American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 191 The taboo existence that scares people when their name is mentioned


Office of the Secretary of Defense.

"When I led the rapid emergency response force to the base of the Strategic National Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency, the agents in the entire camp were basically killed. Only Agent Carter was still leading less than ten agents to struggle to death."

"There were a total of eight 'robots' attacking the camp at that time."

"The situation was serious. I immediately led the troops into the war and engaged in a fierce exchange of fire with the eight robots."

"The operation lasted a total of 21 minutes. Fifty-three of our soldiers died, two armed helicopters were destroyed, two tactical assault vehicles, two armored vehicles and a tank were also destroyed one after another."


Colonel Statham was following the major general who was in charge of the general command, Major General Carlos, to report to the Secretary of Defense, or more accurately, the new Secretary of Defense, about the brutal battle that took place at the SHIELD base.

"Jesus Christ!"

Even a figure like the Secretary of Defense couldn't help but gasp after hearing this.

Such a terrible force was actually completely disabled in just 21 minutes?

Is this a mistake?

That was just eight robots!

"So how did you survive in the end?"

After the Minister of Defense sighed, he remembered such a critical question and stared at Colonel Statham and asked.

"It was a mutant named Rorschach..." Colonel Statham reported truthfully.


But unexpectedly, the Minister of Defense actually screamed out loud, and his face turned a little pale.

Colonel Statham looked carefully and even saw that the Minister of Defense seemed to be sweating a little!

Colonel Statham and Major General Carlos beside him couldn't help but look at each other, and they saw a touch of astonishment in each other's eyes.

Who is this mutant?

He actually scared the Minister of Defense like this just by mentioning his name?

How could he not be scared?

The current Minister of Defense was in that conference room and witnessed how Rorschach slaughtered a group of senior officials of the United States.

Including his predecessor!

That hellish scene and that devilish face left the Minister of Defense with a lifelong psychological shadow.


The dry cough sounded, but it was the Minister of Defense who deliberately cleared his throat to cover up his embarrassment.

However, the Minister of Defense did not ask how Major Statham escaped, because he already knew.

That pervert has come out, and there is indeed no problem in rescuing Major Statham.

However, there is one thing that the Minister of Defense does not quite understand, what is that guy doing there? He does not look like a warm-hearted person.

"Why did Rorschach go there?"

The Minister of Defense asked Major Statham.

Sure enough.

The Minister of Defense knew Rorschach.

Major Statham and Major General Carlos knew it in their hearts. Rorschach, it seems that this is a person who has long been highly concerned by the Minister of Defense. After returning, they must check which great god this is.

"It should be to save Howard Stark. The first thing he did when he arrived at the scene was to ask about Stark's safety."

Major Statham answered truthfully.

Sure enough!

The Minister of Defense was not surprised.

Ever since Rorschach made a big scene in the Pentagon, he had been thoroughly investigated by the top brass, and his relationship with Howard Stark could not be concealed.

Then the Minister of Defense asked Major Statham some more questions, and the battle that took place at the SHIELD base was basically understood.

Except for one most critical question.

"What are those robots? Are they made by SHIELD?"

The Minister of Defense made such a natural guess.

Like anyone who knew that SHIELD knew Howard Stark, he subconsciously suspected Howard Stark.

After all, in terms of technological level, who can compare with Howard Stark?

This incident happened at the SHIELD base, and it seemed that everything was natural.

"I once asked Agent Carter this question, but she was vague, but I can be sure that she must know the origin of those robots."

Colonel Statham said to the Minister of Defense in a very affirmative tone.

"Damn, what did Stark and the others do!"

The Secretary of Defense couldn't help but curse in a low voice. He picked up the phone and dialed a number. "Have you contacted Phillips and the others?"

"No, Minister!"



But at this time, the door was knocked, and a person who looked like a secretary pushed the door open. Behind the secretary, two familiar people stood.

Howard Stark and Phillips.


The secretary was about to explain the situation to the Secretary of Defense, but saw the Secretary of Defense waved directly at Phillips and the others, "Jesus Christ, you finally showed up."

Phillips took Howard Stark into the office.

"Phillips, you know, the whole of America is waiting for your explanation now!"

The Secretary of Defense looked at Phillips and said seriously.

That's right.

Although Phillips doesn't have much presence in Marvel, in the current stage of S.H.I.E.L.D., Phillips is actually the boss.

Otherwise, how could a playboy scientist and a female agent from the UK be able to raise such a huge plate as SHIELD?

Of course, it was all due to Phillips' military background.

"So, we are here now."

Phillips spread his hands, and then called Howard Stark beside him, "Stark."

"Mr. Minister..."

Howard Stark told the Secretary of Defense the true identity of the Decepticons and the existence of the spark source.

Of course, some artistic processing was also done in some necessary places.

In short, in Howard Stark's description, it was not because of SHIELD's negligence that Megatron was resurrected, but SHIELD had noticed the Decepticon conspiracy in advance, so it was far-sighted and began to make arrangements in advance to try to stop the other party.

But it was not enough, that's all.

In order to maintain peace on Earth, SHIELD lost so many people, and even the base was razed to the ground. Not only was it not guilty, but it was also a hero.

However, the Secretary of Defense had no time to verify the authenticity of this story, because at this moment, he was completely shocked by the Decepticons and the Allspark.

Originally, I thought it was a "technology out of control" incident, nothing more.

Now you tell me, this is an alien invasion?

"Stark, I want you to repeat what you just said to Mr. President!"

The Secretary of Defense said to Howard Stark in a deep voice, and then picked up the phone with a serious and anxious look on his face.

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