American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 201 Rorschach takes action, stunning everyone, worthy of the title of the strongest

Enemy attack!

Everyone on the Blackbird fighter plane changed their expressions. They didn't care about discussing who was the strongest mutant. They immediately turned their heads and looked out the window.

As expected, they saw it.

Another fighter plane had approached their Blackbird fighter plane at some point.

Bang, bang, bang!

Bang, bang, bang!

At this moment, that fighter plane also fired at Hank's Blackbird fighter plane mercilessly.

Two rows of Gatling-like barrels were rotating rapidly, and countless bullets were shot at the Blackbird fighter plane like a stream of water.

"Everyone sit tight!"

Hank greeted everyone, and then began to drive the Blackbird fighter plane and made some corresponding dodges.

"Let you have a taste of my power!"

Hank then pressed the corresponding button, and two missiles drew a long trajectory in the air and blasted towards the Decepticon fighter plane opposite, that is, Fang.

Bang, bang, bang!

Bang, bang, bang!

But Fangs is not a joke. He performed a very fancy sliding action, and two rows of Gatling bullets locked onto the missile fired by Hank with incredible accuracy.



The missile exploded directly in mid-air.

It didn't hurt Fangs at all.

"Isn't this... a bit exaggerated?"

The Siren's mouth opened wide, and he said in astonishment.

The pilot of the fighter plane on the opposite side must have cheated, otherwise how could he do such an incredible thing?

Bullets hitting missiles?

It's an exaggeration even in the plot of a movie.

"There's no one in the cockpit, it's a Decepticon!"

Eagle really deserves the nickname of Eagle. At least his eyesight is great. At such a long distance, and still moving around, he can actually see the cockpit of the enemy fighter.

"That's right, there's no one on that fighter plane, it's a Decepticon!"

Charles' solemn voice began to come, and he also used his telepathy to sense this, "The battle has begun, everyone be careful!"

It's a Decepticon!

Everyone's expression began to become solemn.


Along with such a sound of breaking through the air, Fang also fired two missiles at the Blackbird fighter.

Hank naturally couldn't shoot down the missiles as easily as Fang, so he could only follow the steps and fire a large number of jamming bombs.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The jamming bombs were like fireworks, with the Blackbird fighter as the center, and fired in rows towards the three axes of xyz. At first glance, their trajectories were quite beautiful.


The two missiles fired by Fang hit the jamming bombs hard, and the whole thing exploded directly.

"It's my turn!"


Hank pressed the button again, and two more missiles were fired at Fang, but they were easily shot down by Fang again with ordinary bullets.

It was quite depressing.

"Damn it!"

"Is this the Decepticon?"

Everyone in the fighter plane was very upset, and their faces were all very bad.

Judging from the situation in front of them, the Blackbird fighter plane can't beat the Decepticon at all.

After all, this is understandable.

No matter how powerful and advanced the Blackbird fighter plane is, it is just a machine controlled by people.

And the Decepticons? They have their own wisdom.

How can this be compared?

"Hank, open the hatch."

When Rorschach saw this, he couldn't bear it anymore. He unbuckled his seat belt, stood up, and casually greeted Hank.

This battle is the first battle between mutants and Decepticons. Rorschach wants not only to win, but also to win beautifully and domineeringly!

The reason why Rorschach didn't take action at the beginning was that he mainly considered to let the whole world realize the power of the mutant group and change its attitude towards the mutant group.

Then he can't be a lone hero.

He has to leave opportunities for other mutants to take action.

Otherwise, why would Rorschach need to join forces with Charles and Eric?

Why would he need these young mutants to act together?

He could solve this crisis by himself.

But in this way, Rorschach is just pretending, and everyone will only remember Rorschach, that's all.

Not the entire mutant community.

This is not what Rorschach wants to see.

What's more.

Rorschach has never had the brainless awareness of "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility" like Spider-Man. Who says that if you are strong, you have to do everything?

Who says that the strong should turn the tide?

The strong should not owe each other anything.

Isn't it good to just join in the fun?

In this battle with the Decepticons, Rorschach's positioning for himself was very clear from the beginning, just to join in the fun.

The protagonist is not him, but several mutants under his "subordinates", the mutants of Charles and Eric.

But now, if Rorschach continues to watch the fun, he will be slapped in the face by the Decepticons, so he stood up without hesitation.

"Rorschach, are you finally losing your temper?"

Charles laughed at the side, "I thought you were going to sit there for a long time."

Eric didn't say much, but glanced at the fangs in the distance with a very sympathetic look.


Hank knew Rorschach's ability, so when he saw Rorschach was going to deal with the Decepticon himself, he opened the hatch on one side of the fighter plane without hesitation.

Rorschach walked directly to the hatch.

"What is he doing?"

"Is he going to jump down?"

Earthwalker, Chopper and Eagle looked at each other in bewilderment when they saw Rorschach's actions.


But at this moment, a sonic boom suddenly sounded.

And with this sonic boom, Rorschach's body suddenly disappeared.

At the same moment, the people on the fighter plane felt a flash in front of their eyes, as if a vague shadow hit the Decepticon fighter plane in the distance.

It's just that the shadow was so fast that their vision couldn't catch it in time.

"What is this?"

Fangs also felt confused. What did he just scan?

A person seemed to fly out at the speed of sound?


The next moment, a huge force hit Fangs hard.

The force was so great that Fangs was smashed into pieces and turned into slag!


Fangs exploded immediately afterwards.

At the moment when the flames shot up into the sky, Rorschach, who had disappeared in front of the door of the Blackbird fighter, appeared again.

It seemed that everyone was just dazzled and had never flown out.

The whole fighter suddenly became quiet, and the atmosphere immediately became a little subtle.

That Decepticon was destroyed so easily?

It really deserves to be Rorschach!

"This is... too exaggerated, right?"

The Earthwalker who had questioned Rorschach before was completely stunned and muttered such a sentence.

Looking at the Eagle and Chopper beside him, they were also stunned, and their reactions were not much better than Earthwalker.

The three of them looked at each other, and at this time they finally understood why Rorschach was called the strongest mutant.

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