American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 170 One person dominates the whole place, no one dares to disobey




The quiet scene was suddenly filled with gasps.

Every undead could not remain calm, and looked at the person standing in the middle of the hall with extremely frightened eyes.

Everyone was trembling all over, their hands and feet were shaking, and they couldn't even stand steadily.

They were scared.

Some people were so shocked that their hands and feet became weak, and they had to hold on to the chairs beside them with both hands to barely stand.

In short, at this moment.

Everyone was shocked.

Because the person standing there was Rorschach!

Rorschach was holding Aro's head in his hand!

And Aro's headless body shook twice in front of Rorschach, and then fell to the ground.

The sound was not loud, but it hit everyone's heart like a heavy hammer.

"Chief Aro... is dead!"

"Chief Aro was killed!"

"Even Chief Aro was... killed instantly?"

The deathly silent scene was silent for several seconds before shocking voices were heard one after another.

No one dared to believe their eyes.

That was Chief Aro!

The most recognized undead except Dracula's ancestor!

Compared to Niklaus' title of "Strongest Supreme", Aro, an undead without the title of the strongest, is actually the strongest in everyone's heart.


It was this strongest supreme who fought with Rorschach Supreme and was killed by Rorschach Supreme in just a few seconds!

How is this possible?

If you don't see it with your own eyes, no one will believe it.

What's more important is that the current Rorschach Supreme is not an undead at all!

"So, so scary."

"Too scary! So perverted."

Edward Cullen felt his legs trembling and almost couldn't stand steadily at the Cullen family seat.

His already pale face was even more frightened like a lime wall, which made him look even more frightening.

He was really scared to death.

The new supreme of the Marcus clan was so perverted and scary!

On the first day of taking office, he killed all the people from the two most powerful families in the undead clan!

No wonder.

No wonder Alice was so scared at that time, it turned out that Alice saw this extremely horrifying scene in advance.


Even the always steady clan leader Carlisle was breathing rapidly, his mouth twitching, and swallowing saliva wildly.

He was also deeply shocked by Rorschach's strength and toughness.

Did he reshuffle the undead clan on the first day of taking office?

Even people like Carlisle and Cullen had this reaction, so it goes without saying that the others did not even dare to look directly into Rorschach's eyes.

"Is this the true strength of the Supreme?"

"So... perverted! So... powerful!"

Marcus, who had experienced Rorschach's strength, was also stunned at this moment.

He had been ravaged by Rorschach, so he knew that Rorschach was not as simple as he seemed on the surface, but Marcus did not expect that Rorschach would be so powerful.

Niklaus, Jane, Eric, and Aro, each of them was a terrifying existence that could shake the entire undead tribe with a stomp of their feet, and Marcus could not even beat one of them.


Even such a giant-level figure, in front of Rorschach Supreme, was like a weak chicken, and was killed by Rorschach Supreme without any effort.

If Marcus had not seen it with his own eyes, he would not have dared to believe it anyway.

Victor and Alimia beside Marcus were the same. They were also deeply shocked by Rorschach's unimaginable strength.

When Rorschach offended Niklaus and Aro, the two of them remained calm on the surface, but they were actually panicking in their hearts.

They were worried about the future of their tribe.

They even felt that the end of their tribe might be coming. After all, whether it was the Original Family or the Volturi Family, they could easily destroy their family.

But who would have thought that things would take a 180-degree turn in just a few minutes.

Although Supreme Rorschach offended the two most powerful families in one fell swoop, he didn't wait for the two families to free up their hands to deal with his own family. He was so powerful that he wiped out the people of the two families on the spot!

Too powerful.

Too domineering!

Too fierce!

After being shocked, Victor and Emilia were so excited that they couldn't help but tremble.

With such a supreme leader, the status of their tribe will change dramatically!

Emilia in particular was extremely grateful for her decision to follow Rorschach.


The sound of an object hitting the ground was heard, and it was Rorschach who threw A Luo's head to the ground.

Glancing around, he said leisurely: "Now, does anyone have any questions about my being the supreme?"

The whole scene was silent, and no one dared to come out and provoke Rorschach at this time.

Even when Rorschach's eyes swept over them, no matter who they were, they subconsciously turned their heads away and did not dare to look into Rorschach's eyes.

"My Undead Clan has gained another powerful Supreme, so happy!"

In the quiet scene, the voice of an Undead Supreme sounded, and he began to congratulate and recognize Rorschach first.

"Yes, this is a blessing for our Undead Clan, so happy!"

"Supreme Rorschach, our two clans should visit each other more often in the future!"

And after that Supreme, the whole scene immediately rang with a warm and extremely flattering voice.

The Supremes of all other clans began to send congratulatory messages to Rorschach in the most humble and respectful tone.

No one is stupid.

The matter is already very clear.

The three brothers and sisters of the Mikaelson family were all killed by Rorschach, and the Ancestor Family was completely destroyed.

The three guard members of the Volturi family, including the patriarch, were also killed by Rorschach. Although there are still six other guard members left, from the perspective of Supreme Rorschach's strength, those six people are not enough.

Everyone understands.

Rorschach Supreme is undoubtedly the strongest Supreme!

Unlike Niklaus, who has a title that is not worthy of the name, he is truly the strongest supreme being!

Even the supreme beings doubted whether even the ancestor of Dracula could be so strong.

However, no matter what, from today on, the pattern of the undead has been completely changed.

Although the number of people in the Rorschach tribe is not large, there is no doubt that there will only be one strongest tribe of the undead in the future, and that is the Rorschach tribe.

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