"Elder Marcus!"

"Elder Victor!"

"Elder Emilia!"


The succession ceremony has officially ended. The next part is some activities similar to banquets, mainly to entertain the various tribes that have come from afar.

The three elders Marcus, Victor and Emilia wandered among the various tribes, each with a rosy face.

These three people are just the Corvinus family, oh, no, now it should be called the Rorschach family, they are just elders of the tribe, nothing more.

But the supremes of other families were polite to them.

Even many supremes lowered their status and took the initiative to make friends with them. They were very humble and cautious, not daring to be arrogant.

When did Marcus and his friends have such treatment before?

Even if it is Marcus, the strongest one, as the son of the Supreme, his strength is comparable to that of the Supreme. He is naturally superior in front of ordinary undeads, but when he meets the real Supreme, he will ignore him.

After all, if he is not the Supreme, he is not the Supreme.

His status is there.

Needless to say, Victor and Emilia, who were transformed from Marcus, are nothing compared to the Supreme.

People don't even look at them straight!

But now?

The treatment of these three people has completely changed, and they have become the delicious buns that even the Supreme has to fawn on.

"Supreme Rorschach!"

"Supreme Rorschach!"

Marcus and the other three are like this, not to mention Rorschach. Countless people come to greet Rorschach with the most humble attitude.

It is a very obvious contrast to the situation when Rorschach offended Aro at the beginning and no one cared about him.

Everyone has witnessed Rorschach's ability, which is completely beyond everyone's cognition, breaking the limitations of the Undead race, and unreasonable strength!

Even A Luo is as weak as an ant in front of Rorschach Supreme.

Everyone understands.

As long as Rorschach Supreme does not fall, he will become the ceiling of the Undead, without a doubt.

And will the Undead fall easily?

Of course not.

Even a medium-sized race like Marcus has existed for thousands of years, and other Supremes have even longer.

For the Undead, the fall of the Supreme is very, very rare, and the possibility of a Supreme as powerful as Rorschach Supreme is infinitely reduced.

Rorschach Supreme will become the new mountain of the Undead!

Rorschach can be said to have become famous in one battle, and thoroughly established his unshakable position in the Undead.

Became the enduring legend of the Undead.


"Supreme, the Cullen family, the Odell family, the Murphys family... and fifteen other families have sent invitations to our tribe, inviting us to visit their tribe."

"What do you think?"

After the ceremony, the guests from all over the world left, and the three elders, Marcus, followed Rorschach to the meeting hall to discuss business.

Marcus reported to Rorschach respectfully.

Victor and Emilia looked at Rorschach with a burning look. Fifteen families have sent invitations, and this time they invited only seventeen families!

Why didn't the other two families send an invitation?

It's very simple.

They were killed by Rorschach!

That is to say, all the families sent invitations to Rorschach, which is unimaginable for a newly established family.

"I don't have time to go, you can handle it yourself."

Rorschach waved his hand and said to Marcus casually.

Marcus was not surprised by Rorschach's attitude. He nodded and said nothing more.

With Rorschach Supreme's current status, his status once surpassed that of Arrow in the past, so he should be a little arrogant.

"Supreme, there is another matter that needs your instructions."

Marcus pondered for a moment, and then began to ask Rorschach's opinion, "You have killed all the Supremes of the Mikaelson family. Now this tribe is leaderless. What do you think about how to deal with this family?"

"What do you suggest?" Rorschach didn't say much, just glanced at Marcus.

"Supreme, I think this is a great time to take over the Mikaelson family! Even if we don't do it, other undead tribes will do the same. We can't let them get away with it for nothing."

Marcus said as a matter of course.

Rorschach nodded with great satisfaction.

This Marcus looks like a tough guy, and the fact proves that he did not disappoint him.

The Original Family is a family that is older and larger than the Marcus Family. Their industry and wealth are naturally unimaginable.

Rorschach wants to prepare for the establishment of a mutant nation, so he naturally needs a lot of financial support. He naturally cannot miss such a thing.

"Just do it."

Rorschach nodded, and casually ordered, "Also, investigate the other six guards of the Volturi Family. Find them and notify me as soon as possible."

Marcus was slightly surprised: "Supreme, what are you planning?"

"That's right, the Volturi Family has no need to exist." Rorschach said as a matter of course.

Since their clan leader and two other guards have been killed, there is no need to keep the rest.

Although they had guessed it long ago, Rorschach's domineering aura still deeply shocked Marcus and other elders.

The Volturi family is the most powerful family among the undead, and it is also the kind of family that cannot be shaken. Even the current laws of the undead are formulated by this family, and its status in the undead can be seen.

But for such a family, Supreme Rorschach downplayed it and casually planned to destroy it directly.

This pattern and this courage really convinced several elders.

They felt admiration for Rorschach from the bottom of their hearts.

However, for Marcus, Supreme Rorschach's power was so strong that it made him excited and worried, excited and painful.

With such a powerful Supreme sitting in charge, their tribe will leap from a medium-sized tribe to a super giant family like the Volturi family.

As an elder of the tribe, Marcus was naturally very excited and inspired.

But on the other hand, if Supreme Rorschach was so powerful, wouldn't his brother William never be able to turn things around?

Marcus was still deeply worried about this.

"It seems that I have to find an opportunity to test the Supreme's attitude towards werewolves."

After some thought, Marcus made such a decision.

Marcus was not stupid. After witnessing Rorschach's strength, he knew the only way to deal with William was to ask for Rorschach's consent.

Apart from this, there was no other way.

I just hope that Supreme Rorschach's attitude towards werewolves can be more open-minded.

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