American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 203 Mutants vs. Decepticons, all-out war!

Eric's face was cold and he retracted his right hand at this time, as if he had done something insignificant.


The huge body of the rattlesnake fell heavily from the air into several pieces, splashing endless smoke and dust.

The ground under everyone's feet seemed to tremble.


The scene suddenly became quiet.

Whether it was Colonel Akins and others, or the Decepticons such as the Boning Knife, they were all completely shocked by the scene happening in front of them.

They couldn't believe their eyes at all.

What's going on?

The rattlesnake was actually killed by someone waving his hand?

What kind of international joke!

"Is this... a mutant?"

"So powerful, but at the same time... so scary!"

Colonel Akins swallowed his saliva subconsciously, stared at Eric who slowly floated out of the Blackbird fighter, and muttered in his heart.

It was the three-headed Decepticon, very, very difficult to deal with. It could burrow into the ground at any time and then jump out at will, launching ruthless attacks on them.

Most of their tanks and tactical assault vehicles were killed by the three-headed Decepticon, and they had no way to deal with the three-headed Decepticon.

But such a tricky thing was actually killed by the mutant wearing a helmet with a wave of his hand?

It was as simple as slapping a fly to death!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, Colonel Akins and others would never have believed their eyes.

"How ridiculous! Is this the mutant the master said?"

The boning knife was shocked and angry, "I don't believe it. Mutants are so powerful!"

Tut tut tut!

Tut tut tut!

Before the voice fell, the boning knife raised his left hand, and a gun barrel similar to that of a Gatling gun began to rotate rapidly, spraying bullets as dense as raindrops at Eric.

But Eric was not in a hurry, he just waved his hand forward gently, as if an invisible barrier was shot out by Eric.

A large number of bullets stopped in front of Eric and floated in front of Eric.

Eric waved his hand again in the direction of the boning knife.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

All the bullets shot by the boning knife turned back and hit the boning knife.

Ding Ding Dang Dang!

A burst of dense metal sounds suddenly sounded, accompanied by sparks splashing out, and the boning knife seemed to perform an electric spark show for everyone.

However, there is no doubt that this kind of ordinary bullet will naturally not have any effect on a mechanical life form like the boning knife.

The boning knife did not care about those attacks, but just snorted coldly from its mouth: "Blocked? Then what about this one?"


Before he finished speaking, the parts on the right hand of the Bonechop Knife began to surge and roll rapidly, and a muzzle was "assembled" like that.

He suddenly raised his right hand, and the oppressive muzzle was raised towards Eric.

But Eric was not a useless person.

When the Bonechop Knife attacked him, he also suddenly launched his ability towards the Bonechop Knife, and suddenly stretched out his hand towards the Bonechop Knife.

A huge force directly acted on the Bonechop Knife.

The Bonechop Knife was shocked to find that his body was actually lifted up by the inexplicable force!

"What's going on!"

"How could such a thing happen!"

The Bonechop Knife was shocked.

Even though he had seen how Rattlesnake was killed, he was still shocked to experience such a thing himself.

But the Bonechop Knife is not Rattlesnake after all, and its strength is much stronger than Rattlesnake, otherwise how could it become the leader of these Decepticons?

While being shocked, the Boning Knife did not forget to fight back. He gritted his teeth and burst out all his strength.

He just broke through the huge force acting on him, pointed the barrel at Eric, and fired a shell at Eric.

But something happened that the Boning Knife could not accept. The warhead of his shell was blocked by Eric again!

This is fucking!

Can you believe this?

He, the leader of the Decepticon squad, was helpless against a human?

Although he was a mutant different from ordinary humans, he was still a human after all!

Boom boom boom!

Tut tut tut!

Fortunately, the other Decepticons would not watch their boss being killed. One by one, they bombarded Eric fiercely.

Countless bullets and shells bombarded Eric like a dense sky covering the sun.

But without a doubt, all of them were blocked by Eric.

But Eric spent a lot of energy to deal with those attacks, so he was much weaker against the attack from the boning knife.

He could only temporarily confine the boning knife in the air, but had no time to kill the opponent in one fell swoop like killing a rattlesnake.

"This man can actually block all our attacks? Damn it!"

"How can we deal with him like this?"

"Does he have the ability to control the force field like Lord Fallen King Kong? Try using energy attacks!"

While attacking Eric madly, the Decepticons also quickly found a strategy to deal with Eric.

Among them, the Decepticons with corresponding "functional modules" had their corresponding "structures" surging wildly, and another special cannon barrel condensed out.

A bang of energy cannon blasted towards Eric.

Eric's face suddenly condensed, and his pupils shrank instantly.

He couldn't deal with the energy cannon!


But at this moment, a ball of blue energy suddenly appeared in front of Eric.

It flashed with dazzling light and rippled.

It blocked the energy cannon fired by the Decepticons in an instant.

Eric subconsciously turned his head to look, but he saw that it was the woman named Liz Sherman who looked very cold and came from the Rorschach base.

She stretched out her hands and shot out those blue energy barriers to help Eric block the attack of the energy cannon.

At this time, Hank had already landed the Blackbird fighter, and the mutants came out of the Blackbird fighter one by one.

They stood side by side without any prior agreement, just standing behind Eric.

Eric also slowly landed from the air to the ground at this time, and joined the mutants.

The Decepticons on the opposite side did the same, and everyone gathered behind the boning knife that Eric had released because of the energy cannon attack.

The two sides just looked at each other from the two ends of the battlefield, and a silent smoke began to spread.

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