American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 172: A mere alien army, what is that?

After briefly communicating with Marcus and others about other matters, Rorschach did not stay any longer in this "gloomy" castle.

——Although this ethnic group has been renamed "Rorschach ethnic group" and this ethnic group is completely the ethnic group to which Rorschach belongs, Rorschach is still a normal human being.

I'm really not used to staying in such a place full of vampires for a long time.

After finishing his business, he immediately said goodbye.

The three elders Marcus, Victor, and Emilia went out to see her off in person, respectfully sent Rorschach out of the castle, and watched Rorschach leave.

It wasn't until Rorschach's car disappeared from sight that the elders turned back again.

"Marcus, our tribe has finally risen!"

Victor couldn't hold back his excitement and said to Marcus.

"Yes, from today on, our Corvinus tribe, no, the Rorschach tribe, is destined to become the second Volturi tribe. I can't even imagine it!" Emilia was even more excited. Some trembled.

"But Marcus."

Emilia remembered another thing at this time, so she asked Marcus for his opinion, "Should the previous management methods of the three of us change?"

In the past, three elders took turns in power.

One of them manages the group, while the other two elders are dormant.

But that was before.

But now?

The Rorschach tribe is no longer a mediocre tribe, but a tribe that will suddenly become the strongest undead family.

It is obviously not enough to have only one elder sitting in charge.

Emilia was right. The previous management methods had to change. They had to have three elders participate in clan affairs at the same time. Otherwise, they would really be too busy.

"Supreme, we are here."

While the three elders of Marcus were discussing group affairs, Rorschach had already arrived at the mutant base.

Serena's reminder came from beside her, and Rorschach opened his eyes slightly.

"Spiritual power is really a magical thing."

Rorschach couldn't help but think with endless aftertaste.

Along the way, Rorschach was not sleeping or concentrating with his eyes closed, but was always trying to experience his own spiritual power.

The battle with Jane and Eric at the Supreme Succession Ceremony made Rorschach realize how important and necessary the method of controlling mental power is.

If he didn't have this method, the possibility of failure against superpowers like Jane and Eric would certainly be low. After all, the absolute strength gap between the two sides was there, but it would be a bit more troublesome after all.

And what if Rorschach encounters someone in the future who is much more powerful than Jane and Eric and is good at mental attacks?

It seems that it is necessary to make the control of his mental power stronger.

In other words, it is necessary to make one's telekinesis stronger.

Thinking of this, Rorschach became even more eager for the other half of the holy stone.

Although according to personal experience, he can continuously increase his control through continuous training, there is no doubt that the other half of the holy stone can definitely play a huge role.

"Rorschach, is this a bit exaggerated, alien?"

With those random thoughts flashing through his mind, Rorschach came to the meeting hall. The imitating cat couldn't help but sigh to Rorschach speechlessly.

That's all for the undead. Copycat knew that Rorschach had conquered an undead, but didn't Rorschach succeed him as the Supreme?

Why did you suddenly bring back two aliens?

This guy is so tough.

"It's hard to describe in words."

Rorschach shook his head, then glanced at the imitation cat, "Where are those people?"

"The ugly one is locked up, and several undead warriors are watching him. As for the other two, in the reception room, Raven and Emma are staring at them."

Copycat explains Rorschach.

"Rorschach, you are finally back."

Another voice sounded, but it was the White Queen who came out of a passage. She sighed slightly, "I have to say, you are really tormenting."


This is a legend in the United States. Topics like UFOs have always been talked about, but now Rorschach actually got three of them back without making a fuss.

"Emma, ​​you have checked them all, right? What are their conditions?"

When Luo Xia saw the White Queen like this, she couldn't help but look at her expectantly and asked.

"That ugly fish-faced guy is from Mauga. The other two, Smith and Six, are Lorraine from Lorraine."

"Fifty years ago, the Mauga destroyed the Lorraine planet, Lorraine. The remaining Lorraines began to flee among the stars to avoid the pursuit of the Mauga."

"What a miserable race. During their thirty-year escape, the Lorraine people were almost hunted down by the Mauga people, and only the last nine key tribesmen were left."

"Under the protection of their respective guardians, the nine of them quietly escaped to Earth to recuperate about twenty years ago."

"It's just a pity that the Mauga finally found them and pursued them mercilessly."


Having said this, the White Queen spread her hands and said, "You appeared, so things have reached this situation."

Rorschach didn't have much impression of the Mauga people and the Lorraine people, but the key nine people gave Rorschach a lot of inspiration.

He vaguely realized who No. 6 was.

"Will this cause us any trouble?"

The imitating cat asked the most critical question.

"Fortunately, although the Mauga people destroyed the Lorraine planet and killed the Lorraine people like mice with nowhere to hide, the Mauga people also suffered heavy losses."

"So, although there are still some Mauga troops on Earth, there are only a few hundred people in total. I think this will not be a problem for Rorschach."

"After all, you wiped out a Mauga army in an instant before!"

The White Queen couldn't help but be a little surprised when she said this.

From the memories of Hei Luo and Smith, the White Queen saw the whole process of Rorschach's great power very clearly.

Even though the White Queen had already seen Rorschach's strength, she couldn't help but be surprised by Rorschach's strength again.

That's an alien.

In front of Rorschach, it still looks like a weak chicken.

Completely swept away, without any resistance.

It was really too exaggerated.

"Is that so?"

Rorschach could not help but nod, and he was completely relieved.

There were indeed not many Mauga people on Earth.

And according to the plot in memory, it seems that the Mauga people were still hunting down these nine key figures in modern society decades later.

They even killed only a few, less than half.

Their power on Earth is consistent with the information provided by the White Queen.

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