American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 180 Megatron's Awakening, the Beginning of Chaos

SHIELD base.

Inside the secret laboratory.

"Incredible, really incredible!"

"This small square actually contains such a huge amount of energy!"

Voices filled with extreme enthusiasm and amazement kept ringing out.

But he saw Arnim Zola, the current chief scientist of SHIELD, leading a group of researchers around a test bench, conducting tests and experiments with burning eyes.

On the experimental table, a cube with a side length of about two meters was sitting "quietly".

Each face of the cube is engraved with some complicated and difficult-to-understand patterns that appear to be very profound and difficult to understand.

Fire source!

That's right.

This cube is the source of fire that Rorschach has always wanted.

Facts have proved that the intelligence provided by Howard Stark last time was completely correct, and SHIELD had indeed found a big guy in the Arctic.

The one Rorschach calls Megatron.

In addition to Megatron, they also found another unexpected thing, the source of fire.

Whether it is Megatron or the Fire Source, SHIELD has shown considerable interest and invested massive resources in research.

Howard Stark handed over everything at hand to the other two founders, and he plunged into research work, studying these two mysterious things with Anim Zola.

"This thing is the same as the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. It is actually an energy source."

Howard Stark's voice sounded immediately. He glanced at the Anim Zora beside him and spoke in agreement.

"Yes, although its energy is not comparable to that of the Universe Rubik's Cube, it is still amazing!"

Animzola stared at the data displayed on the instrument and couldn't stop praising it.

"But Arnim, there's a problem."

While Howard Stark was excited, he also keenly pointed out another very serious issue, "The energy on this cube is highly radiative."

"Our current base cannot block this radiation at all."

"If this radiation is detected by UB6, it will be quite troublesome."

Having said this, Arnim Zola's face also became serious. He knew that this was definitely not Howard Stark's alarmism.

As a top scientist, he is naturally aware of this risk.

"Depending on the intensity of the cube's radiation, we would need at least two football fields of thick cement walls to completely isolate this energy."

Anim Zora nodded, agreeing with Howard Stark's opinion.


While the two were talking, the cube that had been placed quietly suddenly flickered due to some unknown stimulus.

A ray of light suddenly shot out, startling everyone present.

The energy on the cube actually activated independently.

"Is everyone okay?"

Howard Stark glanced at everyone and asked.

"Sir, we don't...Oh my god, what's going on!"

A special agent was only halfway through his words when he suddenly found that the gun on his waist suddenly started to move.

He hurriedly took it out and took a look, only to see that the gun was rapidly transforming.

It seemed like he was alive.

The agent was so frightened that he threw his pistol to the ground.


"What the hell!"

This was just the beginning. After this special agent, all other special agents also encountered the same thing.

The weapons on them have also changed.

Not only the pistols carried by these special agents, but everyone was shocked to find that the instruments and equipment around the laboratory also began to deform accordingly.

Click, click, click!

Click, click, click!

Amidst the sound of mechanical flipping and friction, all the metal objects around began to be split and assembled in a regular manner, which was dazzling.


Others may still be confused, but Howard Stark, who has seen how the Decepticons transform, suddenly realizes what is going on.

The metal objects around are beginning to "decepticon".

Sure enough, soon, under the stunned gazes of everyone, one small Decepticon after another appeared.

Bang bang bang!

After these Decepticons appeared, they immediately raised their weapons and fired mercilessly at everyone around them.

"Quick, get out quickly!"

"Call the quick reaction force over immediately and eliminate these ghosts!"

"Sir, let's go out first."

The scene suddenly became chaotic, and everyone fled in a hurry.

A group of Decepticons could be said to be in hot pursuit, shooting wildly at everyone.

that's all.

The Decepticons chased everyone out of the laboratory and into the camp.

"I go."

"What the hell!"

"What are these!"

The whole camp was alarmed.

Everyone took out their weapons one after another and fought with the Decepticons.

What no one knew was that amidst this chaos, a Decepticon Blademan quietly slipped into a control room.

That's right.

The sudden activation of the fire source was exactly what the blade man did.

The purpose is to create chaos and facilitate their next move.

There were special agents guarding the control room, but at this time, those special agents were not there, and they all went out to deal with the newly appeared Decepticons.

Blade Man sneaked in very smoothly.

Soon, Blade Man quickly found a control console and then violently destroyed it.

This console was exactly the console of the freezing system that froze Megatron!

At the same time.

In another secret laboratory.

A huge "robot" more than ten meters high was fixed on a special operating table.

And every corner of the laboratory was connected by pipes, which continuously released liquid nitrogen.

Maintaining the ultra-low temperature in this laboratory.

However, after Blade Man destroyed the control console, the liquid nitrogen supply was stagnant.

Bang Bang Bang!

Bang Bang Bang!

In the base, this kind of harsh gunshots continued, and everyone was still fighting with the Decepticons.

This is the headquarters of SHIELD after all, and those Decepticons are just some small Decepticons created temporarily.

Although they caused some trouble to the SHIELD agents, they were eventually eliminated by SHIELD.

But no one knew that at this moment, Megatron opened his eyes.

"What the hell is this place?"

Megatron turned his head and looked around, and made such an angry voice.

Then he raised his hand and blasted a hole in the wall of the laboratory with a cannon.

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