American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 176 As a demon, I can't even block his punch!



Rorschach didn't hold back much of his punch, and Hellboy flew hundreds of meters away.

It hit the ground hard, causing cracks on the ground.

Several of the ribs on his chest were directly broken by Rorschach.


Then Hellboy opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

That's right, Hellboy was knocked down by Rorschach with one punch.

Although Hellboy's background is relatively large, and the son of the devil sounds very scary, but in fact Hellboy himself is not too strong.

Even what he relies on to defeat monsters are some thermal weapons developed by the Supernatural Investigation and Defense Bureau.

With this kind of background, how can one confront Rorschach?

What! ?

Hellboy suddenly raised his head and looked at Rorschach with shock, horror and disbelief.

Even though this person is very powerful and perverted, the gap between you and this person is actually so big?

A punch?

He couldn't even block someone's punch and was knocked over directly?

Hellboy refuses to accept it!

He suddenly got up from the ground and wanted to rush towards Rorschach again, but there was heartbreaking pain all over his body, making Hellboy stagger.

"Stop it, Xiaohong!"

Liz rushed out of the hall and shouted at Hellboy, who just stopped.

"I've made it very clear, I want to stay here! Go back! I have nothing to do with the Supernatural Defense Investigation Bureau anymore!"

Liz shouted to Hellboy with a serious look on her face.

"Is it because of this person?"

Hellboy pointed at Rorschach.

"This is my business and has nothing to do with you. Why do you think you are qualified to interfere in my life? Hellboy?"

"You think too highly of yourself!"

Liz knew that if she wanted to completely dispel Hellboy's thoughts, she had to be ruthless, so she started to say some cruel words.

"Liz, you, why did you say that? You didn't mean it, right..."

"That's what I mean! Hellboy, my affairs have never had anything to do with you. It was before and it is now!"

"So, please leave!"

Liz was becoming more and more merciless.

"Liz, you..."

Hellboy just stared at Liz blankly, the expression on his face constantly changing, including disappointment, anger, unwillingness, and pain...

Etc., etc.

But in the end, all the emotions turned into a helpless sigh: "fine!"

After saying these words, Hellboy turned around with his extremely lonely body.

He walked forward step by step and gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Liz, you did the right thing. This is the best choice for both of you."

Raven saw that Liz was not in high spirits, so she comforted Liz on the side.

"I know." Liz nodded, and then said to Raven, "I'm fine, let's go in."

A group of people returned to the meeting hall one after another.

Everyone continued to go about their business as if nothing had happened.

After Rorschach said hello to everyone, he left the meeting hall and planned to return to his training room to continue training his mental power.

"Hello, Dean!"

"Hello, Dean!"

As they passed the event square, the young mutants greeted Rorschach enthusiastically.

Luo Xia responded casually, but sighed in his heart. It seemed that he could never take off his title of "dean" no matter what.


While passing through a long corridor, a voice sounded, and Scott wearing a pair of red glasses walked over.

"Hey Scott, you're free to open your eyes."

Rorschach glanced at Scott at this moment and couldn't help but nodded approvingly.

That's right.

Now Scott is starting to look a little like Cyclops.

Rorschach was busy during this period and had no time to pay more attention to the newly recruited mutants. He did not expect that Hank would make red quartz glasses for Scott so quickly.

As expected of Hank, he is as reliable as ever.


After confirming Rorschach's identity, a look of surprise flashed across Scott's face, "I didn't expect that Dean, you are actually the same age as me."

Scott, who is also a boy of sixteen or seventeen years old, was trapped in a secret research base and became a lamb to be slaughtered. However, the dean went alone to the wolf pack and single-handedly destroyed the entire secret base and successfully rescued these poor children. .

How could such an incredible person be so young?

In the past, Scott felt that the dean's voice seemed to be young, and other companions also said that the dean was a young man.

But I didn't expect that the dean was really so young.

"Scott, how do you feel about these glasses?"

Rorschach smiled softly and didn't say anything more. Instead, he glanced at Scott's glasses and expressed concern.

"It's perfect! Frankly speaking, when Dean you told me that you would open my eyes again, I thought you were trying to comfort me, but I didn't expect that Dean you would do it so quickly!"

"Although it's a little weird, I mean, everything in the field of view of these glasses is black and white, but it's perfect, yes, perfect! I can open my eyes at will."

Scott looked at Rorschach with uncontrollable excitement and gratitude on his face, "Dean, I just want to tell you, thank you, thank you very much!"

"Okay Scott, I've received your thanks."

Rorschach was not polite to Scott either. Everything he did certainly deserved a thank you from the other party.

"I heard from Teacher Emma that, Dean, your eyes can also shoot lasers outward. This is really cool. I was thinking that maybe we can train together in the future. What do you think?"

Scott said to Rorschach enthusiastically again.

"Sounds like a very good idea." Rorschach smiled at Scott.

"Cool! Very cool. I'm looking forward to it. Dean, I'm going to go train with Vincent, so I'll go there first."

"Go Scott!"

Both parties waved their hands and said goodbye.

Looking at Scott's back, Rorschach couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

Cyclops is about to be born.

He will become his right-hand man in the future.

After putting his thoughts away, Rorschach went straight back to his training room without saying any nonsense, and began to immerse himself in the training of mental power again.

Not aware of the passage of time.

Until Ruiwen came to Luo Xia again and said to Luo Xia with great interest: "Luo Xia, the brain wave enhancer has been made!"

Luo Xia's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Ruiwen, let's go and take a look!"

Upon hearing the good news, Luo Xia immediately stopped training, called out to Ruiwen, and happily came to the "Brainwave Enhancement Room".

Here, Hank, the White Queen, Copycat, Smith and Number Six have been waiting here for a long time.

"Rorschach, you're here, I'm done!"

After seeing Rorschach appear, Hank, who looked tired, looked at Rorschach with a very excited look and said hello.

"Great job, Hank!"

Rorschach did not hesitate to praise Hank. Hearing this, Hank couldn't help but reveal a happy smile on his face.

"Wow, is this that thing I had on my head before? So huge?"

The White Queen couldn't help showing a look of great anticipation.

The small thing she had fastened on her forehead before could easily cover a five-kilometer radius around her.

Now that Hank has actually built an "enhanced version" as big as a house, to what extent will his abilities be exceeded?

The White Queen felt excited just thinking about it.

"What is this? Can it really allow us to find other tribesmen?"

Number 6 looked around the room with great curiosity and confusion, looked at Hank and asked.

She knew that this thing was made by Hank, and it looked awesome.

But Number Six really doesn’t know how to use this thing.

"Just open your eyes and watch carefully, you will be surprised."

Rorschach said mysteriously to No. 6, then glanced at the White Queen, "Emma, ​​are you ready?"

"I can't wait!" The White Queen said with twinkling eyes.

Then she stopped talking nonsense and walked to the operating table under everyone's gaze.

He picked up the helmet, which was connected to several "wires" and had a very "unfathomable" shape, and buckled it on his forehead.


In an instant, the White Queen felt that her brain seemed to be strengthened countless times.

Countless consciousnesses from countless individuals all over the world, like the Yellow River bursting its banks, poured into the White Queen's brain in an instant.

Her brain almost exploded.


The White Queen couldn't help but show a look of pain on her face, and she groaned.


"How are you Emma?"

"Take it off quickly!"

A group of people all gathered around with concern.

Including Raven, Hank and others.

It is true that the White Queen was indeed from the hostile camp before, but now that the White Queen has been with Luo Xia for so long, Ruiwen and others have already accepted the White Queen.

He regarded the White Queen as one of his own from the bottom of his heart.

"no problem, no problem!"

"I can hold on!"

The White Queen immediately waved her hands to everyone and shouted to everyone.

Everyone stopped for the time being, observing the White Queen's situation one by one, and did not rush forward rashly.

But I saw the White Queen taking a deep breath, trying hard to adjust and adapt to the increase brought by the brainwave enhancer. Then her tense facial muscles began to relax slowly, and her tense body gradually began to relax. .

Almost half a minute later, a look of surprise appeared on Queen White's face.

"Wow, this is the feeling of God, this feels great!"

The White Queen sighed with great excitement.

This feeling of overlooking everyone in the world is impossible to imagine without experiencing it yourself.

Seeing that the White Queen had finally adapted to the brainwave enhancer, everyone present could not help but show the same excitement and joy.

"Emma, ​​how do you feel? Can you see all the other mutants like Charles?"

Raven asked excitedly.

"Charles, Charles, Raven, I know you have a special relationship with Charles, but you underestimate me, don't you?"

The White Queen pouted slightly, "Who do you want to find? Just give me a name, come on!"

"Then... let's see what Charles and Eric are doing."

Raven hesitated for a moment and said to the White Queen.

Hank adjusted his glasses and immediately showed a concerned look.

Like Raven, he also wanted to know the situation of Charles and Eric.

Well, there is actually a slight difference from Raven. Hank doesn't care so much about Eric. He wants to know more about Charles' situation.

"Charles? Eric? You are really hopeless."

The White Queen complained slightly, but still checked Charles first according to Raven's request.

"Charles is teaching students, so he turned out to be a teacher like me, and he also recruited a lot of mutant students... He found me."

"Haha, you really should have seen Charles's surprised look, he was obviously scared by me."

As the White Queen spoke, she couldn't help but laugh a little proudly.

As the only two psychics at present, the White Queen had fought with Charles before. Although she couldn't say that she was defeated at the time, she really felt Charles's strength.

Although she didn't admit it, the White Queen actually understood that Charles' ability was definitely not weaker than hers.

But now?

The White Queen casually blew this equally powerful enemy into slag, and it had to be said that the feeling was still very good.

"Still want to find out who I am? Haha, I blocked him completely, it's really vulnerable."

"Forget it, let's take a look at Eric, tut tut tut, the Brotherhood of Mutants? Why don't I feel strange at all? This is indeed the style of that guy."

Hearing the current situation of Charles and Eric, Raven and Hank's expressions were still a bit complicated, and their faces were quite sad.

But overall, the choices of Charles and Eric were not beyond the expectations of several people.

"Using this thing, you can find anyone?"

The incredible voice of No. 6 sounded, and she looked at the White Queen with surprise and confusion.

This kind of thing is a bit magical, right?

"Ms. Emma, ​​can you trouble us to find other members of our tribe?"

Smith said to the White Queen with endless expectations.

"Of course."

The White Queen agreed without hesitation.

Rorschach had told her about this matter a long time ago, and the White Queen would naturally not regret it.

And soon, the White Queen gave the corresponding feedback.

"Found it. One of the guys is in Tennessee. He has yellow curly hair. Next to him is a man with long hair combed back."

"That's number four!" Smith said excitedly.

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