American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 195 Only mutants can save the world

White palace.

Central conference room.

The conference room, which symbolizes the highest power center, was full of people.

Looking around, every seat is occupied by super figures from all over the United States.

If someone throws a bomb into this office, no matter how many people are killed, the entire United States will be completely shaken.

No exaggeration at all.

The last meeting of this level was when Rorschach went on a killing spree in the Hexagon.

Unexpectedly, only a few months had passed, and most of the people at that meeting were here again.

"So far, the death toll has exceeded 8,000. Our police, military, even the FBI and CIA, as well as some other armed forces, have exchanged fire with these UB6s 79 times."

"Every time, the whole army was wiped out, without exception."

"Our two aircraft carrier formations were completely destroyed and eight military bases were razed to the ground!"

"And all of this happened in just five days!"

"As Megatron claimed, they could indeed destroy our city with ease!"

An official boss, wearing glasses and military uniform, sitting next to the laughing boy, slowly opened his mouth and gave a briefing to other senior officials.

This made the atmosphere in the already heavy conference room even more depressing and breathless.

"So far, UB6's attacks on our city have not stopped. The fact is obvious. If we don't hand over the source of the fire, they will not stop!"

After a pause, the military boss added again.

Let everyone's already heavy hearts be weighed down by a few big rocks again.

"Folks, this is what we're facing right now."

The voice of the laughing boy sounded. He glanced at everyone present and said in a deep voice, "What should be done? Let everyone express their opinions."

"At this point, I think we have no second choice except finding the source of the fire."

Before the laughing boy finished speaking, Director Hansen from the Intelligence Bureau immediately expressed his opinion.

This view was immediately unanimously agreed by many people, and many big shots spoke out in agreement.

"Do you really think that those UB6 will give up after finding the source of fire? How naive!"

But some people also raised objections.

"Megatron has already said that they have been hiding on the earth for many years. According to the information provided by Phillips and the others, there are indeed a large number of UB6 lurking on the earth. What is their plan after they have worked so hard?"

"What's more, the source of fire that Megatron mentioned can actually transform some objects into UB6. Everyone, do you really dare to hand over such a thing?"

"What if Megatron uses the source of fire to create a large army of UB6, that will be the real end of the world!"

A big boss from the National Security Agency analyzed the key to the problem very sharply.

This made everyone present couldn't help but look solemn.

If what the NSA boss said really happens, all of them here will be the culprits who caused the destruction of the world and will be nailed to the pillar of shame forever.

Stinking for eternity.

No one wants to bear this kind of consequences.

"Director Lewis, are you being a bit alarmist? Everything you said is just your inference, nothing more."

"There is no evidence that after getting the fire source, Megatron will create an army of UB6 to conquer the earth, right?"

"Yes, this is indeed a hypothesis I put forward, but it is a logical hypothesis. Even if there is only the slightest possibility of this kind of thing, we must put an end to it!"

"So according to what you want, we will let UB6 destroy our city now? Or should we go to full-scale war with them?"

The big guys at the scene were divided into two factions. One faction advocated obeying Megatron's request and finding the source of the fire, while the other faction held opposing views and started arguing fiercely.



At the critical moment, Phillips, one of the founders of SHIELD, cleared his throat and knocked on the table hard, attracting everyone's attention.

"It's pointless for you to discuss this because you have ignored one premise. Does any of you know how to find the source of fire?"

"Even the slightest clue?"

Phillips asked with a long look, looking at all the big guys present.

This question really made all the big guys stupid.


Does anyone know how to find the source of fire?

Even before Megatron threatened the world, they had never heard of this thing.

His eyes were completely black, and there was no trace of him at all. How could he find it?

"Phillips, didn't you say that the source of fire was taken away by UB6? Why is Megatron still looking for the source of fire?" The military boss looked at Phillips and asked.

"I don't know, maybe there is more than one source of fire?" Phillips spread his hands.

"Phillips, look at the good things you have done, you are responsible for all of this!"

An angry voice sounded, and a congressman began to angrily accuse Phillips.

Then the fuss started on the scene.


"They are all people of status, what's the point of making such a fuss!"

The scene became quiet only when the voice of the laughing boy sounded.

"Now is not the time to pursue responsibility, but there is one fact we must make clear, we must fight back! I will not hand over the fate of mankind to a group of aliens!"

"We Americans never compromise with terrorists, even alien terrorists!"

The laughing boy said to everyone in a decisive tone.

The laughing boy used his unquestionable attitude to force the two parties who were arguing fiercely on the scene to make a choice.

"Mr. President, how should we fight back? You can see that we don't have the strength to fight against UB6!"

"Unless we use nuclear weapons!"

"But Mr. President, have you really made this decision?"

A big man looked at the laughing boy in a deep voice and asked such a critical question.

"No, in addition to nuclear weapons, we have another choice."

Phillips spoke slowly at this time, "Mutants! Now the only ones who can save America are mutants."


As soon as the three words Phillips came out of his mouth, the scene immediately became quiet.

This is a very awkward and sensitive group.

"I know, I know what you are thinking. The relationship between us and mutants is a bit awkward, but now is not the time to think about these things."

"You should all know the abilities of those mutants. You know what they can do. Didn't I tell you that Rorschach easily killed four UB6s in our base and beat Megatron to flee?"

When the word Rorschach was mentioned, many people's faces became unnatural, and many people's eyes subconsciously flashed with fear.

Among the top leaders of the United States, this name is definitely a taboo.

"Phillips, what are you kidding, you don't know what that guy did, but now you let us rely on that guy? I can't do it!"

Someone suddenly couldn't accept it.

This kind of thing is simply a shame.

"Our country is experiencing the worst disaster in history, our people are being slaughtered and dying, but you are considering your own face at this time?"

"What on earth are you thinking about!"

Phillips slammed the table heavily and shouted at the big man angrily.

The big man was speechless, and many big men subconsciously showed shame.

In fact, everyone knows that letting mutants deal with UB6 is the best choice, but they just can't save face.

If they are really saved by mutants this time, how will they face mutants in the future?

To put it bluntly, it is really a matter of face.

"It's decided. Professor X has always advocated that mutants and ordinary humans live in peace. I will talk to Professor X in person."

"In addition, Phillips, doesn't Howard Stark have a friendship with Rorschach? You try to contact Rorschach."

In the end, it was the laughing boy who made the final decision and ended the debate on the spot.

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