American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 184 The source of fire is obtained!

Looking around.

I saw eight SHIELD agents, relying on various engineering bunkers, bombarding a Decepticon in front of them.

They all held submachine guns in their hands, roaring and pouring their firepower on the Decepticons.

Ding Ding Dang Dang!

Many of those bullets hit the Decepticon in front, but apart from splashing some sparks on the Decepticon, they did not cause much damage to the Decepticon.

What really suppressed the Decepticon was the Gatling gun on a tactical assault vehicle!

Bang Bang Bang!

Bang Bang Bang!

That Gatling gun was the real killer against the Decepticons.

Even the Decepticons would have a headache against weapons like the Gatling gun. Although they could not be killed in one go, they were enough to cause real damage to them.

In addition, these agents used grenades whenever they had time, and they really blocked the Decepticon temporarily.

But this situation can't last long.


"Shit! I've run out of grenades!"

One of the special agents couldn't help but scream in pain.

"I've run out of them!"

Another special agent was even more annoyed.

"Be careful!"

Someone suddenly shouted.

But the Decepticon they had suppressed suddenly popped up and fired a shell at everyone.


Amid the fierce explosion, the tactical assault vehicle was overturned.

The Gatling gun was naturally destroyed.

Fortunately, the special agents on the tactical assault vehicle had rich combat experience and quick reaction. They jumped off the vehicle at the first moment the Decepticon fired the shell, saving their lives.

But without the tactical assault vehicle, how would they deal with the Decepticon next?

"Don't be a fearless resistance, little bugs!"

The arrogant voice of the Decepticon sounded. After the weapon that threatened him was destroyed, he had no scruples.

Just walked over so arrogantly.

"Don't come over!"

"Fire! Fire!"

The special agents at the scene raised their submachine guns and pulled the trigger fiercely at the Decepticons.

However, it was like tickling, and it did not have any effect on the Decepticons at all.


The Decepticons raised their cannons ruthlessly at these people.


But at this moment, the Decepticons stopped.

Because a sonic boom suddenly sounded, attracting the attention of the Decepticons.

He turned his head subconsciously, but saw that on the battlefield, in front of his left, a person appeared at some point!


The Decepticons were immediately surprised.

He remembered clearly that there was no one there before!

Could it be that the sound just now was the sonic boom caused by this person rushing over quickly?

This is impossible?

How fast is this speed?

"Who is he?"

Not only the Decepticons, but also the SHIELD agents were stunned.

How did this young guy get in?

No one noticed this at all.

"Get out of here quickly, it's dangerous!"

But now there is no time to think about these things. This person can't figure out the situation and is exposed in front of the monster.

Isn't this courting death?

One of the agents shouted at Rorschach.

But it was too late.

Because the Decepticon had already pointed the barrel in his hand at Rorschach.



Before the Decepticons launched artillery fire at Rorschach, two extremely blazing heat rays suddenly burst out from Rorschach's eyes.

Sweeping at the Decepticon's neck.

The Decepticon, who was invulnerable to swords and guns and couldn't even be killed by grenades, had his head cut off by Rorschach at this moment.


The opponent's huge head fell to the ground, making a dull sound.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

The SHIELD agents couldn't help but stare at Rorschach with their eyes wide open, looking at him as if they had seen a ghost, and couldn't believe their eyes at all.

The mechanical monster that the eight of them had spent countless guns and ammunition on but couldn't kill was actually killed instantly in front of this young man!

This contrast has to be said to be too huge.


"You are a mutant!"

In the dull scene, a SHIELD agent shouted at Rorschach in shock.

Eye lasers, mutants are undoubtedly.

"Hey, mutant, why are you here?"

Another agent stared at Rorschach with vigilance and suspicion and asked.

"It has nothing to do with you. Peggy Carter and the others are about to collapse. Are you sure you want to waste time with me here?"

Rorschach just said this to the agents lightly, and didn't say much, and walked directly to the security door of the secret laboratory.

The special agents looked at each other, and they certainly would not be so easily dismissed by Rorschach's words.

But Rorschach's performance just now really shocked them, and they dared not act rashly.

They could only stare at Rorschach, that's all.

Before Rorschach made any extraordinary move, he dared not make any move.

Rorschach was too lazy to pay attention to these special agents, and just stood in front of the security door.

If it was in the past, if Rorschach wanted to enter such a security door, he could only use heat ray cutting and then violently break the door.

But now.

Rorschach has a more advanced way!

Mental power!

Or, telekinesis!

Rorschach didn't say anything nonsense, and with his perspective eyes, he saw all the structures of the security door clearly, and then used telekinesis to make the corresponding gears on the security door rotate.



The security door was opened just like that.

"What's going on?"

"Why did the door open?"

The special agents around were all shocked and confused.

In S.H.I.E.L.D., only personnel above level 4 have the authority to open this laboratory.

How come this mutant who suddenly appeared did nothing and the door opened automatically?

What the hell?

Rorschach naturally didn't explain anything to these special agents, he just ignored them and walked in with big strides.


"You can't..."



The heavy security door closed again, locking the special agents outside.

Rorschach stood at the entrance of the laboratory and took a glance, and the scene in the laboratory came into his sight.

It was also a mess, with traces of gunpowder everywhere.

It was obvious that a war had also taken place here at some point.

After a quick glance, a huge cube placed on the experimental table completely attracted Rorschach's attention.

The fire source!

The complete fire source!

Finally got it!

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