American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 198 Three mutants gather and the battle begins

Not just Eric, but how about Rorschach and Charles?

Who would have thought that after everyone split up, we would still have a moment to face the enemy together and fight side by side.

Charles subconsciously glanced at Rorschach, and then at Eric beside him. Suddenly, he seemed to have returned to the days at Xavier Manor.

It's a pity that this is just an illusion.

Charles knew that everyone would never go back to the past, but he still felt very sad in his heart.

But now that the situation was urgent, it was not a time for sadness. Charles quickly put away these messy thoughts and began to seriously discuss the battle plan with his two old comrades.

Raven and Hank also joined in, and the White Queen and Copycat were not idle either.

Even though the White Queen and Copycat don't care about the lives of ordinary people, they still very much support and agree with Rorschach's plan to let mutants save the world at critical moments and change the status of mutants in one fell swoop.

So the attitude at this time can be considered positive.

The atmosphere at the scene started to get heated.

"On my side, besides me, there are also Cyclops Scott, Senju Hashirama Vincent, and Liz. They can all serve as the main combatants."

"what about you?"

After Rorschach finished talking about his situation, he looked at Charles and Eric.

Although there are indeed many mutants in the base, unfortunately, this time our opponents are very dangerous Decepticons, and those without two brushes cannot participate in the battle.

Otherwise it will just add chaos.

"Senju Hashirama?"

Eric couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He knew Vincent. The three of them were robbing people together, but in the end Vincent chose to follow Rorschach.

Eric knew that the other party's ability was to control plants, but why did he have such a strange nickname as Senju Hashirama?

What is the connection between the two?

Although Charles was also curious, he didn't ask any more questions and began to explain: "The Devastator, the Kraken, and Darwin, they can all participate in the battle."

Well, they are all old acquaintances.

Then everyone turned their attention to Eric.

But Eric spread his hands: "I have Zhanbo, Earth Walker, and Eagle here."

"Rorschach, Eric, you guys really haven't been idle during this time."

Charles glanced at the two of them and smiled with a complicated expression.

During this period of time, both Eric and Rorschach have formed their own forces, and it seems that they are still developing well.

Of course.

The same is true for Charles. He has not stopped recruiting mutants. In fact, Charles may have recruited the most mutants.

It's just that at the current stage, most of the people Charles recruited are not very powerful and are not suitable to participate in the war.

But fortunately, Charles' old team members are powerful enough. Devastator and Siren are both mutants who are proficient in energy attacks. They have become more mature and sophisticated after this period of training.

He is the perfect choice to deal with the Decepticons.

Darwin's Survival of the Fittest is not very aggressive, but its defensive capabilities should not be underestimated.

that's all.

The combatants are basically determined.

Next, the three people described the general information of the combatants in their respective bases to each other in order to better coordinate the battle.

Charles and Eric also formulated a detailed battle plan based on this.

As for Rorschach, he was not involved.

In terms of strategic layout, he is just a layman. There is no need to join in the fun at this time. Just leave professional matters to professionals.

Charles and Eric will not disappoint.

that's all.

After two hours.

The combatants from the three mutant bases were all assembled in Rorschach's base.

"Rorschach! Raven! Hank!"

"Alex! Sean! Darwin!"


Everyone rushed out to say hello enthusiastically, and the atmosphere was lively.


Another confused voice sounded, but it was Cyclops Scott who came out with a surprised look on his face.


When the ravager heard this voice, he turned his head subconsciously and was stunned.


The two sides hugged each other tightly.

"Scott, my parents said something happened to you, and I'm really worried."

"Alex, I'm fine. It was the dean who saved me."


"That's Rorschach!"

The two brothers, Cyclops and Devastator, began to gather around and chatter non-stop, which was very exciting.

"Scott, Alex, parents? What's going on, you guys?"

Ruiwen looked a little dumbfounded on the side. From the tone of these two people, they seemed to be brothers.

"Yes Raven, Alex is my biological brother!"

Cyclops introduced everyone enthusiastically.

What kind of rice thing?


It can be said that people on both sides were surprised and happy. This kind of thing was something that no one expected at all.

Then Scott introduced Vincent and Liz to everyone, and Magneto also introduced Chopper, Earthwalker and Hawk to everyone. This temporary combat team was known to everyone.

Rorschach, Charles and Eric were the three leaders of this combat team.

This was natural and logical.

No one raised any objections to this.

"We may have had some misunderstandings and unpleasantness with each other, but now is the time to put everything aside and join hands!"

"Aliens are destroying our homes. I know some of you may not care about the lives of ordinary people, but the aliens are destroying not only their homes, but also our homes!"

"Now, it's time to defend our homes and officially start fighting back against those aliens!"

Charles made a simple pre-war mobilization to the mutant combat team.

"Let the whole world truly see the power of us mutants!"

"We can do what they can't do, and we can defeat enemies they can't defeat!"

"Are you ready to let the world know us?"

Eric, who was standing next to Charles, immediately gave another speech in a completely different style.

As for Rorschach, he didn't waste any more words on it.

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