American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 173 Can Earthlings be this powerful?

There was confirmation from the White Queen before, and then Rorschach recalled the identities of Smith and Number Six. He knew that these two were positive figures, so Rorschach knew exactly what attitude Smith and Number Six held towards them. .

Since these two people are trustworthy, Rorschach will naturally abide by his promise and cooperate with these two people.

After briefly understanding the situation with the White Queen, Rorschach went to the reception room without any nonsense and came to Smith and No. 6.

Smith was chatting with Raven, while No. 6 was devouring food.

After seeing Rorschach coming in, he suddenly retracted his hand like a thief caught by his owner, straightened his body, and subconsciously hid the hamburger behind his back.

It's just a pity.

There are still some residues left on the corners of No. 6's mouth, and his mouth is still bulging. No matter how hard he hides it, it is difficult to hide it.

"What, am I a monster?"

Seeing No. 6's look, Luo Xia burst into laughter.

"Sorry, we haven't eaten in two days."

Smith laughed as Rorschach explained.

Number Six, on the other hand, realized that his reaction was completely unnecessary, so he took out the burger again.

But this time I ate more gracefully and slowly.

"It doesn't matter. I can't guarantee anything else here, but your food and clothing expenses will no longer be a problem." Rorschach smiled at Smith.

As he spoke, he glanced at No. 6 again and asked curiously, "How does it taste? Are you still used to eating food on Earth?"

"Even if you are not used to it, you have already gotten used to it after so many years."

No. 6 quickly swallowed the burger in his mouth and turned sideways to make himself more comfortable.

Then he stared at Rorschach with interest and asked, "Actually, you are also an alien, right? We have lived on earth for so many years, and we never knew that earthlings could be so powerful."

"Unexpectedly, you saw through all this." Rorschach shrugged.

"I knew it!"

No. 6 was excited for a moment, and his eyes shone brighter as he asked, "Tell me, which planet are you from?"

"I am an awesome person from an awesome planet!" Rorschach said to No. 6 seriously.

"Awesome planet? What kind of planet is this?"

No. 6 suddenly looked thoughtful and began to think carefully.

Not only No. 6, but also Smith on the side was lost in serious thinking.


Raven couldn't help laughing and rolled her eyes at Luo Xia.

Rorschach was just talking nonsense, but these two simple aliens actually took it seriously.

"Okay, ignore these irrelevant questions. It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that we can both achieve each other's goals by working together, right?"

Luo Xia waved his hand at this time and sat down opposite the two of them.

When it came to business, Smith's face also became solemn.

He nodded and agreed: "Yes, this is the most important thing."

"So, let's get started. Tell me all the information you have about the Mauga people." Luo Xia looked at Smith seriously and said.


The White Queen can read other people's memories, but only the memory of the most recent period, which is about a few days.

The White Queen is a little helpless about memories from a longer time ago.

Therefore, the memory about the Mauga people that Rorschach obtained from the White Queen was very limited, and he had to use Smith as a breakthrough.

Now that he has followed Rorschach here, Smith has no choice.

So he honestly told Luo Xia everything about the Mauga people.

Smith said a lot, but Rorschach summarized it. In fact, there are only a few points that need to be paid attention to:

The first point is that the Mauga and the Lorraine people have been engaged in a tug-of-war on the earth for twenty years. Although the Lorraine people have been chased by the Mauga people like rats crossing the street, they have also paid a lot of effort. The price was to destroy the Maojia people's spaceship.

As a result, the Mauga people completely lost their mobility.

This is also the most critical reason why the Lorraine people have been able to successfully avoid the Mauga people for decades.

Rorschach sorted out the memories in his mind, and it was indeed true. He remembered that when the Mauga hunted down No. 4 in the movie, they were completely on Earth's transportation system.

The second point is that the potential power of the Mauga people on the earth is almost more than 300 Mauga people, plus a dozen bloodthirsty swallowing demons, and more than twenty "yoyo beasts".

Although Rorschach didn't understand why the Mauga gave their beasts such weird names, according to Smith, the Yoyo beast was a beast similar to the bloodthirsty demon-devourer, but without wings, that's all.

The third point is the weapons and equipment of the Maojia people.

I have to say that Rorschach was a little disappointed at this point.

The powerful weapons of the Mauga were destroyed along with the destruction of the spacecraft, and now only some conventional weapons remain.

It was those energy guns that Rorschach saw.


This is alien technology.

Grab it and let Hank study it, you will definitely gain a lot.

"Is that so? If the Mauga people only have this kind of power, then it will not be difficult to destroy them."

After listening to this, Rorschach shrugged his shoulders and said in a very nonchalant tone.

This tone sounded very arrogant, and No. 6 subconsciously wanted to refute it, and even almost couldn't help but sneer.

They were chased like dogs by these Mauga people, but this guy didn't take the Mauga people seriously?

Doesn't this make them look like trash?

But then, the scene of Rorschach showing his might and defeating the Mauga troops and killing the bloodthirsty Devourer flashed through his mind involuntarily.

Number 6 was completely speechless.

Although Rorschach was arrogant, he did have the capital to be arrogant!

Even thinking of this, No. 6 couldn't help but get a little excited. With such a powerful ally like Rorschach, why worry about the Mauga people not being destroyed?

"As for the matter of finding your people, you don't have to worry. Just wait a few more days, and you will have a surprise."

Rorschach continued to speak to Smith nonchalantly.

Smith didn't have much doubt about this.

Although he didn't know about the brainwave enhancer, it was obvious that this Rorschach was a person of very high status and had great power.

If such a person came to find someone, he would naturally have a huge advantage that others didn't have.

"So, now, let's talk about the Holy Stone. Tell me how to find the other half of the Holy Stone."

Rorschach asked, staring at Smith.

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