American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 166 The Strongest Supreme? Even Rorschach can’t stop him!


The expression on Marcus's face froze, and then the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curve.

This is the supreme thing!

This is the arrogant, arrogant and domineering Supreme in the impression!

Only such a supreme being deserves to be followed by Marcus.

The other two elders, Victor and Emilia, looked calm on the surface, but they were extremely anxious in their hearts.

As soon as the Supreme said these words, it was equivalent to completely breaking up with Nicklaus.

If one of them fails, it may turn into a war between the two ethnic groups!

And can their tribe stop the ancestral family?

When they thought of this, both Victor and Emilia felt their hearts heavy, as if they were weighing down a huge mountain.


Not only Marcus, but also the other vampires around him, the sarcastic smiles on their faces suddenly stopped as if someone had cut them with a knife.

Then it was replaced by a kind of surprise and surprise.

This Supreme Rorschach, whom everyone didn't think highly of at first, is actually so talented?

Dare you be so tough on Nicklaus?

To be fair to all the supreme beings, if it were them, they would never have the courage.

Anyway, that’s Nicklaus too!


Now, it was the turn of all the eyes around him to focus on Niklaus.

I guess Nicklaus has never been slapped in the face so openly in hundreds of years, right?

However, he saw that Niklaus's face had indeed begun to turn gloomy, as if he had been severely slapped several times, and he was about to become gloomy.

The atmosphere in the entire hall began to become dull as Niklaus became angry.


A sinister and sinister laugh came from Niklaus's mouth.

His eyes were like daggers, and he hit Luo Xia directly, "Do you know what happened to the last person who spoke to me in this tone?"



Before he finished speaking, a sonic boom sounded.

Niklaus felt that his eyes were blurred, and before he could react, Rorschach had already appeared in front of him.


"Such speed!"

Niklaus's face changed suddenly, and he was shocked.

He is a powerful Supreme with the title of the Strongest Supreme, and there is no doubt about his strength.


They can barely keep up with each other's speed!

However, Nicklaus was not an ordinary person. At that critical moment, he responded instinctively.

He suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Rorschach fiercely.


But as soon as he stretched out his hand, he felt that his hand was grabbed by someone, and then there was a sound of bones breaking. Nicklaus felt that his right hand was broken.

Then a strong force hit him directly.


There was another loud noise.

Then the whole hall seemed to tremble.

Niklaus, who was standing there with a domineering attitude, was stepped on by Rorschach!

This is not an exaggerated description, but a realistic description. Niklaus was really stepped on by Rorschach on the chest, like a dead dog.


The whole scene suddenly became quiet.

Each of the vampires almost had their eyes popped out, unable to believe what they saw.

That mortal Rorschach Supreme trampled Niklaus under his feet just by looking at him?

Nicklaus, half werewolf and half vampire, who is known as the strongest supreme, is so vulnerable in front of Rorschach!

When seeing this scene happen with their own eyes, no one would believe it.

"How can it be!"

"Niklaus was... killed instantly?"

"Hiss, even Nicklaus..."

"Isn't this too scary?"

The scene was quiet for several seconds before a burst of exclamations broke out.


Edward Cullen, who had teased Rorschach before, couldn't help but swallowed hard at this time, he was completely stunned by this scene.

That's Nicklaus!

In front of Rorschach, he was beaten like a dog!

With such a terrifying existence, he actually made fun of others before?

Really looking for death!

Alice must have seen this scene in advance, so she was completely frightened, right?

Thinking of this, Edward couldn't help but look at Alice beside him.

And subconsciously, he activated his ability on Alice and read Alice's thoughts.

That's right.

Among the vampires of the Cullen family, many members have supernatural powers, and Edward is one of them.

And Edward's power is to read other people's inner thoughts.

"Where is this? This is just the beginning!"

Alice's shocking bitter smile flashed through Edward's mind.

Even Nicklaus was defeated, but it was just the beginning?

Edward couldn't help but gasp.

"So, Niklaus, what you said is really right. How can someone like you, who can only be trampled under my feet like a dead dog, be on an equal footing with me?"

Rorschach's voice sounded slowly in the extremely quiet hall at this time.

It reached everyone's ears and shook everyone's heart.

"Damn... bastard!"

Niklaus's beast-like roar sounded from under Rorschach's feet. He stared at Rorschach with a look of wanting to eat him, "I won't..."


Niklaus' words were only halfway through when he stopped abruptly.

Because Rorschach broke Niklaus' neck with one foot!

The faces of Elijah and Rebecca couldn't help but become very ugly.

Niklaus, like them, was immortal. Even if his neck was broken, he would not die, but this method was tantamount to slapping their family in the face.

"Supreme Rorschach, Niklaus did offend you before. I apologize to you for his stubbornness, but I don't know if Supreme Rorschach has vented his anger now?"

"I don't know if Supreme Rorschach can return my brother to me?"

Elijah asked with a gloomy face, staring at Rorschach with his eyes fixed.


Elijah's attitude surprised Rorschach a little.

He killed Niklaus directly, but Elijah only had this reaction?

Shouldn't he rush up to fight him to the death?

But the next moment, Rorschach immediately realized that he was negligent.

A normal vampire would definitely die if his neck was broken, but the one under his feet was not an ordinary vampire.

It was a super vampire that was half werewolf and half vampire!

It was called immortal!

Rorschach's method of killing ordinary vampires should probably not kill them.

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