American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 178 I’m so scared, this earthling is so perverted!

"But what happened that caused Heiro's entire team to lose contact with them all?"

In the dull scene, another leader sitting next to Kidd frowned and spoke. He expressed the doubts of everyone present.

You must know that Heiro brought nearly fifty people with him on this mission. Even if something happened, with so many people, wouldn't anyone ask them for help?

It couldn't be that those fifty people were killed in a very short period of time, without even a chance to ask for help?

This is too much nonsense.

How could the people of Lorraine be so powerful, otherwise they wouldn't be hunting him down like their third grandson.

This is simply impossible.

Instead of suspecting that the Lorraine people killed Heero, it would be more reasonable to suspect that the earth's army eliminated Heero.

But if you think about it carefully, this suspicion is actually unlikely to be tenable.

Because the Maojia people have been secretly lurking on the earth for nearly twenty years, they still know the earth very well.

This planet is so barren and backward that even if its official troops are dispatched, nothing like this will happen.

not to mention.

Heiro is also an experienced veteran, and it is unlikely that his actions will alert official forces to mobilize in large numbers.

No matter how we discuss it, we all feel that it is somewhat unreasonable.

"Could it be... that the Lorraine people used some equipment to block Heiluo's communicator?"

Another voice sounded.

A slightly chubby leader made another guess that seemed more reasonable.

But this speculation was quickly overturned. They had dealt with the Lorraine people a lot, and the Lorraine people didn't have that ability at all.

not to mention.

To take a step back, even if the Lorraine people really did this, with Heiluo's power, it would be easy to kill all the Lorraine people on the earth.

After they killed the Lorraine, why didn't the communication resume?

It doesn't make sense either.

"Also, let's not forget that a bloodthirsty demon-eating demon was also killed!"

Kidd's voice sounded again, making the faces of all the Mauga leaders present become more and more solemn.

Bloodthirsty and demon-eating, that is their super killer weapon!

Under normal circumstances, they don't need to use such a big killer weapon at all to deal with those Lorraine people.

But Heiro was summoned to swallow the bloodthirsty demon!

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that the bloodthirsty swallowing demon was also killed!

And this is simply impossible.

The people of Lorraine have no such ability at all.

"Could it be... that one of the nine key figures has awakened his own power?"

Some people speculated so.

This left all the Maojia leaders at the scene temporarily speechless.

Because from all aspects, this seems to be the only possibility.

Although the nine key figures are still young and are unlikely to awaken according to common sense, there is really no other reasonable explanation other than that.


But at this moment, a faint sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, as if there was thunder suddenly.

The leaders of the Maojia people couldn't help but froze for a moment, then subconsciously raised their heads and looked towards the sky.

One of the leaders stood up subconsciously, stretched out his hand and touched something similar to a console.

A projected image was projected in front of all the leaders.

The image showed that there was a blurry shadow flying towards them extremely fast.

"It's a person!"

"What, that's actually a person!"

All the Mauga leaders were shocked.

Through the projection, they could clearly see that the person flying quickly in the air was actually an Earthling!

When will people on Earth fly?

Let alone Earthlings, even looking at the entire interstellar world, there are only a few races that can fly.


Under the astonished gazes of the Mauga leaders, Luo Xia fell from the sky and hit the valley hard.

"His target is us?"

Kidd's voice was filled with solemnity and surprise.

The Earthlings landed sooner or later, but they landed in the valley where they were hiding. At this juncture when Heiluo lost contact, there is no need to say more about the matter. Basically, there is no doubt.

This also further supports the possibility of something happening to Heiro.

"Isn't it too arrogant for a mere man to come to your door?"

Another Maojia leader couldn't help but sneered with sarcasm.

Even if this person can fly or something, his stunning appearance really stimulated everyone, but no matter what, there is only one person on the other side!

But here is their base camp, with more than 200 of their tribesmen!

Is this person not here to die?

The other leaders of the Maojia people couldn't help laughing contemptuously when they heard this.

"I'll send someone to capture him!"

The fat leader immediately suggested.

"Beluga, don't be careless!"

But Kidd spoke in a deep voice at this time, and said to White Whale with a serious face, "He appeared at the critical moment when Hei Luo lost contact. It is very likely that Hei Luo's loss of contact is related to him. In this way, you personally lead people there!"

"Kidd, isn't this a bit of an exaggeration? He is alone, what waves can he make?"

White Whale said indifferently, but did not disobey Kidd's order, and turned around and walked out directly.

At this moment, Rorschach, who was highly concerned by the leaders of the Mauga people, was also looking at this "empty" valley.

He looked around and saw that the valley was empty and no one was there.

But this was clearly the precise coordinates given to him by the White Queen.

"Let me see what's going on!"

Rorschach immediately used his perspective ability and looked around again.

The true appearance of the valley was just reflected in his eyes.

The "tents" of the Mauga people one after another, the Mauga people one by one, and the huge aircraft wreckage in the center, and so on and so forth.

Everything is no longer "hidden".


In this valley, there is a special energy barrier created by the Mauga people, which covers all the Mauga bases.

The barrier has the function of optical shielding, which perfectly hides the entire Mauga base.

Just like Wakanda.

This is also one of the important reasons why the base of more than 200 people has not been discovered for such a long time.

It has to be said that the technology of these aliens is indeed much more advanced than that of the earthlings.

Some casual and ordinary applications are beyond the reach of earth technology at present.

With another thought, Rorschach also opened his super hearing, and the discussions of the Mauga people in the barrier also entered Rorschach's ears.

Rorschach didn't say any more nonsense, his eyes immediately turned red, and he shot fiercely at the invisible barrier.


Two extremely blazing heat rays were shot out fiercely, and they were shot on the invisible energy barrier.

The entire energy barrier suddenly began to shake violently.


"He discovered us!"

The Mauga leaders in the wreckage of the spacecraft all showed a look of astonishment.

The technology of shielding energy shield is just a routine operation for the Mauga people, but according to our understanding, it is far beyond the technology of the earth, and the earthlings should not be able to find it at all!

But the person in front of him found it.

And not only that, what are the two lasers coming out of the other party's eyes?

"This guy!"

The white whale, who had just turned around and didn't care much about Rorschach, couldn't help but show a look of surprise.

The contempt for Rorschach disappeared instantly.

This person can not only fly, but also emit lasers from his eyes. Even for them, the Mauga people, it is a bit exaggerated.



Under the continuous shooting of Rorschach's heat rays, the shielding energy shield of the Mauga people began to shake violently.

After a few seconds, it broke with a bang.

A big hole was punched by Rorschach, and then it completely dissipated.

The "original" Mauga people's nest just appeared in front of Rorschach.

"What's going on?"

"What happened!"

"Look, there's a person!"

"Who is he?"

As the shielding energy shield dissipated, all the Mauga people in the entire base were alarmed. No matter what they were doing, they all stopped their actions at this moment.

They looked at Rorschach with vigilance and cold eyes.

Many Mauga people even held the majestic energy guns in their hands.

"Who are you!"

A voice sounded, but it was Baiji with a group of people, who separated the crowd and walked towards Rorschach aggressively.

Rorschach, who was originally leisurely and looking at the surrounding environment as if no one was around, turned his head and set his eyes on Baiji.

He did not answer Baiji's words, but just spit out a sentence expressionlessly: "You shouldn't have come to Earth."


Before he finished speaking, two heat rays shot out from his eyes.

How could White Whale have thought that surrounded by so many people, this guy would actually act without scruples.

He didn't even have time to react, and his head was blown off by Rorschach's heat rays.



Not only that, after blowing off White Whale's head, Rorschach's attack continued, sweeping through the surrounding Mauga people like cutting leeks.

One after another, Mauga people followed in White Whale's footsteps and fell to the ground.

"Mr. White Whale!"

"He killed Mr. White Whale!"

"Kill him!"

"Kill him!"

There were exclamations at the scene.

All the Mauga people reacted, and amid the angry shouts, all the Mauga people at the scene raised their energy guns.

They pulled the trigger at Rorschach mercilessly.

Swish, swish, swish!

Swish, swish, swish!

Energy bombs came one after another, like General Kizaru's Yatagarasu, so dense that it almost covered the sky.

In just a moment, Rorschach was drowned by the countless energy bombs.

With such a strong attack, everyone would think that Rorschach would be blown up instantly, but something astonishing happened. Rorschach was unscathed!

Not to mention being blown up, he just stood there without blinking.

It seemed that such a dense attack was just a gust of catkins, nothing more.


"How is it possible!"

"What kind of monster is this!"

One gasp after another sounded, and all the Mauga people almost popped their eyes out.

"How could it be!"

Not only the ordinary Mauga people, but even the leaders like Kidd were shocked and speechless.

Until this moment, they finally understood how Hero and the others lost contact.

It seems that he was probably killed by the perverted guy who appeared inexplicably in front of him.


At the same time, a sonic boom suddenly sounded.

The Luosha people who were standing there disappeared all of a sudden.

At the same time, the Mauga people at the scene began to fly backwards one after another.

And the two extremely blazing heat rays began to turn into thousands of rays, covering the entire scene in an instant.

Looking around, you can see the extremely red light everywhere. That is because Luosha's speed is too fast, and the heat rays left a trail of afterimages at the scene.

Under the strangulation of the "countless" heat rays, one after another Mauga people fell to the ground with screams.

There was no time to react.


The sound of swallowing saliva sounded, and Kidd and other leaders couldn't help swallowing saliva, and their foreheads were full of sweat.

A face can be said to be full of fear.

Scared to pee!

They were all scared to death.

What kind of pervert is that Earthling in front of them? Isn't it too scary?

In front of him, these Mauga people are as weak as babies!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes and experienced it personally, Kidd and others would never have believed this scene.

"Quick, release the bloodthirsty Devourer and the Yoyo Beast!"

"Release them all, all of them!"

In this desperate scene, Kidd roared at the top of his lungs.

In fact, Kidd didn't need to shout at all, because the scared Mauga people had already done it.



Then, the deafening roars of wild beasts sounded.

More than a dozen bloodthirsty Devourers flapped their wings and flew towards Rorschach.

There were more than 20 Yoyo Beasts on the ground, and they also rushed towards Rorschach.

It’s just that Rorschach’s speed was so fast that neither the Bloodthirsty Devourer nor the Yoyo Beast could keep up with Rorschach for a while.

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