American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 181 The other half of the holy stone is obtained

Mutant base.


Accompanied by the familiar sound of sonic boom, Rorschach's body fell heavily into the courtyard of the base.

"It's the dean!"

"The dean is back!"

"I'm so envious, the dean can actually fly!"

The mutants who were playing or training in the courtyard heard this familiar voice and couldn't help turning their heads to look, each of them was a little envious.


Being able to break free from the shackles of the earth, this kind of thing makes people look forward to it.

And it is said that the dean can not only fly, but also shoot laser beams from his eyes like Scott, with a speed that can reach the speed of sound, and his body is so strong that it is invulnerable to swords and guns, which is really a bit exaggerated.



Thinking so in their hearts, a group of young people all ran over to greet Rorschach excitedly.

Rorschach nodded one by one in response.



A voice caught Rorschach's attention. After Rorschach greeted everyone, he saw that it was Vincent who was training.

Vincent controlled the "vines" to grow, entwine, and spread, and he lifted a car easily.


Then Vincent shouted, and the vines that lifted the car shook violently.


The car was thrown out by Vincent.

Crack, crack, crack!

However, under Vincent's control, a large number of branches and vines suddenly grew out from another position on the ground and quickly gathered together.

The car thrown into the air was caught steadily.

And then it was put on the ground silently.

"Vincent, you succeeded!"

"You did it, Vincent!"

"Well done, Vincent!"

There was a burst of excited cheers around, and everyone applauded Vincent.


Vincent took a deep breath, and then his face also became red.

He didn't have time to enjoy the applause of his companions, but looked at Rorschach with great excitement and a little bit of boasting: "Dean, I did it!"

Vincent can be said to be an old man in the base. He is the first mutant brought by Rorschach. When he first came, his ability was still very superficial. Now, he has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"Yes, you did it."

Rorschach also had a face full of relief, and patted Vincent on the shoulder, "Well done, Vincent!"

The simple praise made Vincent feel like he was stepping on clouds. He only felt that his whole body was a little light and full of strength.

Although Rorschach is about the same age as him, Vincent knows that he and Rorschach are completely different levels.

He is at most a rising star, and he is a super god!

It would be a lie for Vincent to say that he is not secretly happy to get the praise of such a super god.

"You guys continue, just pretend I don't exist."

After saying hello to the young mutants, Rorschach returned to the meeting hall.

At this moment, the hall was full of people and very lively.

Looking around, Hank, Raven, Copycat and the others who went out to look for the Lorraine people have returned.

Smith and No. 6 were also there. Not only that, there were two more people in the hall: one big and one small.

There is no doubt that they are the other two Lorraine people.

These "receiving teams" have already received a target and returned before Rorschach.

Of course, it's not that their speed is faster than Rorschach, but that their distance is much closer than Rorschach.

"It seems that your action is very smooth."

Under the gaze of everyone, Rorschach strode into the hall.

"Yes, it went very smoothly. We didn't encounter any other Mauga people."

Raven nodded, then glanced at Rorschach, "It seems that your operation was also very smooth."

"Smith, No. 6, you don't have to worry about the Mauga people anymore. I have wiped them all out."

Rorschach nodded, then looked at Smith and No. 6 on the side and said.

"Really?" Smith and No. 6's eyes lit up, surprised and happy, and they couldn't believe it. "This is really great!"

Although this kind of words sounded a bit exaggerated and even unbelievable at first, Smith and No. 6 had seen Rorschach's skills, so they knew that Rorschach was telling the truth.

"What? The Mauga people were wiped out? This, this is impossible!"

And the other long-haired man next to Smith subconsciously showed a questioning look on his face.

"Rorschach, this is Henry, the guardian of No. 4, this is No. 4."

Seeing Rorschach's eyes looking over, Smith hurriedly introduced the identities of Henry and No. 4, "Henry, this is the Mr. Rorschach I told you about, the one who took us in and helped us."

"So you are Mr. Rorschach."

After Henry knew Rorschach's identity, he immediately realized that his attitude just now was too extreme, "Anyway, thank you for your help to us."

"Are you Rorschach? Are you really as powerful as Smith and the others say?"

Another boy couldn't help but look at Rorschach and questioned aloud.

That was another key figure of the Lorraine people, No. 4.

On the way here, Smith and No. 6 had told them about Rorschach's "great achievements", and Henry and No. 4 were stunned, as if they were listening to a book of heaven.

Killing dozens of Mauga people in an instant, ravaging the bloodthirsty Devourer, and being shot by the energy gun of the Mauga people without any injury.

It's really too much.

Not to mention the weak race of Earthlings, even the Kree people can't be so perverted.

"No. 4!"

Henry frowned and scolded No. 4.

Whether Smith and No. 6 were exaggerating or not, it was an indisputable fact that the person in front of them helped them find their kind.

They were all their benefactors.

Although No. 4 was older than Rorschach, in Rorschach's eyes, he was just a naughty child.

Rorschach ignored No. 4 and glanced at Smith: "Have you told them about the Holy Stone?"

"Smith has already told me."

Without waiting for Smith to answer, Henry spoke first, and then he took out an iron box from a travel bag, "What you want is the Holy Stone, right? Here."

As he said, Henry handed the Holy Stone to Rorschach.


No. 4 on the side suddenly showed an anxious look.

"I know what I'm doing." Henry interrupted No. 4 forcibly.

As Smith said, the original purpose of the Holy Stone was to find other tribesmen, and now that Rorschach has helped them do this, handing over the Holy Stone is nothing.

Of course, the most important thing is that Henry is not as naive as No. 4.

He knows that at this point, they have no choice at all.

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