American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 162 I have never seen such a terrible person!

"Is this the Supreme chosen by Marcus? A... mortal?"

On the main seat in the hall.

A girl who looked lively and pretty, like a high school student, glanced at Rorschach, and then said to a man beside her in a surprised tone.

The man sat upright in his seat, wearing a suit neatly, combing his hair meticulously, and exuding a noble aura from head to toe.

This man was none other than Elijah Mikaelson, the leader of the famous Original Family.

In the entire undead circle, his prestige was very high.

And that girl was Elijah's sister, from another Supreme in the Original Family, Rebecca.

"I have to say, this is indeed a little beyond my expectations."

Elijah also felt a little strange.

He had never met a Supreme with a mortal body in his thousands of years of life.

Could it be that this mortal was special?

Elijah began to look at Rorschach carefully, but no matter how he looked at him, he could not see anything unusual about him.

At least, from all aspects now, he was just an ordinary person.

But Elijah did not look down on Rorschach because of this. Although Rorschach was still a mortal now, it did not mean anything.

Because their tribe was such an example.

At the beginning, their father Michael had obtained Dracula's ring and successfully triggered the curse.

But for a long time afterwards, even after giving birth to their brothers and sisters, they were all mortals.

Later, because the werewolf bit the youngest son in the family to death, Michael was furious and asked his wife to use witchcraft to completely stimulate the undead power in himself and his three children.

Became undead.

This is why the Mikaelson family is called the ancestral family.

Because this tribe gave birth to four supremes at the same time!

It's exaggerated.

Of course, later Elijah and his two siblings had a falling out with their father Michael. What happened specifically is naturally not something that outsiders should know, but this family has been ruled by these three siblings for thousands of years.

In this case, Elijah naturally did not dare to underestimate Rorschach.

But despite this, it has never happened before that a mortal body can serve as the Supreme.

After all, a mortal body carrying the genes of the undead may have great potential, but potential is still potential after all.

It is also possible that that mortal will be a mortal all his life.

"Fortunately Niklaus didn't come, otherwise..."

Rebecca suddenly remembered something and couldn't help but sigh.

Given Niklaus's temperament, if he knew that he was attending a mortal Supreme succession ceremony, there would definitely be a lot of chaos.

"We should indeed be thankful for this." Elijah nodded in agreement.


"A...mortal? Are Marcus and the others mistaken?"

In another seat, a young vampire who looked like Robert Pattinson couldn't help but laugh out loud.

There were also several other young vampires standing next to the young vampire, and they couldn't help but laugh out loud when they heard the words.

This was the seat of the Cullen family.

The vampire who spoke before was Edward Cullen, who was very handsome and touched the hearts of many girls.


The patriarch of the Cullen family, Carlisle Cullen, couldn't help but frown slightly and scolded Edward beside him in a low voice.

Although he also felt that it was too absurd to let a mortal who had not yet completed the transformation serve as the Supreme, anyway, this was the business of other families.

How could they comment on it?

They just needed to witness it silently.

"Carlisle, please, I know you feel the same way, right?" Edward said with a nonchalant look.

"Edward, what did you promise me when you begged me to bring you here?"

Carlisle turned around, and two sharp eyes hit Edward's face.

"OK! Ok!" Edward spread his hands, "I'm just... too excited. With so many supremes, this is simply a super carnival for us vampires!"


The two were talking, but Alice, who was originally smiling, suddenly took a breath and changed her face.

It was as if she had seen something terrifying.

Then she subconsciously turned her head and looked at Rorschach who was walking inward with Marcus and others. There was a trace of fear on her face.

It was as if she had seen some big devil.

"What's wrong, Alice, what did you see?"

Carlisle immediately looked at Alice with a serious face and asked.

Alice has the ability to see the future. It was obvious that Alice had seen something terrible.

And that terrible thing was related to the new supreme of the Marcus tribe.

"Oh, so terrible, I have never seen such a terrible person."

Alice sighed in fear.

"Who? This mortal supreme?"

Edward glanced at the young figure not far ahead in disbelief.

"Edward, shut up! Do you want to kill us all?"

Alice, who was always gentle, shouted at Edward.

Edward was almost stunned by Alice's scolding. He didn't expect Alice to suddenly use such an extremely serious tone to him.

But Edward was not stupid. Seeing that Alice was frightened by the young man, he knew that the other party must be a very remarkable person.

So he shut his mouth and said nothing more.

Carlisle couldn't help but take another look at Rorschach, and his curiosity couldn't be stopped anyway.

How terrible is this person who frightened Alice like this?

Similar to the discussion between the Mikaelson family and the Cullen family, it was basically played out in every corner of the whole hall.

After all, the supreme being in the mortal body is indeed too rare, and it is difficult not to cause people's discussion.

Rorschach naturally didn't take it seriously. He followed Marcus and several elders to wander around the hall.

As the new Supreme, he went to meet the Supremes of various tribes and get to know them.

"The Volturi family is here!"

Someone shouted, and the atmosphere in the whole hall was ignited.

Everyone stood up and looked towards the door.

As expected, they saw three vampires wearing medieval robes, walking slowly and gracefully.

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