American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 189 Megatron is confused. Who is the Decepticon?


"How could it be!"

Not only Colonel Statham and Peggy Carter, but also Megatron and other Decepticons were deeply stimulated by Rorschach.

The human race has always been an inferior race, a weak ant in front of them.

Now it is so perverted?

Directly killed a Decepticon in seconds!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, these Decepticons would never dare to believe it.


But Rorschach didn't pay any attention to the surprise of the Decepticons. His head kept turning and continued to cut the second Decepticon with heat rays.

Bang, bang, bang!

Bang, bang, bang!

But those Decepticons were naturally not fools. Although they were surprised, they didn't stand there stupidly as targets.

All the Decepticons poured their fire on Rorschach mercilessly.

A hail of bullets surrounded Rorschach.

All hit Rorschach.


At that moment, the Decepticons couldn't help but smile triumphantly.

Peggy Carter, Colonel Statham and others on the side, their hearts tightened immediately, almost jumping out of their chests.

Rorschach will be shot into a sieve in this wave?

But then.

Their worries disappeared, replaced by deep shock.


That's right.

Under that terrifying firepower, Rorschach was actually unscathed.

What kind of perverted body is this?

"How is it possible!"

The Decepticons on the opposite side were also dumbfounded. This is really exaggerated, right?

Who is the Decepticon among us?


Because they didn't expect that the Gatling-like shooting would not work on Rorschach, the second Decepticon was caught off guard and his head was also cut off.


The heat rays continued.

This time, no Decepticon could remain calm, and several big guys frantically dodged.

But for a behemoth like them, no matter how fast they dodge, they can't be faster than Rorschach's speed of turning his head.


In this process, another Decepticon was killed by Rorschach.

The other three Decepticons took advantage of this opportunity to quickly hide behind the bunkers and didn't dare to show their heads at all.

The situation at the scene can be said to have been reversed in an instant.


A cannon shot sounded, but it was one of the Decepticons that stretched out the barrel of his right hand and fired a shot at Rorschach.


But at this moment, a sonic boom sounded directly, and Rorschach's figure disappeared directly at the scene, and appeared in front of the Decepticon who attacked him like a ghost.

He raised his right hand, clenched it into a fist, and punched the Decepticon.


A loud noise came, and the Decepticon's huge body was actually blown away by Rorschach.

Then it fell heavily to the ground like a meteorite from outer space.

The blow was so strong that everyone could feel the tremors under their feet.

Crack, crack, crack!

The Decepticon struggled to stand up again and wanted to attack Rorschach.

But just as he moved, Rorschach once again launched the speed of sound, leaped up in one step, and fell from the sky like a god of war, and stepped on the Decepticon.

Boom, boom, boom!

Then Rorschach began to pound the Decepticon in front of everyone.


The scene couldn't help but swallow saliva, and everyone was deeply stimulated by the scene of Rorschach pounding the Decepticon like a dead dog.

A flesh and blood body beat a behemoth of eight or nine meters and couldn't get up!

The ground shook with every punch, and the parts of the Decepticon were hammered and splashed.

That kind of visual impact is hard to imagine without seeing it with your own eyes.

Little did they know that this was the result of Rorschach not using his full strength.

Otherwise, with his normal strength of more than a thousand tons, why would he need so many punches?

One punch is enough to smash the Decepticon alive.

The reason for suppressing his strength is that he doesn't want to traumatize Megatron psychologically, that's all.

Boom boom boom!


A loud noise came, but while Rorschach was trampling the Decepticon under his feet, another Decepticon quickly rushed over.

Holding a majestic broadsword in his hand, he chopped down Rorschach's head fiercely.

Rorschach just waved his hand lightly.


With a crisp sound, Rorschach grabbed the Decepticon's broadsword in an instant.

That broadsword was just frozen in the air.

No matter how hard the Decepticon holding the sword tried, he couldn't move forward at all.

Before, Megatron could cut off a tank with the same sword, but at this moment, almost the same attack could not shake a flesh and blood body at all.

This contrast is too strong.


After holding the second Decepticon's sword, Rorschach used the heat ray again and shot it at the Decepticon.

The Decepticon's anus suddenly tightened, and at the critical moment, it suddenly exploded, instantly pulling the sword out of Rorschach's hand and blocking it in front of him.

The sword directly blocked the heat ray.


But the next moment, Rorschach's fist landed on the opponent's body, and the second Decepticon also flew out.

Just after landing, Rorschach hit the opponent again like a shadow.

The ruthless fist continued to hammer down.

At this time, the first Decepticon that was hammered by Rorschach had become a ruin.

"Master, I think we should retreat."

Roadblock said to Megatron in a deep voice.

The strength of that human was too strong. They only had two people left now, and it was obvious that they could not deal with the opponent at all.

When the opponent was free, let alone snatching the Allspark, I am afraid that even his life would be lost.

As a leader, how could Megatron not understand this truth?

Although he was unwilling, Megatron also knew that with that young man around, he would not be able to snatch the Allspark today.

The only way was to summon other Decepticons on Earth and take action again.


Megatron decisively gave the order to Roadblock.


After receiving the order, Roadblock quickly turned into a car and quickly evacuated to a distance.

As for Megatron.

He flew directly into the air.

"Rorschach, they are trying to escape, we can't let them escape!"

Seeing this, Peggy Carter immediately shouted anxiously to Rorschach.

But Rorschach seemed not to hear it, and just slowly killed the Decepticon under his feet, that's all.

At this time, Megatron and Roadblock had completely disappeared.

Peggy Carter was so angry that she rushed out from behind the bunker and questioned Rorschach: "Rorschach, what are you doing? You just killed a small minion, Megatron is the key to everything! Go chase him, don't let him escape... Uh!"

Peggy Carter stopped talking halfway, because Rorschach stretched out his hand and grabbed Peggy Carter's neck.

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