American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 199 Charles: Rorschach, you really surprised me

"Okay, everyone. Hank has prepared combat uniforms for us that are specially adapted to high-intensity combat. You have five minutes to prepare!"

After the pre-war mobilization was almost done, Charles did not say any more nonsense, but talked to everyone about business.

Selena, who was waiting on the side, waved her hand, and the people below immediately came over with a large box.


The box was opened, and it was full of uniforms.

Considering that they were facing dangerous aliens like the Decepticons, not ordinary humans, everyone did not raise any objections, and silently stepped forward to put on combat uniforms that could provide sufficient defense.

Of course.

With Rorschach's current skills, combat uniforms are not useful at all.

But now that everyone has changed, Rorschach will not do anything special at this time.

He also changed into combat uniforms quickly.

In addition to combat uniforms, there are some arrangements for accompanying emergency personnel and supplies, all of which are the responsibility of Hank.

In addition to some other things, it took half an hour for all preparations to be completed.

"Okay, everyone, our first stop is Rochester, let's go!"

Following Charles' call, all the mutants came to the tarmac and boarded the Blackbird fighter planes that had been prepared long ago.

"Look, they are going out to fight the Decepticons."

"I'm so envious, when can we be like them?"

"Yeah, it's a pity that we are too weak now."

"Scott and Vincent, those two guys, are really jealous!"

The other mutants in the base were almost numb with envy when they saw the mutants who walked up to the Blackbird fighter planes in a heroic manner.

But it's a pity.

They are still weak now.

When facing those terrible aliens, they are probably cannon fodder. If they go up, they will just cause trouble and will not be able to play any role.

"Damn it, why am I the one left behind!"

"I'm not the only one with psychic abilities!"

The White Queen was so angry that she stomped her feet.

That's right, she, an old veteran who has experienced many battles, is actually the one who is "left behind".

The reason is that the White Queen, a psychic, needs to use the brainwave enhancer to provide intelligence support to the mutants who are fighting and lock the specific location of the Decepticons!

But this kind of thing does not necessarily have to be done by her. Charles also has psychic abilities, and he is no worse than her!

Not only that, in addition to psychic abilities, the White Queen can also turn into diamonds, so even if she goes to the battlefield, she has a certain degree of self-protection.

Unlike Charles, he is a weakling on the battlefield!

After all, the ability of telepathy is useless to the Decepticons!

But even so, it is still not Charles who is "left behind", but her.

This makes the White Queen very depressed.

This feeling of being compared to someone who is not as good as herself in all aspects is really depressing.

"Emma, ​​why are you depressed? Isn't it good to watch the fun here? Or do you really want to fight to the death with those alien monsters?"

"There is no benefit if you win, and you will lose your life if you lose!"

The copycat cat who was also "left behind" is very open-minded.

She crossed her arms, glanced at the mutants who were boarding the plane with a look like watching a play, and said to the White Queen.

"That's right, even if all the people on Earth die, what does it have to do with me?"

"Whoever wants to go can go!"

The White Queen spat, turned around proudly, and walked away in high heels.

Not leaving a cloud behind.

On the other side.

Under the gaze of everyone, all the mutants who participated in the war completed boarding, and the Blackbird fighter began to spit out extremely blazing flames, circling into the air, and disappeared into the sky in a flash.

Inside the fighter.

Hank was driving the fighter, and Charles, Eric and Rorschach were sitting together, talking and laughing like they did in Xavier Manor.

The other mutants from the three bases stayed in another place, talking in twos and threes.

However, the mutants from Charles Base and Rorschach Base were much more enthusiastic. They were all very excited and got along well with no barriers.

If you don't know, you might think that these people are from the same place.

On the contrary, several mutants from Eric's Mutant Brotherhood were subconsciously ignored.

There is no way, they are really unfamiliar.

However, I don't know if these people have been with Eric for a long time and have been infected with Eric's temperament, or if Eric has absorbed similar people, each of them is very unruly.

They don't take the people from the other two sides seriously.

However, Rorschach, Charles and Eric are naturally too lazy to pay attention to these things. At this moment, they are also reminiscing about the past.

"Rorschach, to be honest, you surprised me after not seeing you for a few months."

Charles' surprised voice sounded, and he couldn't help but look at Rorschach and said.

Charles was not surprised at all by Eric's actions. The other party's behavior pattern was very consistent with his personality.

But Rorschach actually built a base of this scale, which really surprised Charles.

He could never have imagined that Rorschach actually had such a fortune.

Of course, this is actually secondary. What really surprised Charles was the official's attitude.

From the contact between the laughing boy and Charles, Charles could clearly feel the other party's fear of Rorschach!

It's not just ordinary fear, but deep fear!

But in addition to fear, the laughing boy also values ​​Rorschach very much.

The main purpose of asking Charles to come over was not to ask Charles to take action, but to let Charles ask Rorschach to take action!

So what did Rorschach do to make the official look so shocked and scared?

"It seems that Rorschach has done a lot of things during this period."

Eric stared at Rorschach and asked curiously.

Rorschach obviously recruited a lot of people, but Rorschach didn't do anything, so what was Rorschach's purpose?

Just to provide a shelter for mutants?

This road is a bit narrow.

"Aren't you the same?"

Rorschach spread his hands and smiled at Charles and Eric.

The three of them looked at each other, and a tacit understanding spread in the air.

It seemed that everyone was doing something for the mutants in their own way.

Everyone stopped talking about these heavy topics and started chatting with each other like ordinary old friends who had met after a long time.

The atmosphere was very good.

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