American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 168 The Volturi family was shocked: This guy is so scary!

But just because Rebecca doesn't dare to take action against Rorschach doesn't mean that Rorschach will let Rebecca go.

Since two of these three brothers and sisters have been killed by Rorschach, there is no need to keep the last one no matter how you look at it.

That is completely leaving yourself with hidden dangers.

Although with Rebecca's strength, she can't hurt Rorschach at all. Rebecca's strength is not even comparable to that of Niklaus, let alone Elijah. In front of Rorschach, she can only be considered a weakling. A fly.

But flies can also be annoying, right?

Now that Rebecca's two brothers have been killed, Rorschach can only go and reunite Rebecca with her two brothers.


Rorschach's eyes began to turn red again.

"Okay, that's enough!"

A sharp shout sounded.

But Ah Luo finally couldn't bear it anymore and began to speak out to stop Rorschach.

After all, the reason why Niklaus was killed by Rorschach was inseparable from Arrow.

If Aro hadn't given Nicklaus support, Nicklaus might have been stopped in advance by Elijah.

Then now the two brothers will not die at the hands of Rorschach.

The founding family suffered such a heavy blow, and A Luo could never be separated from it.

Now that Luo Xia wanted to kill all three siblings of the Founding Family because of this, A Luo naturally couldn't stand idly by.

Otherwise, the prestige that the Volturi family has worked so hard to establish will be greatly reduced.

If they ignored it from beginning to end and allowed Rebecca to be killed, wouldn't they have become a trap for the Founding Family?

Which family will still respect their Volturi family in the future?

From another perspective, the Volturi family is the most powerful race among the undead at present, and they have formulated the current undead laws.

Such a character, naturally cannot sit idly by when the three brothers of the founding family are facing the crisis of annihilation.

"Although Niklaus did something wrong, Niklaus is already dead. In addition, you also killed Niklaus's brother Elijah. This is enough!"

Aro said to Rorschach in a tone that sounded like the authority of the undead was coming to bring justice to everyone.


Rebecca couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

What a pity.

When Rorschach gave her "red eyes" just now, Rebecca was really frightened, and even her whole body became stiff.

Those two lasers couldn't even be withstood by a body like Niklaus's, let alone hers.


However, Rorschach seemed not to hear Aro's words at all. The heat ray shot directly onto Rebecca's head without any pause.


Rebecca's head just exploded.


Rebecca's headless body just fell to the ground.

The sound was not loud, but it was like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's heart.

The already extremely depressing atmosphere at the scene began to become even more depressing, so depressing that everyone felt like they were about to suffocate.

No one even dared to take a breath.

Rorschach actually killed Rebecca even though Patriarch Arrow himself spoke.

He actually completely ignored A Luo's words!

If refusing A Luo's inspection at the door before was equivalent to a slap in the face, now, it is no less than slapping A Luo in the face with a slipper!

That's the leader of the Aluo clan!


One after another, the eyes at the scene were all struck on the face of Patriarch Aluo.

Sure enough, everyone saw that even A Luo, who had always been elegant and maintained an elegant demeanor at all times, began to twitch uncontrollably.

Everyone knows that Patriarch Aluo is angry!


With the anger of Patriarch Aluo, his confidants would naturally not be idle. Jane immediately activated her superpower on Rorschach and let out a low drink from her mouth.

It has to be said that Jane's body-burning technique is actually very perverted. It is a spiritual attack. Just shout "pain" at the target, and the enemy can be plunged into endless pain.

Silent, impossible to guard against, very scary.

The moment Jane launched an attack on Rorschach, Rorschach immediately felt that a very strange form of power began to enter his spiritual world and launched an attack on his spiritual world.

In the past, Rorschach would have been unable to resist this kind of mental attack, because mental power was a form of power from another dimension to him.

But now.

The situation is completely different!

Rorschach's mental power has been "mutated" after being "transformed" by the energy of the Holy Stone, and he can enter the dimension of mental power.

Naturally, the enemy's mental attack can also be sensed.


With a thought in his mind, Rorschach immediately controlled his unique blue mental power to resist Jane's mental attack.

Although Rorschach's control over his own mental power is still at an early stage, he did it effortlessly. It can even be said that he blocked Jane's attack effortlessly.

There is no other reason.

Rorschach's mental power is much stronger than Jane's!

"Pain? You are right, you will feel pain next."

"But it's not me, it's you!"

Rorschach's voice sounded, and he looked at Jane with a sarcastic face and said.


"My ability doesn't work on him?"

Jane almost popped her eyes out, and at that moment, a huge wave of emotion rose in her heart.

Her supernatural power, which could be called a cheat, had always made people shudder and fear, but now, it was useless in front of Rorschach!

What's wrong with this guy?


Rorschach didn't say anything nonsense, and his eyes once again shot two heat rays at Jane.

Jane had seen the power of Rorschach's heat rays a long time ago, so she didn't dare to underestimate him at this moment. She immediately used her super speed and quickly dodged to the side.

Don't mention how embarrassed she was.


Rorschach's two heat rays shot directly at the place where Jane was originally, and directly shot two large pits on the ground.

Although embarrassed, Jane was one of the nine guards of the Volturi family, and her strength was also a supreme level, which was naturally incomparable with ordinary undead.


But at this moment, a sonic boom suddenly sounded, and Jane felt her eyes blurred, but she could no longer react, and was grabbed by Rorschach's neck.


A Luo's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted to Rorschach, "Let Jane go, I can treat everything that happened today as nothing happened, otherwise..."


Jane's head exploded directly.

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