American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 175 The devil is angry? Beat him like a dog with one hand!

"Where is Hellboy now?"

Luo Xia's voice sounded immediately. He put away his thoughts and asked Raven beside him.

"Still outside our base." Raven replied immediately.

How could anyone dare to let such a person with such a great background in casually without Rorschach's consent?

"Should we let him in?" Raven then asked Luo Xia for his opinion.

"Let him in."

Luo Xia pondered for a moment and said to Raven.

After all, Liz is now her own person, and the relationship between Hellboy and Liz is not that simple, so for Liz's sake, Rorschach decided to let Hellboy in.

It just happened to take this opportunity to let Liz speak clearly to Hellboy, so that Hellboy would completely give up on this idea in the future.

Of course, Rorschach is not the one who forces things on others. It doesn't mean that he must let Liz stay here just because he saved her.

If Liz really decides to go with Hellboy, Rorschach will not force her to stay.

This is different from saving the White Queen.

The White Queen was Xiao's person at the beginning and was strictly an enemy. From the beginning, Luo Xia was motivated by the opponent's ability, and the White Queen's ability was still irreplaceable.

Naturally, Rorschach would not let go easily.

But Liz?

Although the upper limit of her ability is extremely high, even more powerful than the future Pyro, for Rorschach, there is not much difference between having it and not having it.

"I see."

Raven nodded, then turned and left.

Rorschach, on the other hand, came to the meeting hall.

The White Queen, Copycat, Hank, Liz and others are already waiting for Rorschach in the hall at this moment.

"Rorschach, what are you going to do about that demon?"

The White Queen looked at Luo Xia seriously and asked, even looking eager to try and see a good show.

"Rorschach, I'm very sorry for causing you trouble, but don't worry, I will be responsible for communicating with Hellboy."

"Now that I have decided to stay, I will not leave with him."

Liz also walked up to Rorschach and said to Rorschach seriously.

"Liz, since Hellboy is here, you should take this opportunity to think about it carefully."

Rorschach said to the other party lightly, "Whether you go or stay, I won't interfere with you. Everything depends on your own heart."

"I have made a decision." Liz pondered for a moment and said to Rorschach.

Rorschach nodded and said nothing more.

Not long after, Raven walked in with a "monster" with fiery red skin and a pair of horns on his head.

There is no doubt that it is Hellboy.

Hellboy's good partner, the fish-man Abel, is not here.

This time, only Hellboy came to the door.


As soon as Hellboy walked into the hall, his eyes were immediately fixed on Liz. He quickly came to Liz's side and looked at her with concern, "Are you okay?"

Even though Hellboy is a demon from hell, at this moment, there are two words clearly written on his face: dog licking.

"I'm fine." Liz nodded, her expression still as cold as ever, "Xiao Hong, you shouldn't have come."

"Come back with me, Liz!"

Hellboy immediately stared at Liz, and spoke to Liz in a pleading tone.

"No, Xiaohong, I have decided to stay here." Liz shook her head very firmly, "I won't go back. You can leave, and don't come to me again in the future."

"Liz, I know those guys hurt you and made you angry and disappointed, but the doctor, me, and Abel all very much want you to go back."

"Those people are idiots, why don't we just ignore them like we did before?"

Hellboy tries to persuade Liz.

"Xiao Hong, I have made a decision. I want to apologize to the doctor for me." Liz's attitude was still very firm.

Only then did Hellboy realize that Liz might be serious this time.

He suddenly couldn't accept it.

"Liz, please, you can't stay here! They're not your family, I am!"

Hellboy said to Liz with a somewhat excited expression.

"Mr. Hellboy, I think Liz's words have been made very clear. You can leave."

Raven couldn't help but frown at this time and said to Hellboy.

"I'm not leaving without Liz!"

Hellboy said categorically to Raven, and pointed at Raven, "Also, this is a matter between Liz and I, and you have no business to interfere, so why don't you shut up and stay here..." On one side...uh!"

As soon as Hellboy finished saying this, his voice stopped abruptly.

Because Rorschach stretched out his hand and grabbed Hellboy's neck.

He just picked up Hellboy's entire body.

Hellboy is obviously so big that from a visual perspective he can kill Rorschach with just one punch. The size difference between the two sides is very obvious.

However, the fact is exactly the opposite. Hellboy is held in Rorschach's hand, but he is like a baby, looking so weak and vulnerable.

Being grabbed by Rorschach's "weak" right hand, Hellboy suddenly felt like his lifeline was being held. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free at all.

"It makes no sense, what kind of monster is this guy!"

Hellboy's heart was filled with huge waves, and he couldn't remain calm at all.

Even though he had already seen Rorschach's incredible abilities through the fish-man Abel's ability, Hellboy was still shocked by his personal experience at this moment.

He is usually called a devil and a monster, but in front of this young man, he is like a weak sheep!

"You better figure out what this place is!"

Rorschach's voice sounded, and he said coldly to Hellboy, "Also, Liz's attitude has been made clear, so you can leave."


After saying this, Rorschach suddenly exerted force with his right hand and threw Hellboy directly.

It was just thrown over a distance of more than twenty meters, from the center of the hall, out the door, and into the yard outside.


Hellboy's huge body fell heavily to the ground.

"Okay, you forced me to do this!"

Hellboy got up from the ground and rushed towards Rorschach with a bang.

"Xiao Hong, no!"

Liz shouted hurriedly to the side.

But how could Hellboy listen at this moment?

He just rushed directly in front of Luo Xia, raised his "stone right hand" high and hit Luo Xia hard.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Luo Xia let out a cold snort and punched him mercilessly.


With a loud noise, Hellboy flew backwards like a cannonball.

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