American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 183 Howard Stark: This is really not my fault

"I can't believe that Earthlings can create such terrible things."

Number Four stared at the Decepticons "showing their might" on the TV screen with his eyes wide open, and couldn't help but sigh.

During his years of fleeing from Earth, Number Four has never looked down on Earth. For them, the Lorraine people, Earth is too barren.

This barrenness is in all aspects, and technological civilization is one of them.

The technology on Earth is actually very primitive for them.

But who would have thought that such a primitive civilization could actually create such a terrible robot.

If they, the Lorraine people, can master this kind of robot, what do they have to fear about the Mauga people?

They should have killed the Mauga people long ago, right?

Smith, Henry and Number Six didn't say anything, but they were all shocked.

Looking at their faces, it is estimated that they have the same idea as Number Four.

Not only these aliens, but also Raven, Hank, the White Queen and Copycat have the same guess.

"Who on earth created this thing? Why did they attack that intelligence agency?"

The Cat-imitator groaned, looking puzzled.

"The Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Agency?"

After a moment of contemplation, Raven suddenly remembered something. She stared at Rorschach and asked, "Rorschach, isn't this Howard Stark's intelligence organization?"

Howard Stark?

When the name was mentioned, the faces of several Earthlings at the scene all changed.

Everyone looked at each other, and a thought flashed through their minds at the same time: Could those robots have been made by Howard Stark?

With the current level of human technology, it is estimated that only Howard Stark has this ability.

And didn't the news also say that it was "out of control".

Isn't this the reason why those robots attacked Howard Stark's base?

"No, these are not robots."

Rorschach shook his head, and he explained to everyone seriously, "They are actually all aliens."


With one sentence, everyone at the scene looked at each other in bewilderment.

Those robots were clearly made of pure machinery, not flesh and blood at all!

How could they be aliens?

"I know you may find it strange, but they are indeed different from ordinary aliens. They are mechanical life forms."

Seeing everyone's confusion, Rorschach began to explain.

"Mechanical... life forms? Is there such a life form in the world?"

Hank murmured.

Even for an outstanding scientist like him, it was difficult to forcibly connect the two unrelated things "machine" and "life forms" together.

"Mechanical life forms? Mr. Luo, are you saying that they are Cybertronians?"

Smith's expression immediately changed, and he realized what Rorschach was talking about.


The White Queen raised her eyebrows, looked at Smith, then looked at Rorschach, and said with a little resentment, "Please, don't be so stupid, okay?"

"Cybertronians are this kind of mechanical life form. All the people living on that planet are such 'robots'." Rorschach briefly explained to everyone on the scene.

"Wow, I didn't expect there are such aliens. This world is really wonderful." Copycat couldn't help but shrugged and sighed.

Raven, Hank and the White Queen also had wonderful expressions on their faces.

"Didn't Cybertron destroy long ago?"

Henry was surprised and wondered.

They had heard the legend of Cybertron. According to what they knew, the planet had been destroyed because of the civil war a long time ago, which was why they didn't think of Transformers at the first time.

"Henry, Lorraine was also destroyed."

Smith sighed at this time.

Henry was speechless immediately, and his expression began to become melancholy.

But the meaning of his words was obvious.

Although Cybertron was destroyed, these Cybertronians were hiding on Earth like the Lorraine people.

"Rorschach, we can't just ignore it!"

Hank's voice sounded, and he said to Rorschach with a serious face.

If this matter was just Howard Stark's doing, and it was the result of his own misbehavior, it would not be a big deal.

But if it was aliens, things would be completely different.

From the combat effectiveness of the Cybertronians shown on TV, Hank didn't think the army would be the opponent of such a group of big guys.

It's hard to say whether they can win or not. Even if they can win in the end, it will cause a great disaster.

"Rorschach, what should we do?"

Raven also stared at Rorschach and asked in a deep voice.

As Hank and Raven asked, the eyes of other people at the scene were also on Rorschach.

However, the expressions of the White Queen and Copycat seemed to be much more relaxed. For them, this matter was far less urgent.

They are just ordinary people. If they die, they die. What's the big deal?

"I'll go check the situation."

Rorschach pondered for a moment and gave such a vague answer.

They are all Americans anyway. If they die, they die. Rorschach doesn't care at all.

But now that the Transformers have begun attacking SHIELD in a big way, it's clear that SHIELD has found Megatron and the source of the fire.

As for the source of fire, Rorschach could not miss it under any circumstances.


Then a sonic boom sounded, Rorschach swayed, and he disappeared.

next moment.

Rorschach's body landed heavily in an uninhabited area of ​​the SHIELD base.


Bang bang bang!

Violent artillery fire sounded one after another at the scene, one was filled with smoke and the other was tragic, but Rorschach ignored them all.

He just used his clairvoyance eyes as if nothing had happened and began to carefully observe his surroundings, looking for the source of fire.

"found it!"

Soon, Rorschach's eyes couldn't help but light up.

Under his clairvoyant vision, no matter where the source of fire is hidden, it is very easy to find it.

As for Howard Stark?

Luo Xia also paid special attention, but there was no sign of this guy at the scene.

It is estimated that this core technical backbone had already evacuated as soon as the battle occurred.

However, Peggy Carter was still at the scene, leading people to fight hard against the Decepticons.

Rorschach ignored it. He swayed, sonic speed spread out, and the person disappeared.

Appeared outside the door of a secret laboratory.



But here, the artillery fire is still there.

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