American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 194: Officially declare war on Earth, beautiful Guo's despair

"As of the 15th, a total of thirty-seven places in the United States have suffered such unknown attacks, including landmarks such as Yellowstone Park and the Golden Gate Bridge. All the places attacked were completely destroyed."

"We can see that the area that was attacked was filled with smoke, a mess, and there were many casualties. It can be called a disaster."

"According to our understanding, these attacks were not initiated by terrorists or extremist organizations, but by the intelligent robots in the UB6 project that the government claimed a few days ago."

"In addition to those 37 large-scale attacks, violent attacks launched by such intelligent robots have also occurred in various places across the country."

"The local police and military are like helpless sheep in front of these robots, with no power to resist."

"This is a disaster!"

"This country is facing the most serious disaster in history, and our people's lives are being seriously threatened."

on tv.

Along with the news host's broadcast, one after another shocking related images were also played.

The smoke-filled scene, the streets with broken walls, the collapsed bridge, the frightened wounded being carried out...

It's simply unbearable to look at.

Hank looked at all this, his brows frowning like chrysanthemums blooming in late autumn.

Even Ruiwen's brows were also knitted into a knot.

Even though Raven is more "enlightened" than Hank, this miserable situation is still a bit unacceptable for Raven.

The only ones who remained as calm as ever were the White Queen and Copycat.

Of course there is a Rorschach.

"Rorschach, is this what you want to see?"

Hank's voice sounded. He stared at Rorschach and asked in a deep voice in an extremely depressed tone.

"Hank, if you can't accept it, don't watch TV these days."

"With your intelligence, you should have expected it, right?"

Rorschach's reaction was still so slow and unhurried, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

The Decepticons actually launched a comprehensive attack on the United States so quickly. It can be said that it was both beyond Rorschach's expectations and within Rorschach's expectations.

What was unexpected was that Rorschach did not expect that the other party would move so quickly. After all, how long had it been since Megatron recovered?

And it was expected, because it was completely in line with the Decepticon's behavior.

In order to achieve their goals, these Decepticons don't care about the life and death of people on earth.

"Rorschach, I understand what you mean, and I also understand that you want to change the situation of us mutants, but is this really good?"

Hank adjusted his glasses and began to try to persuade Rorschach again, "Innocent people are dying! I also want to do something for us mutants, but we can't build it on the basis of sacrificing others."

"Hank, you are talking as if we are killing those people." The White Queen couldn't help but shook her head with disdain.

The good impression I had on Hank some time ago because of Hank's construction of a brainwave enhancer was almost completely destroyed this time.

"The law of the jungle is an unchanging truth since ancient times. The weak are oppressed and die every day. This world has always been like this, and you are not the savior!"

"So, as a commoner, you don't have to worry about things that only a savior has to worry about, okay?"

"Emma, ​​you have powerful powers that ordinary people don't have. If you don't stand up at this time, what's the point of those powers?"

Hank argued with the White Queen again, and this situation had happened many times in the past few days.

Everyone has different ideas, and no one can convince anyone.

"Look, Ruiwen, call me if you need anything."

Rorschach ignored it. After saying hello to everyone, he stood up and planned to return to the training room.

If you have this skill, wouldn't it be nice to train your mind power more?

The bullets are indeed flying almost now, but it's still not enough!



But just when Rorschach stood up, the image on the TV screen suddenly began to tear and shake strangely.

Then it flashed a few times.

All the pictures disappeared, and an iron lump appeared on the TV screen.


"People on Earth, it's time to formally say hello to you."

"Your leaders are hiding the fact that you are not alone in this universe. You are not the only living beings."

"We have been hiding from you all this time!"

"As you can see, we can easily destroy your city, and there is nothing you can do about it."

"Leader of the Beautiful Country, listen carefully and hand over the source of fire, otherwise I will continue to destroy and destroy your city until everything is reduced to ashes!"

"No mercy!"


After delivering such a threatening "speech", Megatron went offline directly.

There is no doubt that not only the TV set in front of Rorschach, but also everyone in the United States encountered the same thing at the same moment.

Every TV, every screen, without exception, everything.

Almost the entire United States witnessed Megatron's speech.

It took only about a minute, but it was like a nuclear bomb was launched at America, blowing up the whole of America and setting off a huge wave.

Alien invasion!

Well, there is no suspense now.

The culprits who attacked various places in America these days are actually aliens!

Panicked like an old dog.

In an instant, the whole of America panicked.

They are never afraid of war, even when facing the former overlord like the Great Bear Country, they are not afraid at all, just roll up their sleeves and do it.

In this world, there is no country that makes America feel afraid, and America can do whatever it wants.

But it’s different now, now it’s aliens!

No matter how powerful America is, it can’t beat aliens.

Not to mention, the attacks launched by the Decepticons in various places across the country have indeed made them realize how powerful those aliens are.

It’s far beyond what humans can deal with!

Not just these ordinary people.

The smiling boy, the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Security, various congressmen, and so on, all the high-ranking officials of the United States.

They all looked at Megatron who made a harsh statement on the TV screen, frowned deeply, and showed deep worry on their faces.

These high-ranking officials know more than ordinary people, so they know more about the power of the Decepticons.

Therefore, they know that the Decepticons are definitely not exaggerating, and they really have the power to destroy America!

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