American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 190 I don’t want to destroy the world!



Peggy Carter felt like she was being clamped by a pair of iron pliers, her neck was about to break, and her face was flushed red.

She struggled frantically in Rorschach's hands, but she couldn't get away even with all her strength.

"Peggy Carter, are you teaching me how to do things?"

Rorschach held Peggy Carter with one hand, looking at her with a sharp gaze.

Peggy Carter suddenly felt a sense of suffocation.

Not only was it physically suffocating, but it was also a psychological suffocation.

As Rorschach's strength continues to increase, his aura is no longer ordinary.

Even a well-trained senior agent like Peggy Carter couldn't bear it.

"Sir, Agent Carter is just a little anxious, I believe she didn't mean to offend."

Seeing this, Colonel Statham hurried over, "Right, Agent Carter?"

Peggy Carter nodded with great effort.

On the one hand, Peggy Carter was really stunned by Rorschach, and on the other hand, what Colonel Statham said was actually true.

Rorschach then let go.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Peggy Carter immediately held the overturned tactical assault vehicle with both hands and started coughing.

She glanced at Rorschach with some resentment, but she couldn't say anything else.

After all, this matter was still the fault of their SHIELD.

It was SHIELD who presumptuously studied things that they couldn't control, which led to a series of extremely serious consequences.

Strictly speaking, Rorschach came in time because he was worried about Howard Stark's safety, and he was helping SHIELD to clean up their ass.

Peggy Carter really had no position to blame Rorschach.

If Rorschach hadn't acted in time, they would have been dead without a doubt.

"For Stark's sake, I won't bother with you this time, but if there is a next time..." At this point, Rorschach couldn't help but sneer.

This immediately made Peggy Carter in front of him shudder.

"This gentleman..." Colonel Statham spoke to Rorschach again at this time.


But Rorschach didn't pay any attention to him at all. Without waiting for Colonel Statham to finish his words, he turned into a blurry shadow and disappeared.

Only a puff of dust was stirred up at the scene.


In the blink of an eye, Rorschach's body fell on the mutant base again and appeared in the meeting hall.

Hank, Raven, including the White Queen and Copycat, all surrounded him, and their eyes were all on Rorschach.

Everyone wanted to know the outcome of the matter.

However, the first two were really worried, and the latter two were more curious and wanted to join in the fun.

"Rorschach, how is it? Has everyone been rescued?" Hank immediately stared at Rorschach and asked impatiently.

"Hank, I feel like you seem to have asked a nonsense question." Copycat said leisurely on the side.

With Rorschach's monster-like strength, even if he was dealing with some mechanical aliens, there would be no suspense, right?

"Did you hear what Vanessa said? So you feel relieved now?" Rorschach spread his hands to Hank.

The slightly tense muscles on Hank's face suddenly relaxed.

Of course, he did not doubt Rorschach's strength, but for such things, he always had to confirm it in person before he could feel relieved.

"So Rorschach, what should we do next?"

But Hank immediately remembered something, raised his head, and looked at Rorschach with expectation and hope.

"Next... let the bullets fly for a while." Rorschach said meaningfully.

All the foreshadowing has been laid out, and next, just wait for the development of the situation.

Hank's face suddenly showed disappointment.

But he also knew that Rorschach had made a decision and he could not persuade him.

So he didn't say anything more.

The battle that took place at SHIELD spread rapidly to every corner, setting off a huge wave of hype in America.

The figures of Megatron's "robots" can be said to have left a very deep impression on everyone.

At the same time, it also caused great panic.

For the public, those robots are not robots, but terrible weapons of war!

Although the news reports about the Decepticons attacking the SHIELD base were stopped by the timely intervention of the upper level, the subsequent series of events were also classified as confidential, and no one was allowed to spread or leak the secrets.

The destruction of the SHIELD base and the defeat of the military were covered up by the upper level and did not spread out.

But just the short video on the TV news at the beginning also caused an unimaginable huge impact.

No one was not panicking.

There was no way, that thing was too terrible, and it was a huge threat to anyone.

Everyone was looking forward to it, hoping that the official could give everyone an explanation.

Those powerful people used their energy to inquire and investigate the matter.

The Department of Defense, Congress, the military, the CIA...

And so on and so forth.

Each department received countless calls from important figures, and even the phone was blown up, all asking about those "robots".

But for the time being, no one could give a reasonable explanation.

After all, they really didn't know what was going on.

They could only appease them.

But it was the ambiguous attitude of the authorities that made the people more and more uneasy.

For a time, all kinds of speculations and conspiracy theories were flying around, making people panic.

In this situation.

Peggy Carter met Howard Stark in a safe house.

In addition to the two of them, Phillips, another founder of SHIELD, was also there.

The three of them looked at each other, and their faces were extremely ugly.

Originally, when they found Megatron and the Allspark, they were so excited that they were ready to do a big job.

But who would have thought that it would go wrong.

Not only did Megatron survive, but the Allspark was also stolen!

Because the SHIELD agents who saw Rorschach steal the Allspark were killed in the battle, so now, several SHIELD agents believe that the Decepticons stole the Allspark.

"Stark, that cube can transform objects into UB6? Are you sure?"

Peggy Carter stared at Howard Stark with her eyes fixed on him, and asked in an extremely solemn tone.

Phillips on the side was the same.

Because if Howard Stark said it was true, then things would be very, very serious.

Because if it goes wrong, a UB6 army will appear on the earth!

At that time, the world will be in crisis!

As the two of them stared at him, Howard Stark's mouth twitched several times, and then he nodded heavily: "Yes!"


Phillips couldn't help but burst out a swear word.

Peggy Carter's heart also skipped a beat.

The thing they least wanted still happened.

"It's great, if we're not careful, we might destroy the world!"

Phillips looked at Howard Stark and shook his head repeatedly, "Stark, I knew it was a mistake to agree to you at that time."

"Stark, although this doesn't help, we really got into trouble this time." Peggy Carter also said anxiously and worriedly.

Howard Stark looked helpless, not knowing what to say.

He didn't want to destroy the world!

He just wanted to do some research quietly, how could he have caused such a big mess?

"Stark, things are completely beyond our control. Get ready and go to the Ministry of Defense with me."

After a long time, Phillips said to Howard Stark with a serious face.

Howard Stark looked at Phillips, then at Peggy Carter beside him, and could only spread his hands helplessly: "At this point, this is the only way."

The base of SHIELD was flattened, and the military suffered heavy losses. This matter has been paid attention to by the top leaders, and even the smiling boy may have been alarmed.

If you want to hide it, you can't hide it.

And now the whole world may face a huge threat. What if Megatron really creates a group of Decepticons? How should the human army respond now?

This matter must be dealt with early.

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