American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 163 A giant? What a nobody in front of me?

But the leading vampire was wearing an exquisite robe, with long hair combed back and casually placed on his shoulders.

His hands were slightly intertwined and placed on his lower abdomen, his steps were slow and rhythmic, and he walked without making any sound. The smile on his face seemed to be strictly generated by a computer program.

This is a gentleman with elegance and grace engraved in his bones.

This person is none other than the patriarch of the Volturi family, Aro.

Behind Aro, two young people followed on the left and right, one male and one female, respectively. They were Aro's left and right arms, Eric, who could control the black air and make people lose all consciousness, and Jane, who had the mental attack of "burning body technique".

The three people walked into the hall in the awe and admiration of all the vampires.

"Supreme, Patriarch Aro and others are here."

Marcus' spirits suddenly lifted, and his face became serious, and he spoke to Rorschach.

Rorschach nodded, indicating that he knew what was going on.

Then he took Marcus, Victor and Emilia to personally greet the Volturi family.

As the new Supreme of the Marcus tribe, Rorschach, as the host, personally went to greet friends from afar to show courtesy. There was nothing to say about this matter.

"Chief Aro, you are finally here."

Even Marcus, who was as unruly as he was, behaved respectfully in front of Aro, not daring to be rude.


With a faint smile on his face, Aro greeted Marcus, "I thought I would see you in a few decades."

Aro obviously knew the rules of Marcus' tribe and knew that Marcus would not rule until the next century.

"The ancestor favored our tribe and ushered in a new Supreme, so I was awakened in advance." Marcus simply explained to the other party.

Speaking of this.

Aro's eyes fell on Rorschach. He couldn't help but look him up and down: "Then this person must be your new Supreme, right? Oh, very rare, and a mortal."

Eric and Jane looked at each other, and they could see a hint of surprise in each other's eyes.

"Yes, Chief Aro, this is our new Supreme, Supreme Rorschach." Marcus immediately introduced Aro.

"Chief Aro."

Rorschach nodded to Aro lightly, as a greeting.

"Supreme Rorschach!"

Aro also responded politely.

But after a pause, he stared at Rorschach with curiosity and slowly said: "I am very curious, how can a mortal body conquer such an arrogant person like Marcus? You know, even many Supremes are not taken seriously by Marcus, how can I?"

At this point, Aro stretched out his hands and made a gesture to hold Rorschach's hands.

"Supreme, Chief Aro can obtain other people's memories by touching them."

Marcus was afraid that Rorschach would not understand what Aro meant, so he whispered in Rorschach's ear to explain.

Obviously, Aro was really curious about Rorschach.

He wanted to see in detail what was so unique about Rorschach that he could be recognized by a powerful and unruly vampire like Marcus.

Reading memories?

What a joke!

Just because of curiosity, you can read other people's memories?

If it was another Supreme who had not yet officially taken over, he might really choose to surrender in front of a giant like Aro.

After all, for most tribes, Aro is really untouchable.

But here with Rorschach?


Who is Aro?

"Sorry, Chief Aro, I have a habit of not liking men touching me."

Rorschach refused Chief Aro without hesitation without thinking.

The smile on Aro's face froze slightly, and his face twitched slightly.

Perhaps he didn't expect that in such an occasion where the vampire high-levels gathered, an undead who had not yet officially succeeded and was in a mortal body would be so disrespectful to him.

Eric and Jane, who were beside A Luo, immediately changed their expressions.

Eric didn't say anything nonsense. He stretched out his hand suddenly, and two balls of black air emerged from Eric's hand.

The black air was Eric's ability. Once a person was swept into it, all the senses of the person would be deprived.

Becoming a blind, deaf person who can't perceive anything, even the sense of touch will disappear, and can only be slaughtered on the chopping board.

However, A Luo gently raised his hand and made a gesture to stop him. Seeing this, Eric retracted his black air.

But his eyes looking at Rorschach were still full of coldness.

"So unruly, I now have a vague idea of ​​why."

A Luo smiled at Rorschach as if nothing had happened.

It seemed that he didn't mind Luo Xia's lack of respect just now.

But Luo Xia still keenly sensed the barely perceptible flash of sharpness in A Luo's eyes.

"Chief A Luo, please come in quickly!"

Marcus' voice sounded, and he immediately interrupted the delicate atmosphere at the scene and politely extended an invitation to the A Luo tribe.

"I have a feeling that today's succession ceremony will be very exciting!"

Aro said this meaningfully, and then he followed Marcus to the table with his two followers as if nothing had happened.

The little episode that happened just now was like a breeze blowing over the water, stirring up ripples, and then returning to calm again.

But in fact, the atmosphere at the scene has become subtle.

The five senses of vampires are far beyond those of ordinary people. Although there are many people in the hall and the distance is a bit far, the scene that happened at the door was still clearly seen by everyone.

When everyone looked at Rorschach, they couldn't help but become a little playful.

That kid actually dared to slap Aro in the face like this, he was really brave!

It seems that this trip was not in vain, and next, I'm afraid there will be fun.

With the status of the Volturi family in the undead, how could he allow his dignity to be offended like this.

The more such a giant family, the more inviolable the family dignity!

This succession ceremony is destined not to be peaceful.

However, Rorschach didn't take it seriously at all. He was just Aro. If he was honest, it would be fine. But if he really didn't know how to appreciate his kindness, Rorschach would make him regret it.

He returned to his seat as if no one was around, and Elder Emilia personally took care of him.

Generally speaking, even if the ceremony hadn't officially started, people from other tribes would take the initiative to greet Rorschach and keep in touch with him.

But after the incident with Aro, no one from any tribe dared to greet Rorschach.

They were afraid of offending Aro by accident.

In this way, Rorschach, the protagonist who should have been sought after by everyone, was extremely neglected in a very tragic way.

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