car stopped at the entrance of the majestic castle.

"It's Serena!"

"The Supreme is here!"

"Quick, open the door quickly!"

Because it was a special day, and a very important day for the ethnic group, the butler Klein personally acted as the doorman, leading people to greet guests from various ethnic groups at the door.

Seeing his supreme being coming, his attitude was naturally even more needless to say.

"Klein, what's going on inside?"

Rorschach poked his head out and asked Klein casually.

"Supreme, most of the tribes have arrived, and several elders are receiving them, but no one from the Voltusson family has arrived yet."

Klein gave Rorschach a brief report.

Rorschach nodded, indicating that he knew what was going on.

The Voltusson family is at least the most powerful tribe so far, so it is reasonable for them to be a little arrogant, but Rorschach didn't take it to heart.

"Okay, I got it."

Rorschach nodded and didn't say anything more.

Klein didn't say any more nonsense, and told the people at the door, then personally took Rorschach into the main hall of the castle.

At the door of the hall, the three elders, Marcus, Victor, and Emilia, who had received the news, came over to greet Rorschach and saluted after seeing Rorschach's figure.

All of them were respectful.

Even Marcus, who had been dissatisfied with Rorschach before, behaved obediently.




Rorschach nodded calmly.


With the actions of Marcus, Victor and Emilia, the eyes of everyone in the hall were all on Rorschach.

Many people couldn't help but show a hint of surprise on their faces.

Is this the new Supreme of the tribe abandoned by Alexander?

Surprisingly, it's still a human body that has not yet been transformed?


Could Marcus and the others have made a mistake?

There were immediately whispers in the hall.

Thank you for the extraordinary reward! Thank you so much! It's really touching to meet someone who gave me a reward after so long.

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