American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 169 Kill all those who disobey and scare everyone



The sound of swallowing saliva rang out again and again, and everyone in the hall dropped their jaws in shock. Everyone almost popped their eyes out.

I couldn't believe my eyes at all.

Rorschach Supreme, actually killed Jane without any scruples or hesitation?

Who is Jane?

She is the sister of Chief Aro, and also one of the nine guards of the Volturi family. She is the most core backbone of the Volturi.

This kind of person, looking at the entire undead race, is definitely a super figure standing at the top of the pyramid.

But now.

Rorschach Supreme actually killed Jane in front of Chief Aro, ignoring Chief Aro's plea!

Doesn't Supreme Rorschach know what this means?

Is he going to go to war with the most powerful tribe of the undead race after he just took over as the Supreme of Marcus' tribe?

"You actually killed Jane!"

Aro's gritting teeth and murderous roar rang out in the quiet scene.

Everyone saw that Aro stared at Rorschach with a look that looked like he wanted to eat someone, and said this sentence from between his teeth.

The fierce murderous intent and the undisguised killing intention made everyone at the scene feel terrified.

Chief Aro was angry!

"I haven't been angered for thousands of years..."


Chief Aro was interrupted by two heat rays from Rorschach before he finished speaking.

Since he had already killed Jane, how could Rorschach hold back on Aro?

Of course, he killed them all together.


But Aro was not an ordinary person after all, and he might even be the most powerful undead besides Dracula. When Rorschach's eyes shot out heat rays, Aro's body shook and turned into a shadow and disappeared.


Rorschach's heat ray directly hit the chair where A Luo was sitting, smashing it to pieces.

And A Luo's figure appeared five or six meters away in the blink of an eye.

"How dare you!"

A sharp shout also rang out at this time, but A Luo's confidant Eric didn't say anything at this time, and also attacked Rorschach brazenly.

He stretched out his hands suddenly, and two groups of black air suddenly rushed out, rushing towards Rorschach like a venomous snake.

But at that moment, Rorschach suddenly stretched out his hands towards the two groups of black air, and his telekinesis was directly activated.


The black air was like hitting an invisible wall and was directly blocked.


Eric's face changed. This guy actually has telekinetic powers?

Then what about the laser in his eyes before?

This guy actually has two powers at the same time?

But this guy is obviously not an undead!

What the hell is this monster!

"Not good!"

Considering that Rorschach's terrible heat ray was simply impossible to defend against, Eric released a large amount of black gas at the first moment, covering his entire body.

Even with himself as the center, the area of ​​dozens of meters was filled with black gas.

"No, don't..."

"Go away..."

A burst of exclamations came suddenly, but soon stopped, because those people were swallowed by the black gas.

And then lost all perception, becoming a lamb for Eric to slaughter.

In this way, Eric can perfectly hide in the black gas without being discovered by Rorschach, and then make Rorschach's heat ray ineffective.

After all, the black gas can completely block Rorschach's sight, making it impossible for Rorschach to capture Eric's specific location.

At the same time, there are many other undead in the black gas, which makes Rorschach unable to shoot indiscriminately in the black gas without scruples.

Otherwise, Rorschach will kill many members of other families, and then make enemies with many other families in one fell swoop.

In this way, the Rorschach family directly became the public enemy of the undead.

Eric believed that even a crazy person like Rorschach would not dare to act so recklessly.

It was a pity that Eric still underestimated Rorschach.

Even if the other party was hidden in the black air, what would happen?

Rorschach's perspective eyes were not vegetarian!

Yes, the black air could indeed deprive people of their perception, including vision, but now there was a key problem, the black air did not affect Rorschach!

Then Rorschach would naturally not be affected by the black air.

His perspective eyes instantly passed through the black air and captured Eric with great accuracy.


Then Rorschach didn't say a word, and two heat rays burst out directly and shot into the black air.


A muffled groan sounded immediately, and then the black air in the sky disappeared.

And when the black air dissipated, Eric's headless body appeared in front of everyone.



The sound of swallowing saliva that had just been heard not long ago was heard again.

Everyone looked at Eric's headless body on the ground, and felt that their hearts were about to jump out of their chests.

Another member of the Volturi family guard was killed!

Another one!


A sad, angry, and extremely murderous voice came from Aro's mouth.

But Aro's eyes were wide open, staring at Eric's body on the ground. For a moment, he couldn't believe it and didn't dare to accept it.

Eric and Jane, these are his brothers and sisters who have followed him for more than a thousand years. They are loyal to Aro and are equally powerful. They have made great contributions to the Volturi family's hegemony as the strongest family of the undead.

But now.

In this ordinary supreme succession ceremony, they were both killed!

They were fine in so many cruel and fierce wars, but now they died so aggrievedly.

The anger and frustration in Aro's heart can be imagined.

"You, must die!"

Aro then glared at Rorschach and made a gritting sound from his mouth.


Rorschach didn't say anything nonsense to Aro at all. He just shook his body, a sonic boom sounded directly, and rushed towards Aro at an incredible speed.

There was no other way. There were too many people in the hall. It was not appropriate to chase Aro with heat rays, so Rorschach simply used the most traditional method.

Violence, against violence!


Aro didn't say anything. He also used his super speed of nearly the speed of sound and rushed towards Rorschach.

Then everyone felt a flash in front of their eyes. Rorschach and Aro turned into two blurry shadows and collided fiercely.

They intertwined and flashed quickly.

But the next moment, the two blurry figures suddenly became clear.

But one of them was still standing there with a big horse and a golden sword, while the other one had no head!

Held in the hand of the standing man!

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