American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 187: S.H.I.E.L.D. razed to the ground

Everyone present was not a fool. Although Rorschach did not elaborate on his plan, they all understood what Rorschach meant.

Everyone had different reactions to this.

"Rorschach, to be honest, I didn't think much of you before. Yes, although you may be the most powerful mutant I have ever seen, but yes, I looked down on you a little."

"Although you are not as naive as Charles, you are obviously a child who has not grown up. Compared with Shaw, some of your actions are too immature."

"But now... I find that I may have made a mistake."

The White Queen shrugged, and she could be said to be undisguisedly praising Rorschach.

"Well." Copycat did the same, "Rorschach, you have done so many things, but this one is the most to my taste."

As expected.

Raven and Hank both had some doubts about this.

But Raven and Hank's doubts were different.

If Rorschach hadn't intervened, Raven would have followed Eric and done a lot of things that attacked ordinary humans. Even after she parted ways with Eric, Raven herself had also attacked humans.

Apart from anything else, the Sentinel robot was caused by Raven's assassination of a human weapons expert.

So although Rorschach's plan sounded a bit cruel and shocked Raven for a while, Raven also understood that what Rorschach said was correct and reasonable.

Now is indeed a good opportunity to improve the situation of mutants.

Although this will make Raven struggle and hesitate, it is not difficult for Raven to make a choice between the lives of ordinary people and the interests of mutants.

The only thing Raven is worried about is another important thing.

"Rorschach, are you sure? The risk of this matter is too great."

Raven stared at Rorschach in a deep voice, her voice extremely solemn, "Are you really sure that things can be controlled in the end and that the earth will not become the second Lorraine?"

That's right.

The reason why Raven insisted on letting Rorschach take action was certainly due to sympathy, but more of it was the worry about alien invasion.

"Raven, I know what's going on."

Rorschach was confident, "When have I ever done something I wasn't sure of?"

Seeing Rorschach so confident, Raven was speechless.

She stared at Rorschach for several seconds, and then said in a complicated voice: "Rorschach, I don't know if this is right or wrong. I even feel heavy thinking about it, but I think I can only trust you."

"Raven, just like you did before, just keep trusting me." Rorschach nodded.

"Really? That's how you made the decision?"

Hank's questioning was purely out of sympathy, "What's the difference between what we do and what Xiao did? Rorschach, this is not a war between mutants and ordinary people, this is an alien invasion of our homeland!"

"Earthlings, ordinary people, we are all part of the earth. In the face of this alien invasion, we should unite to fight against it!"

"Instead of calculating against each other at this time!"

Hank has always trusted and respected Rorschach very much, but at this moment, Hank really couldn't agree with Rorschach's approach.

"Hank, I know I can't convince you, but I'm sorry, I've made up my mind." Rorschach didn't explain anything to Hank.

Different ideas, no matter how much you say, it's useless.

After saying that to Hank, Rorschach didn't say anything more, but turned his head and looked in the direction of the SHIELD base.

The fierce battle immediately appeared in Rorschach's vision very clearly.

However, the camp of Camp Caspian was full of corpses lying in all directions. Looking around, there were basically no living people from SHIELD.

The SHIELD base was basically razed to the ground.

Only Agent Carter and a few top agents were still hiding behind the bunkers, fighting with the Decepticons.

In addition to these SHIELD people, the scene was basically taken over by the military.

There were many military armored vehicles, tactical assault vehicles, and even tanks parked at the scene.

Faced with such a deadly threat, the military was not soft at all.

However, in this "luxury lineup", two armored vehicles and three tactical assault vehicles have all been destroyed, lying on the ground in a mess and turning into a pile of ruins.

Only the last tank is left, still holding on firmly.

And around those armored vehicles and tactical assault vehicles, there are also the bodies of military soldiers lying in all directions.

Facts have proved.

Without the help of the Autobots, the human army is completely fragile against the Decepticons, and it is vulnerable.


A roar exploded violently.

It was the commander, Colonel Statham, who was covered in scars and blood, who gave the order to the tank group with a stern face.


The iron lump beside him shook violently, and a blazing flame sprayed out of the muzzle, and a shell was directly fired at Megatron.

But Megatron, with such a huge body, was as flexible as a monkey, and his body jumped and jumped violently.

He avoided the attack of the shell.


The shells hit the open space behind Megatron, creating a huge hole in the ground and causing dust to fly.

Boom boom boom!

At this time, Megatron suddenly rushed forward, holding a majestic sword in his hand, and slashed at the last tank fiercely.


A dull metal collision sound was heard, accompanied by dazzling sparks, and the tank weighing several tons was actually swept over by the Decepticon with a single blow.


When the tank hit the ground heavily, the two halves that had been split off rolled in different directions.

Tanks, this super-killing weapon invented by humans, were easily destroyed by Megatron with a single blow.

Colonel Statham's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and it could be said that his face was ashen.

Peggy Carter's face was also ugly. Without this last big killer, how could they fight against the monster in front of them?

The situation on the scene could be said to be extremely serious.


At this time, Rorschach made a decision.

Now the SHIELD agents and the military soldiers are almost all crippled, and they have fully realized the fear and strength of the Decepticons.

Then it is almost time for Rorschach to take action.


If everyone on the scene dies, then who will report to the higher-ups that mutants can deal with the Decepticons?

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