American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 165 You? You're not even worthy of carrying my shoes!

"Niklaus, why is he here?"

"Now, I'm afraid there may be some trouble."

At the seat of the Mikaelson family, brother and sister Elijah and Rebecca looked at each other, and their brows all furrowed.

They completely hid this matter from Nicklaus, and even used a very reasonable reason to lure Nicklaus away.

In the end, Nicklaus actually found out!

Thinking about Nicklaus's temper again, both brother and sister felt as if their heads were numb.

What happens next will probably be quite troublesome.


However, A Luo leaned on the backrest very comfortably, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth to watch the excitement, "It's not so boring after all."

"Niklaus, why are you here?"

Marcus's voice sounded. He had a dark face, stared at Nicklaus, and asked in a low voice.

"That's a really interesting question."

Niklaus spread his hands with a nonchalant look on his face, "This is a feast for the undead. There are so many undead people and so many supreme beings. As a supreme being, of course I can't miss it. Although You didn't invite me, but I came uninvited. Yes, I don't have an invitation like my eldest brother Elijah, but you won't kick me out because of that, right?"

Although Niklaus is not accepted by the undead because of his identity as half werewolf and half vampire, in any case, Niklaus is also a powerful supreme from the original family.

Everyone knew this unacceptable attitude, but no one dared to admit it in front of Nicklaus.

Not even Marcus dared.

Because that would not only completely offend Nicklaus, but also the Mikaelson family.

Despite the fact that the relationship between brothers Elijah and Niklaus didn't seem to be very good, it was just a little temper tantrum between brothers, nothing more.

Once family issues are involved, this family is still very united.

"Niklaus, I'm very sorry. Elijah said that you have something important to do, so I didn't bother you."

Marcus's voice rang, and he said to Nicklaus, "Since you are already here, please take a seat."

"Thank you very much." Nicklaus spread his hands.

"Niklaus, come here quickly."

Elijah also waved to Niklaus hastily.

Since Nicklaus came uninvited, it was naturally impossible for him to blow Nicklaus away in front of so many people.

In any case, this is his brother.

All Elijah can do now is to try his best to keep an eye on his brother and prevent him from causing trouble, that's all.

"Not in a hurry."

Nicklaus waved his hand, "I have clearly expressed my objections just now, but I haven't had time to speak about the specific objections."

"Niklaus, today is a big day for our clan. You don't need me to remind you, right?"

Marcus stared at Nicklaus with his eyes at this time, and spoke to Nicklaus in a deep voice.

"That's right, Niklaus, today is a big day for the Rorschach Clan, so as guests, we shouldn't overwhelm the Rorschach Clan and steal the spotlight."

Elijah also spoke immediately, trying to suppress Niklaus.

"Rorschach tribe?"

Niklaus couldn't help but shook his head and laughed out loud, "Look, this is the problem! I don't know if your tribe has a brain problem, or is confused, or what, but you actually recognized a mortal as the leader. This is your business and I’m too lazy to take care of it.”

"My real question is... Dear Supremes, do you really think that this boy with a mortal body is qualified to be the same as the rest of us and be called a Supreme?"

"Am I the only one who thinks this is a shame? When did the Supreme become so devalued and have such a lackluster title?"

"Can any cat or dog be equal to us? Can you bear this kind of insult?"

"Niklaus, that's enough!"

Elijah's shouting sounded, and he couldn't hold it back any longer, stood up, and shouted at Niklaus.


Arrow, who had been watching the fun, spoke up at this time. He looked at the fun and said to Elijah without taking it seriously, "Niklaus just expressed his doubts, why are you like this?" A big reaction? The Rorschach tribe didn’t even express their opinion.”

"That's right Elijah, I just asked a question that everyone wants to ask. Is your reaction too big?"

Nicklaus did not expect that Arrow would support him this time, but since the other party did so, that was a good thing.

He smiled more and more arrogantly.

Even Elijah would not dare to openly disgrace Arrow.

Elijah glanced at Aro with a headache, but in the end he didn't say anything more.

A Luo made it clear that he wanted to take this opportunity to humiliate the Rorschach tribe. Who told Rorsha to slap A Luo in the face in front of so many people before?

"And Mr. Rorschach, I'm sorry, I can't call you Supreme, because I don't think you are qualified to be called Supreme."

Niklaus's voice sounded again. He took two steps forward and stared at Rorschach. "Do you really think you are qualified to be equal to me?"


Following Nicklaus's words, one eye after another in the scene fell on Rorschach involuntarily.

Everyone couldn't help but show deep sympathy on their faces.

Because the facts are now obvious.

Marcus didn't invite Niklaus in advance, so he annoyed Niklaus. Niklaus was clearly here to make trouble.

Otherwise, with Niklaus's temper, he wouldn't care who Marcus and his friends support as the Supreme.

It was bad enough to offend Marcus, but the mortal Supreme slapped Aro in the face!

As a result, Aro also fanned the flames and added fuel to the fire.

Even Elijah didn't dare to stop Niklaus.

The Marcus family can be said to have offended two super supremes in one go.

And now, the two super supremes are starting to settle accounts!

What a mess!

Damn it!

With the suppression of people of the level of Aro and Niklaus, everyone has deep sympathy for Rorschach.

"Niklaus, are you really going to go to war with me?"

Marcus couldn't bear it anymore. He stepped forward, stared at Niklaus with murderous intent, and uttered such a murderous word.

"Marcus, you actually spoke to me in this tone, are you provoking me?" Niklaus' eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Marcus, calm down!"

In the smoke-filled scene, Rorschach's understated voice suddenly rang out.

But he patted Marcus on the shoulder and said to him, "Actually, I think Niklaus is right. I don't think I am qualified to be on an equal footing with him."

"Supreme, you..."

Marcus stared at Rorschach in a daze, a little bit unable to accept it.

Isn't the Supreme so fierce? Why is he so cowardly this time?

And the other vampires couldn't help showing a look of contempt, and some couldn't help but sneer.

Although he was facing Nicklaus, Rorschach was such a coward.

A piece of shit like this wanted to be the Supreme?

What an international joke!

"Because, Nicklaus is nothing in front of me! He is not even worthy of carrying my shoes. How can two parties with such a huge gap be equal?"

But then, the second half of Rorschach's words continued to come slowly.

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