American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 200 The most powerful mutant is him!


The busiest city center.

Boom boom boom!

Bang bang bang!

This dull and suppressed sound of explosions, artillery fire, and extremely dense bullet shooting sounded one after another.

However, they saw seven Decepticons fighting against the troops in front of them, relying on the streets that they had destroyed to the point of ruins.

Looking around, I saw several tanks, tactical assault vehicles, armored vehicles and other "big guys" lying on the ground scattered on the street.

no way.

In this day and age, even a country like the United States cannot acquire more powerful weapons to deal with the Decepticons.

This is the only weapon they can use that can pose a threat to the Decepticons.

Boom boom boom!

Along with this roar, the three remaining tanks on the scene began to carry out crazy bombardments against the Decepticons who were dodging left and right. They were obviously huge but as agile as monkeys.

Whoosh whoosh!

Other cooperating troops were not idle either. Various rocket launchers and missiles were constantly fired at the Decepticons.

"It's really unbelievable that a weak species like human beings can actually create weapons of this level."

One of the Decepticons was doing fancy dodges, but it didn't stop him from talking nonsense with his companions, which showed how little he paid attention to the human army.

"Isn't this just right? Otherwise, where would we have so much fun?"

Another Decepticon blasted something like an energy cannon towards the front.

A rocket exploded immediately midway.

Even though they were so far away, they couldn't have any impact on these Decepticons at all.

"Okay, don't waste any time, Diamondbacks, start attacking and crush them completely!"

Not far away, a Decepticon that looked like a mountain and was made of silver and white looked like a leader, giving orders to everyone casually.

"Eboning Knife, you are always so boring, and we haven't even finished our fun yet!"

The rattlesnake complained, but still did not hesitate. At this moment, its body suddenly deformed rapidly and turned into something similar to a three-headed snake.

He suddenly drilled into the ground.

The corresponding parts on its entire body rotated at high speed, like a drill bit drilling into a well, drilling into the extremely hard road!

Boom boom boom!

Along with such a sound, a row of waves began to rise on the ground, quickly rushing towards a tank in front.

"Be careful, that guy is here again!"

"Quick, retreat quickly!"

Accompanied by such exclamations, the waves of earth were seen rushing onto the tank at an incredible speed.

The tank made a loud noise, then rocked violently.

But the next moment.

Three huge "metal snakes" suddenly emerged from the ground, and in an instant the tank was lifted up.

The tank was such a huge thing that it actually flew a few meters away and hit the ground hard.

Needless to say, it was completely destroyed.


The commander at the scene, Colonel Adkins, felt his scalp numb and his face turned extremely ugly.

A weapon of the size of a tank can be destroyed so easily in front of the opponent.

How else to fight this battle?


While their balls were hurting, the Decepticons in front of them launched another fierce artillery attack on them mercilessly.

Immediately, many soldiers were blown to pieces.

And what about their artillery shells?

The opponent either avoided it or had other means to intercept it, and it had almost no impact on the opponent.

The situation at the scene can be said to be very severe and tense.

Everyone knows that this war will end with the annihilation of the human army just like the many other wars with the Decepticons.

But even so, no one can retreat!

Even if he fights to death until the last person is left!

All the warriors who fought against the Decepticons came with this awareness of death.

"OK, Sidewinder, there are two more tanks, work harder and kill them all. We've been playing with them for a while now, it's time to get down to business."

On the other side, the Eviscerate Knife ruthlessly gave orders to the group of Decepticons under his command.

Now that the opponent's weapons that pose a threat to them have been almost destroyed, it is time to start a full-scale counterattack.

All the Decepticons cheered up.


But at this time, the dull sound of gas explosions was faintly heard.

Both parties at the scene, whether it was the Decepticons or Akins and others, were familiar with this sound. They immediately realized that there were other fighters flying over!

Several Decepticons subconsciously looked up at the sky, and sure enough they discovered that a small black dot was flying rapidly in their direction.

"Fang, I leave it to you!"

The boning knife gave a casual order.


Fangs responded, and his body transformed, turning into a fighter jet, and flew out in a swish.

Fly towards the uninvited guest flying in the sky.

disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"You guys."

Inside the Blackbird fighter jet.

Earthwalker's voice sounded, with a hint of arrogance on his face, looking at the mutants from Charles Base and Rorschach Base who were chatting enthusiastically, and asked.

He pointed his mouth in the direction of Rorschach.

"Is that guy really the strongest mutant you have ever seen? Stronger than Eric?"

Zhabo and Eagle beside Earthwalker also showed a look of suspicion.

"This must be an exaggeration, right? Except for the one who can control people's brains, I don't believe anyone can be stronger than Eric."

Zhabo also echoed on the side.

But they had just finished saying this, and saw that the mutants from the two bases opposite couldn't help laughing.

"Man, Eric is indeed very strong, I don't deny it, but compared with Rorschach, he is still not good enough."

The Ravager immediately spoke in a very affirmative tone.

"Really? Then how about Rorschach and Charles?" Eagle raised his eyebrows.

"Of course Rorschach is more powerful!" The Siren said as a matter of course.

"Hey, you two are Charles's men, right?" Earthwalker couldn't help but shout.

"Yes, we are Charles's men, but Rorschach is indeed better than Charles, there is no contradiction."

Darwin said more as a matter of course.

Earthwalker, Eagle and Zanbo looked at each other and became more and more unconvinced.

Even the people in other camps were convinced, is that guy really that powerful?

They really want to see it!

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

"A fighter is flying towards us!"

At this moment, Hank's solemn warning came from the front.

At the same time, a piercing alarm also sounded in the entire Blackbird fighter.

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