Luo Xia didn't care at all about his cold reception. Even for him, he was happy and at ease without anyone disturbing him.

However, the elders Marcus, Victor and Emilia were secretly anxious.

Originally, they were counting on the new Supreme to reestablish their group's status among the undead, but now it seems that the development is very, very unoptimistic.

Even before the succession ceremony began, they had already offended A Luo.

Aluo didn't even make any statement, and all the ethnic groups automatically began to treat their ethnic group coldly.

My balls hurt!

But they don't have any good way to change this kind of thing.

After all, things have already happened. They can't possibly ask Rorschach to admit his mistakes and bow his head to A Luo, right?

Based on what they knew about Rorschach, that was obviously impossible.

To take a step back, even if Rorschach is really willing to do that, it will only make their tribe a joke.


"Don't you even take Aluo seriously?"

"That guy actually failed A Luo in such an occasion!"

The Cullen family was still quite surprised.

With Arrow's status, even a rebellious guy like Nicklaus would not dare to be so presumptuous.

But the young man who was not yet an undead did exactly that.

Thinking back to Alice's previous fear of the young man, the Cullen family seemed to vaguely smell something unusual.

"Supreme, it's time for the ceremony!"

In this weird atmosphere, not long after, Marcus came to Rorschach in person and said hello to Rorschach.

Rorschach nodded to this, indicating that he already knew.

At this time, Marcus stood up and strode to the high platform prepared in advance in the hall.

All the eyes around him looked over.

Under the gaze of everyone, Marcus cleared his throat and began to talk to everyone: "Dear friends of the undead, I, Marcus Corvinus, here represent our group. Ethnic group, welcome everyone, and sincerely thank you for your support of our ethnic group!”

"Everyone knows that our tribe has had a very delicate relationship with our Supreme Alexander Corvinus for a long time. Compared to leading our tribe, Alexander prefers to stay at sea!"

"Yes, although this is a bit shameful, everyone has already known it, and I have nothing to hide. Alexander abandoned our ethnic group!"

"Yes, he is my father, but he also abandoned us!"

"But fortunately with the blessing of our ancestors, this shame will end today, because our ethnic group has ushered in a new supreme."

"Today, we invite all the families to come from thousands of miles away, just because we want you to be a witness. From today on, our Corvinus tribe will change its ways and officially become the Rorschach tribe!"

"From today on, the Corvinus family no longer exists, only the Rorschach family exists!"

Marcus didn't say any nonsense, and announced this important matter loudly to the other undead tribes in front of everyone.

"Next, I invite Supreme Rorschach to attend and accept the Rorschach family's patriarchal badge!"

With everyone watching, Marcus announced loudly again.

Following Marcus's voice, Victor and Emilia also lined up and came to Marcus' side. The three of them stood together and knelt on one knee in front of the high platform.

Luo Xia knew that it was time for him to appear, so he adjusted his clothes a little and strode to the three elders.

Klein, the chief steward of the tribe, personally came forward with a tray.

In the tray is the clan leader's badge specially made for Rorschach.

Marcus respectfully took the tray from Klein, raised it above his head, and pushed the tray to Rorschach's chest.

Of course, Rorschach didn't talk nonsense, so he just picked up the badge from the tray.

Klein hurriedly took two steps forward, approached Rorschach, and helped Rorschach put the badge on Rorschach.

It wasn't until all this was done that Marcus and the others stood up from Rorschach.

"Everyone, Patriarch Luo Xia has been recognized by our ethnic group and has become the patriarch of our ethnic group! Although he has not yet been transformed into the undead, according to the rules of our undead tribe, he should receive the supreme title like the patriarchs of other ethnic groups. title!"

"We, the undead, will have another supreme leader!"

"I wonder if any of the families have any objections to Patriarch Rorshasa receiving the title of Supreme?"

"If the families have no objections, then we will invite the Aro Chief of the Volturi Family to award the Supreme Badge to Chief Rorsha."

Under normal circumstances, soliciting opinions from other families is actually just a formality, complete formalism, nothing more.

No ethnic group would really express any objections. After all, this is ultimately a matter of the Marcus family and has nothing to do with them.

Although it is a bit nonsense to let a mortal be the supreme, but as long as they are happy with it, they are not treating you as the supreme, right?

"Who said we have no objections?"

But at this moment, a very inappropriate voice suddenly sounded.


Along with this voice, a guy with curly hair, wearing loose casual clothes, looking unruly, like a gangster, suddenly appeared in the hall.

Everyone subconsciously glanced at the figure, and all of them couldn't help but change their faces.

Marcus, Victor, Emilia, and others, all of them suddenly became ugly.

It was as if they were slapped hard.

Niklaus is here!

This is Niklaus, who is known as the strongest supreme!

Of course, this "strongest supreme" is actually just a title, just like the strongest Hokage of the third generation.

Others dare not say, but Aro of the Volturi family is definitely able to defeat Niklaus.

Even among the nine guards of the Volturi family, there may be someone who can defeat Niklaus.

But no matter what, since he has the title of "Strongest Supreme", Niklaus's strength must be unquestionable, at least he is at the top of the pyramid.

In addition, Niklaus has always been brutal and unruly, and Marcus's tribe has not invited Niklaus yet. Everyone in the hall smelled a very unusual smell.

What will happen next is probably going to be very lively.

A series of playful eyes began to come over.

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