American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 179: Sweeping the enemy and killing all alien troops


A dull crash sounded, and a vague shadow directly hit a bloodthirsty swallower.

The bloodthirsty swallower shook, and then fell directly from the sky, like a meteorite, and fell hard to the ground.

At this time, the vague shadow became clear.

Rorschach stood in front of the bloodthirsty swallower that fell to the ground, with a cold face.

There is no doubt that the person who knocked the bloodthirsty swallower away was Rorschach.

This person can actually fight the bloodthirsty swallower in hand-to-hand combat!

The hearts of all the Mauga people at the scene can be said to have shaken violently.

But this is just the beginning.


After the bloodthirsty swallower was knocked to the ground by Rorschach, he subconsciously opened his bloody mouth and rushed towards Rorschach, biting him hard.

At the same time, several other bloodthirsty swallowers also fluttered their wings and began to rush towards Rorschach.

Including the Yoyo beasts on the ground.

A group of terrifying beasts rushed towards Luo Xia like vicious dogs.

Seeing this scene, Kidd and other Mauga people couldn't help showing a cold and cruel look on their faces.

It's dead!

Even this terrible earthling will die!

Surrounded by so many bloodthirsty Devourers and Yoyo beasts, it is impossible for anyone to survive.


But a barely perceptible light sound was heard, which was so insignificant in this chaotic and noisy scene that it did not spread out.

It was Luo Xia who stretched out his hand and grabbed the upper and lower jaws of the bloodthirsty Devourer that bit him.

He stretched the mouth of the bloodthirsty Devourer open in an instant.



Luo Xia just kept this posture, grabbed the mouth of the bloodthirsty Devourer, and grabbed it and flew up.

In an instant, he avoided the attacks of other beasts.


At the same time, Luo Xia shot two extremely blazing heat rays directly into the mouth of the bloodthirsty demon.

The internal organs of the bloodthirsty demon were destroyed in an instant.

The bloodthirsty demon shook violently and remained motionless.

Luo Xia threw the bloodthirsty demon's huge body directly to the ground and remained motionless.


The bloodthirsty demon is dead!

The chrysanthemum smiles of those Maojia people who were originally happy suddenly froze as if they were cut by a knife.

Instead, they gasped again and again!

How could such a terrifying beast as the bloodthirsty demon be killed so easily by this person?

Now, Kidd and others finally understood how the bloodthirsty demon summoned by Hei Luo died.

Luo Xia didn't care about the reactions of the surrounding Mauga people. After killing a bloodthirsty swallower, he continued to fly towards the second bloodthirsty swallower.

In the blink of an eye, he flew in front of the opponent, stretched out his hands, and violently opened the mouth of the bloodthirsty swallower, and swept the heat ray inside.


Another bloodthirsty swallower's body fell from the sky.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Then, Luo Xia used the same method to operate one by one, and bloodthirsty swallowers fell from the sky one after another.

The bloodthirsty swallower, who could be counted in the universe, was also a weak chicken in front of Luo Xia.

It was just a weak chicken that was slightly stronger than them, the Mauga people, that's all.

But, it was still a weak chicken.

Luo Xia could kill it easily.



Kid and the others could not help swallowing their saliva, and they were sweating and even trembling.

The look they gave Rorschach was filled with endless fear.

What kind of devil is this person?

Even in the interstellar space, there is no such a powerful person.

Everyone was scared to death.

"Kid, we must retreat!"

A Mauga leader said to Kidd in a deep voice.

"That's right, if we delay any longer, our people will be killed! This monster is not something we can deal with at all!"

Another Mauga leader said to Kidd in a voice full of fear and worry.

Kid is not a fool, how could he not understand this?



Kid made this decision immediately, and then took a team of people to start evacuating quickly.

The other Mauga people who had been frightened for a long time, after hearing Kidd's order to retreat, began to flee frantically as if they had been pardoned.

God has mercy on them, they were really scared by Rorschach.

They didn't have the courage to fight Rorschach at all.

Now the only hope is that those bloodthirsty Devourers and Yoyo Beasts can buy some time for everyone to escape.


How far can they escape?

Rorschach cast a glance at the fleeing Mauga people around him and did not stop them.

With the combination of his super hearing and supersonic speed, no one could escape from his palm.

After Rorschach killed those slightly troublesome bloodthirsty Devourers and Yoyo Beasts, it was time to harvest the lives of those Mauga people!

Will it take Luo Xia a long time to get rid of all the bloodthirsty swallows and yoyo beasts?

The answer is obviously no.

Just look at the process of killing bloodthirsty swallows.

Use the speed of sound to fly in front of a bloodthirsty swallow, stretch out your hands to forcefully open the opponent's mouth, and shoot heat rays into the throat.

It will take a few seconds or more than ten seconds to get it done.

Bang bang bang!

In this way, it didn't take long at all, and all the bloodthirsty swallows in the sky turned into corpses and fell to the ground.


Luo Xia rushed towards the yoyo beasts on the ground again.

Roar roar roar!

Bang bang bang!

At the beginning, there were still sounds of fighting and the roar of monsters, but soon, these sounds became less and less, and then completely disappeared.

Looking around.

In the entire Mauga base, except for the corpses of Mauga people and the corpses of fierce beasts, Luo Xia was the only one who was still standing.

"So now... the hunting time begins."


Rorschach's body shook, and he flew up into the air and disappeared.



Deep in the jungle, screams began to sound one after another.

And those screams did not last long, and soon returned to silence.

Under Rorschach's supersonic flight and super hearing, no Mauga people could survive.

No matter where they hid, their heartbeats and breathing sounds could not be hidden from Rorschach's ears.


After making sure that everyone was killed, Rorschach clapped his hands, as if he had done something insignificant.


Then a sonic boom sounded, and Rorschach's body disappeared directly.

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