American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 182: The transformation of telekinesis, the increasingly perfect motherland

"Henry, you made the right choice."

Rorschach shrugged, and then took the iron box from Henry's hand very unceremoniously.

He opened it casually, and sure enough, a piece of stone cut in half by a sharp blade was lying neatly in the small box.

It was the Holy Stone.

"Raven and the others will help you find the rest of the tribesmen, you don't have to worry."

Rorschach couldn't wait to "absorb" the other half of the Holy Stone, so he didn't say much to Henry and the others, and after saying this to them, he turned around and left.

After returning to his own exclusive training room, Rorschach didn't say anything nonsense, and began to follow the actions that accidentally triggered the Holy Stone in the Stryker base before, and shot out two heat rays from his eyes and hit the Holy Stone.

However, what surprised Rorschach a little was that the Holy Stone, which was easily triggered in the Stryker base, did not move at this time.



The heat rays had been shooting at the Holy Stone for ten minutes, and the Holy Stone had not changed at all.

"What's going on?"

Rorschach's brows furrowed slightly, feeling very confused.

Why is it so easy to activate one of the same holy stones, but so difficult to activate the other?

He remembered clearly that the first holy stone was activated directly by a random heat ray.

"Let's try again!"

After thinking about it for a while, Rorschach pondered for a moment and once again fired heat rays at the holy stone.

This time, it lasted for about five minutes before the holy stone began to flash the familiar blue light.

Rorschach's spirits lifted slightly.

Although he didn't know why this holy stone was so difficult to activate, fortunately, it was finally activated.


Rorschach continued to move and began to continuously fire heat rays at the holy stone.



After about five minutes, the holy stone just shattered directly as Rorschach hoped.


A ball of blue energy inside it, just like last time, rushed directly into Rorschach's body and disappeared.

At that moment, Rorschach immediately felt that his mental power, which had been "dyed" into blue, had become even more blue.

His perception and control of mental power had also undergone a transformation!

Yes, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a transformation.

Although he has not tried it yet, based on previous experience, Rorschach feels that it is no problem for him to lift a ten-ton object casually with just his mental power.

It can even be said to be easy.

Sure enough, there is no way to compare half of the holy stone with the complete holy stone.


Then Rorschach's mind moved, and his mental power reached out. He stretched out his hand towards the training room, and all the objects in the training room floated up.

It was everything!

Although no single object weighed more than ten tons, all the things added together must weigh seven or eight tons.

Rorschach's previous guess was completely correct.

And this is just the beginning!

Don't forget that Rorschach's mental power has not been trained for a long time, and his potential has not been fully tapped.

Rorschach believes that with continuous training and continuous tapping of potential, Rorschach's telekinesis will become more and more terrifying in the future.

Dozens of tons, hundreds of tons, or even thousands of tons are no problem.

This is not because Rorschach thinks too highly of himself. After all, Rorschach's mental power can be continuously strengthened!

"Not bad!"

Rorschach is very, very satisfied with this.

Although he still can't figure out why the second holy stone is so difficult to stimulate, since the holy stone has been successfully stimulated and absorbed, there is no point in exploring this problem.

Rorschach directly put it behind his mind and ignored it completely.

In fact, what Rorschach didn't know was that the real reason why the second holy stone was so difficult to stimulate was not that the second holy stone was difficult to stimulate, but that the first holy stone was too easy to stimulate.

Because the first holy stone was subjected to countless experiments by Stryker, it suffered serious damage and had long been overwhelmed.

But this kind of thing is impossible for Rorschach to know.

Of course, Rorschach was too lazy to pay attention, but began to concentrate on training and developing his mental power.

"Rorschach, come quickly, something happened!"

While immersed in training, Riven suddenly came to the training room in a hurry and said to Rorschach with a serious face.

Rorschach's face also became solemn.

It must be something big that could make Riven look like this.

Rorschach didn't say much, and quickly followed Riven to the meeting hall.

But at this moment, everyone gathered together, their brows were all twisted into a knot, looking at the TV screen in front of them.

"We don't know where these robots came from or who developed them, but we can see that they have lost control and are frantically attacking the camp of the 78th Artillery Battalion of the Caspian Battalion."

"According to the latest news, the 78th Artillery Battalion has been established as the base headquarters by the Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency. You may not know much about this agency. It is an intelligence agency that has only been established for thirteen years."

"Why do these out-of-control robots attack the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency like crazy? Do they have some relationship with the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency? We don't know."

"But we can clearly see that the entire base of the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency has been almost destroyed into ruins."

"The Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau has applied for support from the military. According to the news from our reporters at the front, the military has mobilized troops..."

On the TV screen, one saw huge "robots" one after another, bombing the SHIELD base that was almost unrecognizable.

The special agents at the SHIELD base were all huddled behind the bunkers, not daring to show their faces, and corpses were lying on the ground one after another.

Not to mention how shocking it is.

Raven, Hank, the White Queen and Copycat, including Smith Henry and several other Mauga people, all frowned like chrysanthemums blooming in late autumn.

Those robots are so terrible and terrifying, and would be a disaster for any of them.

Only Rorschach had a look of astonishment on his face.

It can be said that I was caught off guard.

It's a Decepticon!

After tricking SHIELD into investigating the Decepticons, Rorschach didn't pay much attention to the matter.

But I didn't expect that things would develop into this situation in the blink of an eye.

Let’s talk about updates, reverting to two updates.

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