American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 174 The demon from hell? Can you block my punch?

With Rorschach's current strength, the Mauga people really don't matter to him. As long as he finds the opponent, he can just go there and destroy them.

Rorschach didn't take it too seriously.

The only thing Rorschach really cares about now is the Holy Stone.

"The other half of the sacred stone is with Henry."

Smith didn't hesitate too much and honestly told Rorschach the whereabouts of the other half of the sacred stone.

"He is the guardian of No. 4. In order to ensure the safety of the Holy Stone, we decided to split the Holy Stone into two parts and keep them separately for Wayne and I."

"However, in the process of avoiding the pursuit of the Mauga people, half of the sacred stones that I kept were lost, and the half of the sacred stones that Wayne kept had to be handed over to Henry."

So after going around and around, did we finally come back to the search for the Lorraine?

Fortunately, the brainwave enhancer Hank has already been building, and it won't take long to complete, so Rorschach doesn't need to wait for a long time.

"Smith, No. 6, you can rest well, I won't disturb you."

After understanding everything, Rorschach said hello to the two of them and left the room.

Raven also came out with Luo Xia.

"Luo Xia, are you really planning to help them eliminate that Mauga army?" Ruiwen couldn't help but ask beside Luo Xia.

Until now, Raven still felt like she couldn't react.

"It's not about helping them. I've been involved in this matter unintentionally, which means that sooner or later the Mauga people and I will have a battle." Luo Xia said to Ruiwen with a serious look on his face.

"What's going on?" Ruiwen couldn't help but asked, frowning.

Although she already had a general understanding of what happened from Smith, she still needed to ask Rorschach again.

Luo Xia naturally had nothing to hide and roughly told Ruiwen about the situation at that time.

Ruiwen was speechless for a moment.

As Rorschach said, from the moment the Mauga people surrounded Rorschach, Rorschach was destined to become real enemies with the Mauga people.

"By the way, where is Hank?" Rorschach asked Raven casually.

"Where else could it be, in a laboratory? Those alien weapons you brought back made him so excited." Ruiwen said a little helplessly.

"I knew it."

Rorschach shrugged, then said hello to Raven and came to Hank's laboratory.

Just as Raven said, Hank's eyes were shining, and he looked like a mad scientist, analyzing and studying an energy gun on the experimental table.

He was so focused that he didn't notice Rorschach's arrival until Rorschach walked to his side.

"It's incredible. This is simply art! It's incredible that the energy of these plasmas can be concentrated and formed!"

Hank introduced the energy gun in front of him to Rorschach with burning eyes.

"As long as you are satisfied."

Rorschach couldn't help but laugh.

Seeing the frantic research on Hank's face, Rorschach had no doubt that he could completely crack and master this technology and eventually reach the point of replicating the energy gun.

"Hank, how long will it take for the brainwave enhancer to heal?"

After chatting with Hank for a while, Rorschach got down to business.

"A week, at most a week!"

Hank gave a very positive answer to this.

A week?

Rorschach couldn't help but look forward to it.

It was only seven days, he could afford to wait.

During the following period of waiting for the "completion" of the brainwave enhancer, Rorschach basically locked himself in the training room, exercising and exploring his mental power.

The previous state of uninterrupted hard training is back again.

Don't tell me, this kind of training is also very effective for mental strength.

At first, when Rorschach discovered that his mental power had telepathic properties, he could only move one button on his clothes.

But after four days of training, Rorschach had no problem moving a person.

Moreover, Rorschach is far from feeling the limit and cannot touch the upper limit. He believes that with his training, his telepathy will become more and more abnormal.

During this period of time, Smith and No. 6 were completely settled in the base.

Whether it is some old people such as the White Queen, Copycat, Raven Hank, or some young mutants such as Scott and Vincent, they all began to slowly accept these two "alien visitors."

As for Heiro?

After extracting all the information, he was secretly killed. If Rorschach doesn't get rid of this kind of person, will he have to wait for the New Year?

"Rorschach, we're in a bit of trouble."

On the fifth day, Ruiwen found Rorschach who was training and said to Rorschach with a solemn expression.

"What kind of trouble?"

Luo Xia withdrew from the training state and became a little curious when he saw Ruiwen's face.

"There is a demon coming to the door." Ruiwen said helplessly.


Luo Xia's voice couldn't help but become a little louder, and she looked at Ruiwen in surprise.

Is this too exaggerated?

"This guy."

Raven picked up a comic in her hand, pointed to a character with horns and a tail, and said to Rorschach, "Hellboy."

Yes, there is the legend of Hellboy in this world, and there are also some works about Hellboy circulating.

Even on TV shows, there are many so-called experts analyzing and discussing whether Hellboy exists or not.

It's just that Rorschach didn't pay attention to Hellboy before, so he didn't notice it.

"I used to think it was just a story, but just now, Emma told me that it was all true."

"And Liz, she also confirmed the identity of Hellboy to us, so that guy is actually a demon from hell!"

"Oh my God, this world is really crazy!"

Raven can be said to be severely stimulated.

Rorschach was not surprised at all. On the day when Liz was brought to the mutant base by him, Rorschach knew that Hellboy might come to the door one day.

It's just that Rorschach didn't expect that the other party would come so quickly.

"Demons from hell? I haven't seen a living one."

Rorschach couldn't help grinning when he heard it.

"Rorschach, do we really don't have to worry? That's a demon, a real demon!"

Raven's face showed a very worried look.

Demons and the like sound much more advanced than aliens and the like. The two are totally on a different level, right?


Rorschach raised his eyebrows. To be more precise, Hellboy is not only a demon, but also the son of the devil!

This is a great background.

However, judging from the performance in the movie, Rorschach doubted whether the son of the devil could withstand his punch.

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