American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 185: Rapid increase in strength, looting S.H.I.E.L.D.

[Special energy source detected! ]

[Energy source analysis in progress...]

[Energy value: 3000 origin points, status: extractable. ]

The moment he stood in front of the All-Spark Source, the system prompt sounded in Rorschach's mind.


Rorschach's eyes lit up, revealing an unconcealed excitement.

The All-Spark Source can be extracted!

It's worth the trip!

All along, whether the All-Spark Source can be absorbed and extracted has always been Rorschach's guess, and that's all. There is no evidence to give Rorschach a positive feedback.

All his series of measures based on the All-Spark Source are based on uncertain purposes.

It is very likely that he will get nothing.

Of course, on the other hand, it seems that Rorschach didn't spend too much effort on this matter. Basically, everything was done by SHIELD.

Rorschach just wasted a little time talking, that's all.

But in any case, the old guess has now been confirmed, and it would be a lie for Rorschach to say that he is not excited.

Three thousand origin points!

These are three thousand origin points.

It's like getting it for free.

How could he not feel good?

With such excitement, Luo Xia gently placed his right hand on the fire source.

He gave the corresponding command to the system: "System, extract the energy source!"


[Extracting successfully! ]


With the prompt sound of the system, the huge cube in front of Luo Xia turned into ashes and disappeared.

[Host: Rorschach]

[Age: 16 years old]

[Speed: 588.1 m/s]

[Strength: 621 tons]

[Physique: 910 (average value of healthy adult males 10)]

[Mental strength: 966 (average value of healthy adult males 10)]

[Current template: Homelander (unlock progress 50%)]

[Abilities: Perspective (intermediate), Super Hearing (intermediate), Heat Ray (intermediate), Flight (intermediate)]

[Origin Points: 3026 points]

The corresponding data on the Rorschach panel has changed accordingly.

[It is detected that the host has surplus origin points. Do you want to use them immediately for strengthening? ]

At this moment, the system prompt sound came again in Rorschach's mind.


[Strengthening completed! ]

[Congratulations to the host, the Homelander template is unlocked 80%! ]

[Host: Luo Xia]

[Age: 16 years old]

[Speed: 1102 m/s]

[Strength: 1421 tons]

[Physique: 1510 (average value of healthy adult males is 10)]

[Mental strength: 1566 (average value of healthy adult males is 10)]

[Current template: Homelander (unlock progress 80%)]

[Abilities: Perspective (Advanced), Super Hearing (Advanced), Heat Ray (Advanced), Flight (Advanced)]

[Origin Points: 26 points]

At the moment when the enhancement was completed, Luo Xia looked at the data of his various attributes on the data panel, and his face showed a very excited and excited look.

Strength surge!

What is strength surge?

This is called strength surge!

His strength has increased from more than 600 tons to more than 1,400 tons, more than doubled!

In addition, speed, physique, mental strength, etc. are all the same.

This wave is really worth it!

Not bad.

Luo Xia nodded repeatedly.

With his current strength, let alone in the 1960s, even in the superhero era opened by Iron Man in the future, he is definitely a top-level strongman.

Of course.

That's after removing those top bosses.

But even so, Rorschach's strength is still not to be underestimated.


That's right!

In a good mood, another very crazy idea suddenly flashed through Rorschach's mind.

Since the fire source is an extractable energy source, then... what about the cosmic cube?


When this thought flashed through Rorschach's mind, even he was shocked, but at the same time, Rorschach couldn't keep calm.

If the cosmic cube can also be extracted, it would be really amazing.

The fire source is completely incomparable to the cosmic cube, it's just a younger brother, okay?

Even the fire source can provide Rorschach with 3,000 origin points, so what about the cosmic cube?

30 million?

300 million?

Rorschach simply didn't dare to think about it.

Of course.

Up to now, these are all Rorschach's YY.

Whether the Cosmic Cube can be extracted is still unknown, but once this thought comes up, he can't hold it back no matter what.

When Rorschach thought of this, there was no hesitation at all, and he immediately used his perspective eyes to start searching everywhere.

"Found it!"

Soon, Rorschach paused when he turned his head to scan, because a blue energy body had appeared in Rorschach's field of vision.

However, the Cosmic Cube was not in this laboratory of the Fire Source, but in another laboratory.

Of course, Rorschach didn't talk nonsense, and set off directly. Using clairvoyance and telepathy, he easily opened several other related safety doors and came to the laboratory where the Cosmic Cube was stored.

Finally, we arrived in front of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.


Just like Tony Stark used the energy flow of the suit's gloves to cut the safety bolts, Rorschach also shot out two blazing heat rays from his eyes, cutting all the safety bolts of the safe that held the Cosmic Cube. all over.


The safe was opened easily.

A blue cube appeared in front of Rorschach.

That very unique blue light filled Rorschach's eyes with an indescribable sense of beauty.

【Special energy source detected! 】

[Energy source analysis in progress...]

[Energy value: 3000000000000 source point, status: cannot be extracted. 】

At this moment, the system's beep in his mind directly interrupted Rorschach's thoughts, which made Rorschach's eyes widen.

Good guy.

How many zeros are there?

One hundred million...

Rorschach counted carefully, a total of three trillion!

This is an exaggeration.

Three trillion, what is this concept?

Rorschach's eyes were a little straight, his breathing was a little rapid, and he was so stimulated that he couldn't speak at all.

Just now, the three thousand origin points almost made him dance for joy.

It's just a pity that the special energy source of the Cosmic Cube cannot be extracted.

As for the conditions for the system to determine whether it can be extracted or not, Rorschach still has no idea.

"No matter, now that we have met, there is no reason to miss it."

But Rorschach made a decision quickly.

Just because it can’t be withdrawn now, doesn’t mean it can’t be withdrawn later, right?

And this is an infinite gem. Although this kind of thing is troublesome, Rorschach values ​​its value even more!

have nothing to say.

Rorschach directly found a box and put the Cosmic Cube in it.

"Since the Cosmic Cube has gone away, there is no need to leave other things behind. Anyway, these are all Hydra's things."

Rorschach took another look at the other good things in the laboratory and made a decision as a matter of course.

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