American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 188: A brilliant appearance, the savior who descended from the sky

"I'll be back soon."

"Oh, by the way, Hank, I'm going to save people now."

After making the decision, Rorschach didn't say any more nonsense, he stood up directly, and greeted Hank who was very depressed.

Hank's brows, which had been wrinkled like a chrysanthemum, immediately relaxed.

"Rorschach, hurry up!"

Hank couldn't help but urge Rorschach.

Although he knew that Rorschach's rescue this time was also strategic, Rorschach finally took action anyway.


Rorschach didn't say much, his body shook, and he disappeared directly.


The ruins of S.H.I.E.L.D. base.

The sound of gunfire and gunfire had almost disappeared, because at this time, the battle was basically over.

But Megatron was standing outside the door of the ruins base so majestically.

Next to Megatron was a guy who was quite famous among the Decepticons, Roadblock.

Although he is not very strong and can't even beat Bumblebee, he has survived until the fifth movie.

In addition, there are some Decepticons who have never appeared in movies and TV series.

It is estimated that the time is too short and those "famous actors" have not had time to arrive.

Starscream, the second-in-command of the Decepticons and Megatron's right-hand man, is also not there.

Looking around, there are a total of six Decepticons on the scene.

And next to these Decepticons, there are two Decepticon corpses.

In other words, a total of eight Decepticons have crippled a military stronghold like the SHIELD headquarters, and also wiped out all the military reinforcements.

This kind of combat power, it has to be said, is still very despairing.

"Colonel, please answer if you hear me, what's the situation!"

The majestic voice of a major general sounded in the communication channel.

"Total defeat!"

Major Statham's face twitched a few times, and he seemed unwilling to admit it, but in the end, he still reported to the major general unwillingly.

"Total defeat? In such a short time?"

The major general's voice unconsciously rose several octaves, and he could not accept this fact at all.

How long has it been?

Are you kidding me!

"Major General, it's an honor to work with you!"

Colonel Statham glanced at the behemoths standing in front of him at this time, and a sad look appeared on his face.

Major Statham was desperate!

He brought a fast emergency team of 50 people, as well as armored vehicles, tactical assault vehicles, and even tanks, not to mention armed helicopters!

Weapons like rocket launchers and grenades are basically basic operations.

It was this terrible configuration that was completely wiped out by the enemy in just half an hour.

It is unknown who developed this robot, but it is obvious that they cannot deal with it.

"Major Statham, what are you doing? Hide quickly!"

An anxious voice sounded, but it was Peggy Carter who was hiding behind the bunker, and she couldn't help but growl at Major Statham.

Major Statham's state was obviously a bit wrong.

The Decepticons started to rush over, why are you still motionless?

But Major Statham took out his pistol, not only did he not hide, but he also stood up all of a sudden.


Colonel Statham said to Peggy Carter without looking back, and then raised his hand to the behemoths in front of him.

"Courage is commendable, but it is meaningless."

Such a cold and ruthless voice came out of Megatron's mouth.

A Decepticon next to Megatron raised his hand at this time.

A Gatling-like barrel was aimed at Colonel Statham.


But at this moment, a sound of explosion sounded.

Megatron and other Decepticons and Colonel Statham hadn't reacted to what was going on before they all felt a flash in front of their eyes.

A figure fell fiercely in front of everyone.


Everyone's eyes were fixed on Rorschach, and everyone was so stunned.

They even suspected that they had seen it wrong.

There was a person who actually flew down from the sky?

Was he mistaken?

Especially the Decepticons, they were even more stunned and dumbfounded.

When did the earthlings fly?

"It's him!"

Peggy Carter, who was hiding behind the bunker, had her pupils shrink suddenly, revealing an undisguised joy, "That's good now."

Although Peggy Carter had never seen Rorschach's ability with her own eyes, she had heard Howard Stark say it.

This is a pervert who can use Decepticons as sandbags!

Now that this person is here, the situation may be reversed.

In the past, Peggy Carter had always disliked Rorschach, but at this moment, she suddenly felt that Rorschach was so handsome.

The few surviving special agents around Peggy Carter looked at Rorschach and couldn't help but show surprise again.

Who is this person?

How could he give Chief Carter hope again in such a desperate situation?

Although it was very surprising that this person could fly, could a mere mortal body really deal with such an iron lump?

"Where's Stark?"

Rorschach ignored everyone's gaze, but just glanced at Peggy Carter calmly and asked.

Rorschach certainly knew that Howard Stark was gone, and he asked this mainly to give everyone an excuse for coming here, nothing more.

Rorschach didn't want to leave an impression in the official that he was the kind of person who would stand up for ordinary people, which was very detrimental to the nuclear bomb image of mutants he created.

Peggy Carter was not surprised to hear that Rorschach actually came for Howard Stark, as the personal relationship between the two was very good.

According to what Peggy Carter knew, Rorschach had saved Stark's life, and Howard Stark had also entertained Rorschach, so it was reasonable for the other party to come to save people now.

"Stark has evacuated, he's fine!"

As those thoughts flashed through her mind, Peggy Carter immediately replied to Rorschach.

Rorschach nodded, retracted his gaze, and then fell on the Decepticons in front of him, grinning fiercely, without any nonsense.


Two rays of heat shot out from his eyes, sweeping towards one of the Decepticons.


The head of that Decepticon was immediately cut off by Rorschach.


Then, the opponent's huge body fell to the ground with a bang.


The scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone was shocked.

Colonel Statham almost popped his eyes out, and he couldn't believe his eyes at all.

Even Peggy Carter, who had known Rorschach's strength for a long time, gasped.

She knew Rorschach was powerful, but she didn't expect Rorschach to be so powerful.

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