American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 196 Charles and Eric visit Rorschach together

Mutant base.

"The United States is still under continuous attack all over the country, and the local war with aliens has lasted for six days."

"According to incomplete statistics, more than 8,000 people have died in this conflict, and more than 10,000 people have been injured, and this number is still rising."

"It has been three days since the aliens invaded our satellite and declared war on the earth. The vast majority of people in the United States are waiting for the government's attitude."

"But it is a pity that the government has not given a satisfactory answer to everyone except some appeasement and meaningless official words."


As always, the major TV stations focus on reporting news about "alien invasion".

Raven, Hank, the White Queen and Copycat are sitting in front of the TV, but Rorschach is not there.

It's not that Rorschach is going to do something or deal with the Decepticons. At this time, Rorschach is training in the training room.

After a few days of training, Rorschach found that his telekinesis improved very, very quickly. Now, Rorschach can easily lift a fifty-ton object with telekinesis.

You know, how long has it been since Rorschach got the second holy stone?

This speed of improvement can be said to be very terrifying.

And this feeling of getting stronger and stronger, to be honest, is really addictive. At least Rorschach has been immersed in this feeling of getting stronger these days and can't extricate himself.

"Rorschach has been in the training room for three days, right? He is really patient!"

Hank's voice sounded, and he was almost anxious, wishing he could rush out to deal with those Decepticons himself.

Raven, who was beside Hank, also had a solemn expression.

Although Raven agreed with Rorschach's method, it did not mean that Raven was indifferent to such a large-scale casualties.

Of course, the White Queen and Copycat were as indifferent as ever.

The two of them just watched it as a lively event.

"No, I can't go on like this!"

"I have to do something!"

Hank couldn't sit still any longer, so he stood up and walked out.

"Hank, where are you going? What can you do?" Raven stopped Hank, "Don't be impulsive!"

"I don't know what I can do, but no matter what I do, it's better than sitting there like this, Raven, don't stop me!" Hank said to Raven firmly.

"WELL, this is more interesting."

But at this moment, the White Queen suddenly showed a look of surprise and astonishment on her face, and then she couldn't help grinning.

"Everyone, we have guests."

Then the White Queen spoke to everyone at the scene.


Raven and Hank looked at each other, and their attention was involuntarily attracted to them.

Although this mutant base is large and grand, the mutants living here basically have no social circle, and the same is true for Selena's people who are responsible for "serving" Rorschach in this place.

So guests are still very rare for everyone.

Coupled with the appearance of the White Queen, everyone's appetite can be said to be all aroused at once.

"Emma, ​​don't keep us in suspense, who is coming?"

Raven couldn't help but look at the White Queen with interest and asked.

"Raven, Hank, they are our two old friends!"

Before the White Queen answered, Rorschach's voice suddenly sounded, and his figure suddenly appeared at the door.

"Old friends?"

Raven and Hank were slightly stunned, and then quickly reacted.

There were a total of five mutants at the scene, but Rorschach singled out that they were old friends of the three of them. Coupled with the White Queen's previous reaction, how could Raven and Hank not react?

Raven and Hank couldn't help but look at each other, and they saw a hint of surprise in each other's eyes.

"Rorschach, are they really Charles and Eric?"

Raven couldn't help but look at Rorschach and asked in a tone of surprise and joy.

"I've asked Selina to bring them here. You'll know soon."

Rorschach smiled and kept a secret for Raven and Hank.

"It must be them!"

Raven said heavily, and then couldn't help looking towards the door.

"I really don't know why those two guys came here."

The White Queen couldn't help but mutter, which further confirmed Raven's guess from the side.

Sure enough.

Not long after.

"The Supremes are inside."

Accompanied by Selina's voice, two long-lost figures appeared at the door.

The one on the left, with slightly curly long hair, exudes a noble temperament all over his body;

The one on the right, with a trace of vicissitudes on his face, a feeling of rebelliousness came over him.

Who else but Charles and Eric?

"Charles! Eric! It's really you!"

Raven couldn't help but scream out, unable to suppress the joy in her heart.

Although Hank was more restrained, his eyes were clearly filled with excitement.

In any case, they were all partners who had fought together in the past!

Even though there were many complicated and tortuous things, Hank had not completely forgotten those days.

"Everyone, how are you?"

Charles' voice sounded, and he glanced at Rorschach, Raven and Hank, with a very sad and complicated expression on his face.

But in the end, it turned into a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Charles happily greeted his three good friends in the past.

"Rorschach, do you actually own this place? I didn't expect that you and Charles are the same person."

Eric looked at this "mansion" in astonishment, which was exactly the same as Xavier Manor.

He had learned from Selina that this place was owned by Rorschach.

To be honest, it was still a surprise to Eric.

"I can only say that none of us can predict what will happen in the future."

Rorschach smiled at Charles and Eric, then walked forward and said from the bottom of his heart, "Welcome to our house, guys!"

"Why do you two suddenly come here at this time?"

The White Queen's attitude was not so polite. She glanced at the two and asked coldly.


After being asked by the White Queen, the smile on Charles' face gradually faded, becoming very solemn and serious, "I also want to reminisce with you, but I'm sorry, time is tight now, and I came here for this."

As he said, Charles pointed to the news being broadcast on TV.

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