American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 202: Killing Decepticons in seconds, this is Magneto!

what's the situation?

Looking at the ball of flames exploding in the sky, all the Decepticons on the ground were shocked.

"What happened? Fang was killed!?"

The boning knife couldn't help but whisper.

It's just a human fighter, but it's not something that the fangs can do easily?

I don’t know how many human armed helicopters and fighter jets have been destroyed by these Tianfangs.

Although those things look more bluffing, in the end they still have to be manually controlled by humans, and all kinds of reactions are seriously delayed. In addition, the firepower is not as strong as the fangs, and there is basically no power to fight back in front of the fangs.

So when the fangs took off to deal with another human fighter jet, no one paid it any attention. They didn't even take a second look. They didn't pay attention at all.

after all.

A battle without any suspense, what's there to watch?

But who would have thought that the imagined situation of the fangs easily destroying human fighter jets as usual did not happen. Instead, the fangs were killed in a very short period of time.

how come?

That fighter plane is so powerful?

"That good-for-nothing Fang actually died like that!"

One Decepticon couldn't help but cursed fiercely, his voice full of disgust.

Come on, they are Decepticons!

A powerful race that is superior to the weak race of humans in every aspect!

It would be fine if one person was dealing with a fighter formation, and there would be no shame in losing. But now Tusk was actually killed in a one-on-one situation. Isn't this unreasonable?

"Very good!"

"The Decepticons were actually wiped out!"

Compared with the surprise and pain on the Decepticon side, Colonel Adkins was surprised and happy.

Originally, when they saw a fighter jet rushing over to support them, they were all very worried because they had seen how powerful the Decepticons were.

Knowing that a fighter jet really has no advantage in front of the Decepticons.

But who could have imagined that the development of things was completely beyond everyone's expectations.

That fighter jet, unexpectedly, killed the terrifying Decepticon that destroyed four of their armed fighter jets and two of their fighter jets so quickly.


Great job!


While everyone was extremely excited, a question suddenly emerged in their hearts:

Who is this coming person?

They didn't receive any news of the arrival of support!


that's all.

Under the attention of the Decepticons and Colonel Adkins, the Blackbird fighter jets got closer and closer, and began to try to land slowly in the open area nearby.

"Decepticons, here we come!"

On the fighter plane, the mutants looked through the windows and saw the tall and oppressive Decepticons outside, and they all felt excited and nervous.

Most of them are no longer "amateurs". They have all been baptized by actual combat, but they have never dealt with such a being.

"Don't be nervous, everyone."

"I am Professor

"I think you should have received the relevant information. If not, you can verify it yourself, but we are here to help you, don't get me wrong."

At the same moment, the voice from Charles also sounded in the minds of Adkins and other soldiers.

Charles Xavier?

Akins showed a look of confusion on his face. He had never heard of this name.

But this method of being able to directly ring a voice in one's ears clearly reveals the other party's identity: a mutant.

Those who come are mutants!

Not only Akins, but other soldiers on the scene also reacted immediately.

Everyone still has very complicated feelings about this. For a long time, the mainstream attitude of this country towards mutants has been suppression and hostility. It is impossible for them not to be prejudiced against mutants.

But at the same time.

When facing such a terrifying and desperate enemy as Megatron, Akins and others couldn't hide their excitement when they saw the mutants coming.

Mutants are a powerful group with all kinds of incredible abilities. They could even destroy an aircraft carrier fleet during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

If anyone can deal with those aliens, it's probably the mutants.


The sound of the boning knife sounded, and he gave the order to the rattlesnake again.

The rattlesnake understood, and its huge body began to rotate again, and it disappeared directly into the ground.

But Akins and others could clearly see that the familiar waves of soil appeared on the ground again, and quickly spread in the direction of the Blackbird fighter.


"Beware of enemy attacks!"

"There are Decepticons scurrying through the ground!"

Upon seeing this, Akins immediately shouted anxiously in the direction of the Blackbird fighter jet.

But how could the people inside the Blackbird fighter hear it?

"Don't worry, we have the situation under control!"

But in Akins' mind, Charles' voice sounded again.

At the same time, Akins' relevant memories were also completely read by Charles.

So even though Charles couldn't see the waves on the ground due to the angle of view, he also knew what was going to happen next.

"Eric, there is a Decepticon similar to a three-headed snake rushing towards us from underground." Charles immediately said to Eric.

"I know, I have sensed it."

Eric also unbuckled his seat belt at this time, slowly stood up, and walked towards the hatch that was opened for Rorschach before.

"Do I need to change a place to land?"

Hank, who was in the driver's seat, couldn't help but turn his head and look at Eric and asked.

"No, just a little slower." Eric said to Hank confidently.


At this moment, the soil exploded, and three "metal snakes" as thick as a human head suddenly jumped up from the ground.

Shot fiercely at the Blackbird fighter!

Akins and others couldn't help but jump their eyelids.

But at that critical moment, the bodies of the three "metal snakes" swung fiercely, as if they hit an invisible transparent barrier, and froze directly.

It turned out that Eric was standing at the door of the Blackbird fighter, and stretched out his hand to the rattlesnake, and imprisoned it in an instant.

Then Eric gently raised his hand, and the rattlesnake's body, which was 20 to 30 meters long, flew directly into the air!

It was as if it was grabbed by an invisible big hand!

It struggled and twisted wildly in the air, but could no longer cause any damage to the Blackbird fighter!

At this time, Eric opened his five fingers lightly.




With these few sounds, the three heads of the rattlesnake were directly broken off from the body.

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