American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 177 Sweeping the alien forces? I am enough alone

"There is also a little boy who looks to be about eleven or twelve years old. He is in a forest in Florida. Oh my God, he actually lives like a savage, living a life covered by the sky and the earth."

The White Queen's voice sounded again, and she continued to speak to Smith and Number Six beside her.

"That's No. 2!" Smith became more and more excited.

"Great Smith, she really found other tribesmen!"

No. 6 was equally excited, almost dancing, "Also, No. 2 is already eighteen years old, not eleven or twelve."

"Eighteen years old?"

The White Queen couldn't help being very surprised and said, "What does your eighteen-year-old look like?"

Well, after subconsciously complaining, the White Queen came to her senses. She is not from Earth at all. It is reasonable that her growth rate is different from Earthlings.

"Eighteen years old looks like eleven or twelve years old. So, No. 6, how old are you?"

Raven asked, staring at No. 6 very curiously at this time.

No. 6 looks like he is about sixteen or seventeen years old.

"Twenty-eight years old."

No. 6 said matter-of-factly, "I know, I was actually quite surprised when I first came to Earth. You Earthlings obviously look very old, but you are actually so young."

"Later I found out that the life span of people on Earth is generally shorter than that of us Lorraine people."

Ruiwen: "..."

Hank: "..."

Imitation cat: "..."

There is nothing wrong with what he said, and everyone believed that No. 6 had no other meaning, but it always sounded strange to his ears.

"How many years do you Lorraine people generally live?" Luo Xia also asked curiously.

"More than three hundred years old." No. 6 blurted out.

More than three hundred years old!

Everyone at the scene couldn't help but subconsciously show envious eyes.

Being able to live for such a long time should be everyone’s dream.

Rorschach knew it in his heart.

Over three hundred years old, no wonder he remembered that the plot of "Key No. 4" indeed took place in the twenty-first century.

At that time, No. 6 also looked young and beautiful.

Looking at it this way, it seems to be completely correct.

"For people on earth, your lifespan is indeed very advantageous."

Hank pushed up his glasses and spoke to No. 6.

"Then... Emma, ​​I'll trouble you to find the other members of our clan as well."

After everyone chatted, Smith's voice sounded again, and he couldn't wait to speak to the White Queen.

The White Queen nodded, without saying any nonsense, and found all the other eight key figures.

And he also told Smith the specific coordinates and directions.

There is nothing to say about this.

After finding the Lorraine people, everyone's next target is naturally the Maojia people.

This is a person who has been judged as an enemy. The sooner he is eliminated, the better.

"Found them, a total of 271 people. They are hiding on one of the peaks of the Rocky Mountains. They have their secret base there."

The White Queen immediately said to everyone.

The Maojia people did originally have more than 300 people, but not long ago, Rorschach killed dozens of them in one go, leaving only more than 200 people left.

For Rorschach, it becomes less and less of a threat.

"Emma, ​​your face doesn't look good."

Raven noticed this keenly at this time, so she couldn't help but said to the side, "Are you too tired?"

The White Queen did not deny it and nodded: "This thing does put a heavy load on the brain."

"That's it for today Emma."

When Luo Xia heard this, he immediately waved his hand to the White Queen.

The White Queen did not insist too much and took off the helmet from her head. Hank stepped forward and turned off the instrument, and the group exited the brainwave enhancement room.

Everyone returned to the meeting hall, and after a brief discussion, they quickly determined the next action plan.

Hank, Raven and Copycat were responsible for searching for the Lorraine people scattered in different corners of the country together with Smith Six.

It is worth mentioning that the Blackbird fighter jet has actually been built. Everyone can just take the Blackbird fighter jet and set off. It is not too convenient.

As for Rorschach?

There is no need for Rorschach to do something as trivial as picking someone up. After all, he is also the "power holder" of the mutant base. He cannot do everything himself, otherwise Rorschach would become the butler.

What's more, besides picking up people, Luo Xia actually has more important things to do: eliminate the Mauga people.

"Everyone, let me take the first step!"

After making the decision, Rorschach didn't say any more nonsense. He said hello to everyone, swayed, and disappeared with a sonic boom.

That's right, Rorschach alone is enough to get rid of the Mauga people.

With his current strength, he would have no problem sweeping through an alien force.

The boundless Rocky Mountains.

A very, very hidden valley hidden in a dense forest.

Looking around, the valley is dotted with strange "tents" that resemble "giant" bird's nests, and some are even hanging on trees.

Looking inside through the gaps in those very rough "tents", you can see people flickering inside many tents.

Not only in the tent, but also in the open space outside, some strange-looking people can be seen everywhere.

There is no doubt that they are the Mauga people.

In addition, in the widest area in the center of the valley, there is a huge spaceship wreckage.

The spaceship was basically destroyed by the Lorraine people and can no longer be used, but it can still be used to shelter from wind and rain, or to carry out some basic communication work.

At this moment, in the wreckage of the spaceship, there are almost a dozen Mauga people gathered.

They are none other than the leaders of these Mauga people on Earth.

These dozen Mauga leaders looked at each other, and their faces looked very solemn and serious.

The atmosphere at the scene was also very depressing.

"Hei Luo has completely lost contact. There is a great possibility that something has happened."

In the quiet scene, the Mauga man sitting on the main seat, with a very sinister look, glanced at everyone and couldn't help but speak.

This person is none other than the highest commander of the Mauga people, Kidd.

Of course, Kidd is not their original name, but the name they took from the earthlings to conceal their identities when they came to Earth.

The Mauga people are actually similar to humans in general, and the main difference is the "gaps" on both sides of the nose that are similar to the cheeks.

As long as those "gaps" are covered, there is almost no difference.

This is also an important reason why the Mauga people have been active on Earth for so long without being discovered.

There is only one update today.

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