American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 167 Killing the Supreme is like killing a chicken, what a perversion!

Crack, crack, crack!

Sure enough, the next moment.

Niklaus's neck, which was broken by Rorschach, healed automatically, and his tightly closed eyes opened again.

"Boy, do you know what you did?"

Niklaus' eyes were filled with uncontrollable anger and murderous intent, and he stared at Rorschach, "I swear I will cut you into pieces, you will die... eh!"

Niklaus' words stopped again in the middle of his words.


Because Rorschach's eyes suddenly shot out two heat rays, directly cutting off Niklaus's head.

"This time, I don't believe you are still alive."

After doing all this, Rorschach looked at Niklaus' headless body and muttered as if he had done something insignificant.

The atmosphere in the hall became extremely depressing in an instant.

Everyone's heart seemed to be pressed down by a mountain.

Even breathing became extremely difficult.

Some people even felt their hairs stand up.

Niklaus was killed!

Niklaus, who was known as the strongest supreme, was killed by Rorschach in front of everyone, in front of the other two brothers and sisters of the Mikaelson family!

How did things develop to this point?

How dare this Supreme Rorschach!

Just because Niklaus smashed his place and slapped him in the face?

Just because of this?

He was willing to completely turn against the Original Family and kill a Supreme?

This Supreme Rorschach is too fierce!

And what the hell is the laser coming out of Supreme Rorschach's eyes? It can even cut off Niklaus's perverted body?

Is that Supreme Rorschach's ability?

How could these people know that Rorschach had already planned to kill Niklaus before. If he didn't kill this ant who came to provoke him, would he keep it for the New Year?

It was just because Rorschach was not a real undead and did not know much about Niklaus, so he was careless for a moment and spared his life. That was all.


Niklaus would have died half a minute ago.

"You actually killed Niklaus!?"

A roar suddenly sounded in the quiet scene.

It was Elijah who turned into a phantom and rushed towards Rorschach at such an incredible speed.

His right hand was clenched into a sharp claw and grabbed Rorschach's chest fiercely.

"Black Tiger Heart Digging" is one of the two most common methods used by vampires to kill their own kind.

Among them, the method of Black Tiger Heart Digging is more popular among the Mikaelson family.

As for another method besides "Black Tiger Heart Digging", "Head Pulling" is more popular among the Arrow family.


Elijah is indeed a powerful supreme from the Ancestor Family. Many other undead did not react at all, and Elijah rushed to Rorschach.


But the next moment, a slight sound was heard, and Elijah's body suddenly stopped, like a car that suddenly stepped on the brakes.

Because Rorschach just stretched out his hand and grabbed Elijah's neck directly!

Just like that, Elijah was lifted up like a chicken!

Elijah, such a famous figure, had no power to resist in Rorschach's hands. He could only struggle in Rorschach's hands like a baby.

But he could never get rid of Rorschach's "claws".


Rebecca also exclaimed, her face was full of shock, and there was panic that could not be concealed.

What kind of devil is this Rorschach?

Her two brothers were so powerful, but they became completely weak in front of this person, without any power to resist!

How could this be possible?

But Rebecca was completely stunned by Rorschach, so she didn't dare to step forward rashly.

"Supreme Rorschach, please stop! This is all a misunderstanding, you don't have to..."


Rebecca was interrupted by the sound of a broken bone halfway through her words.

Rorschach grabbed Elijah's head with both hands, twisted it hard, and pulled it off.


Then he threw Elijah's head on the ground like throwing away garbage.



Elijah's headless body shook for a moment, and then fell at Rorschach's feet.

Go to accompany the brother who had loved and killed him for thousands of years.


The whole hall became silent again.

All the undead felt that their hearts were about to burst out.

After Niklaus, even Elijah was killed by Rorschach.

In just one minute, two powerful supremes of the Ancestor Family were killed by this Rorschach.

What kind of devil is this guy!

"Too...too scary."

Carlisle Cullen was completely stunned. Although he was a vampire and no longer had the ability to sweat, he still felt a cold sweat running down his face.

Killing two powerful supreme beings in succession was like crushing ants. So, is this the future that Alice saw?

It turns out that this mortal supreme who was looked down upon by everyone at the beginning is such a terrible pervert.


Edward, who had teased Rorschach before, began to twitch his face and felt a chill in his back.

Alice was right. It turned out that ravaging Niklaus was really just the beginning!

This Supreme Rorschach is simply a big devil!

He actually teased such a big devil before?

Does he really think he has not lived long enough?


"This guy is actually... so powerful!"

On the Volturi family side, Aro, Eric and Jane were also stunned, and even dumbfounded.

Originally, when Rorschach did not give Aro face, Aro and the others were angry and no one really took Rorschach to heart.

But who would have thought that this guy would be so powerful!

He not only has more powerful strength and speed than Niklaus and Elijah, but also has supernatural powers that most vampires do not have.

And that ability is a very rare and terrifying attack ability.

For the undead, it has a very strong killing power.

In an instant.

A Luo became deeply afraid of Rorschach.


"You, you killed Elijah again!"

Rebecca's angry, sad, and uncontrollable panic voice rang out.

But she stared at Rorschach with the eyes of a great devil.

But she never dared to take the initiative to attack Rorschach again.

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